HomeA8Studio Release Notes

A8Studio Release Notes

Release 2.13

23th Aug, 2024

  • On Clicking the Label for any required fields, ” * ” is adding continuously in label fieldhas been fixed. #6313
  • GenAI Verse AI Agents #6068
  • Forms-Component is being removed on pressing Delete to edit the label using double click #6277
  • TAB component in Forms v3 – Changes in Any onload of any tab is reflecting on all onload of all tabs #6305
  • Color Picker Crashes When Clearing Code Text Input Field #6150
  • V3-Obtaining ‘Invalid form json’ error on copy pasting some Hex codes in color picker ex:#330000  #6258
  • Properties Panel Value Not Updating When Widget Removed from Canvas #6152
  • Unimport Custom Widgets needs an Alert #6155
  • Import/Unimport Custom Widget Issue #6253
  • Custom widgets not showing in studio #6257
  • Enhance Widget Visibility Check Naming #6199
  • GenAI Verse integration  #5903
  • GenAI Verse integration #5903
  • Mobile Browser-V3-Unable to upload files in scanner, uploader and selfie #5824
  • Get Collections By DeploymentId, Get Documents, Get Tasks, Get Forms, Get Apps, Get Configuration Variables, Get BPMN Metadata, and Get Variables APIs are changed into new endpoints. #5616
  • Run time Audit Log – user ID search does not search based on the exact ID entered #6316
  • Handled random cases where the service tasks are delayed or gets stuck on execution #6219
  • Displayed public IP instead of private IP in the audit history. #5878
  • Handled permissions for form details and BPMN metadata, Apis #6351
  • Migrated Get Collections By DeploymentId, Get Documents, Get Tasks, Get Forms, Get Apps, Get Configuration Variables, Get BPMN Metadata and Get Variables API #5451
  • process: migrate: create does not function as expected; fix added #5685

Release 2.12

20th Aug, 2024

Release 2.11

20th Aug, 2024

Release 2.10

08th Aug, 2024

Release 2.09

06th Aug, 2024

Release 2.08

01st Aug, 2024

Release 2.07

26th July, 2024

  • Chat – Added 2 seconds delay between consecutive large messages from a message node
  • Fixed a8flow deeplink sdk access issue after calling a client side function with sdk calls
  • Chat – Fixed missing contents, service and form references in a journey on importing an app
  • Ability to sync styles to a specific form factor
  • A8Flow – In Android, If the User is Enabled 2FA, that user unable to login.
  • Refresh Token API Continuously calling issue fixed
  • Error validation not working on form submit issue fixed
  • Implemented Tab Restriction via MQTT
  • Astro UI-Primary and Secondary color changes applied to all the buttons and highlights
  • fixed deactivate User API taking too much time to deactivate the user
  • A8Studio Form v2: Add new widget: Container
  • Add Intelligence for Astro Batch Operations execute
  • Client side function – “a8forms” SDK is not working issue fixed
  • Implement onboarding for studio app creation
  • Need to fix the List of UI issues for Input component error message.
  • Add support for error message for input components
  • segment component – Not able to disable the segment ID dynamically.
  • Copy/Paste does not work inside a tabbar
  • Added Topic for Tab restriction
Api Gateway:
  • Handled unauthentication for notifications and get token apis
  • In Table Component, implemented isEditable option to edit data
  • In Table Component, implemented isEditable option to edit data
  • While changing the input background color, Error font color also changing.
  • Customized values are resetting after clicking “Customize text appearance”.
  • Color is not changing while dragging the color in color picker for input component.
  • Add support for error message for input components
  • Data not getting Uploaded in the scanner when using Web Browser in Safari. Please find the attached video for reference

Release 2.06

17th July, 2024

  • Fixed unauthorized page issue on opening solo tasks page without apps permission
  • Applied AES encryption for all the APIs that sends a password in request body – Create, Update User, First Login, Change and Forgot Password
  • Remove source map for production environments
  • New Settings page – API calls shows twice while switching the tabs issue fixed.
  • 500 Error Message Displaying for Claim and Unclaim Actions in Tasks List View.
  • Apps list not showing in apps navigation.
  • Permission handled for DMN
  • Applied AES decryption for the APIs passing password in request body – Create, Update User
  • Added Change and Forgot Password APIs to handle encrypted passwords in the request body and calls engine rest internally
  • fixed issue with bulk user creation
  • A8Chat – Fixed 404 error on using dynamic message when flow is assisted by a live agent
  • A8Chat – Fixed 400 error on accessing solo sdk functions from service attached in QNA response
  • Component is being removed on pressing Delete to delete the text in properties/layout panels in v3 has been fixed
  • Web/V3 – Support for barchart.
  • Add support for uploading app icons
  • Feature to edit the label on double click
  • Tab bar – Issue on reordering the components.
  • Added support for duplicating / copying a form
  • The image blinks when you type in the tars.
  • There is no required field for radio button.
  • Add support for uploading app icons
  • Deactivated User is able to claim the task via API.
Core components:
  • Instance Uploader – After selecting all annotations, “Select file name“ modal is not disappearing until reloading the frame.
  • Multi-select Of Documents is not supported for Uploader without Annotation
  • Assisted V1-Unable to upload image using uploader component in mobile browser.
  • Unable to view the pdf downloaded from the scanner component when image is masked issue fixed
  • Table component On click, pagination need a function call facilities.
  • Select component drop-down value that appears behind the value of the table component header and As you navigate through the form, the dropdown options remain consistent.
  • Web/V3 – Support for barchart.
  • Feature to edit the label on double click
  • Column Cant able to scroll in flow web
  • Send Link alert is not closed and image is not displayed untill the form is refreshed for the image uploaded through mobile link/QR
  • fixed extra width issue in table component
  • removed default values being displayed during runtime in table component
  • Table component On click, pagination need a function call facilities.
  • OR condition is not validated in hide/show element

Release 2.05

12th July, 2024

  • Fixed unauthorized page issue on opening solo tasks page without apps permission
  • Applied AES encryption for all the APIs that sends a password in request body – Create, Update User, First Login, Change and Forgot Password
  • Remove source map for production environments
  • New Settings page – API calls shows twice while switching the tabs issue fixed.
  • 500 Error Message Displaying for Claim and Unclaim Actions in Tasks List View.
  • Apps list not showing in apps navigation.
  • Applied AES decryption for the APIs passing password in request body – Create, Update User
  • Added Change and Forgot Password APIs to handle encrypted passwords in the request body and calls engine rest internally
  • A8Chat – Fixed 404 error on using dynamic message when flow is assisted by a live agent
  • A8Chat – Fixed 400 error on accessing solo sdk functions from service attached in QNA response
  • Component is being removed on pressing Delete to delete the text in properties/layout panels in v3 has been fixed
  • Web/V3 – Support for barchart.
  • Add support for uploading app icons
  • Feature to edit the label on double click
  • Tab bar – Issue on reordering the components.
  • Added support for duplicating / copying a form
  • The image blinks when you type in the tars.
  • There is no required field for radio button.
  • Add support for uploading app icons
  • Deactivated User is able to claim the task via API.
Core components:
  • Instance Uploader – After selecting all annotations, “Select file name“ modal is not disappearing until reloading the frame.
  • Multi-select Of Documents is not supported for Uploader without Annotation
  • Assisted V1-Unable to upload image using uploader component in mobile browser.
  • Unable to view the pdf downloaded from the scanner component when image is masked issue fixed
  • Table component On click, pagination need a function call facilities.
  • Select component drop-down value that appears behind the value of the table component header and As you navigate through the form, the dropdown options remain consistent.
  • Web/V3 – Support for barchart.
  • Feature to edit the label on double click
  • Column Cant able to scroll in flow web
  • Send Link alert is not closed and image is not displayed untill the form is refreshed for the image uploaded through mobile link/QR
  • fixed extra width issue in table component
  • removed default values being displayed during runtime in table component
  • Table component On click, pagination need a function call facilities.
  • OR condition is not validated in hide/show element

Release 2.04

8th July, 2024

  • Handled default values for smtp mail from env
  • Entire a8 flow application should accessible with permission set
  • A8Flow: Loading tabs should not be shown on obtaining 403 forbidden page
  • A8Flow:Issue with PDF Preview in Details and Document previewer/Unable to scroll down and copy contents in pdf
  • fixed function not executing while opened using deepLink shorten url
  • Integrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment  new API in V2
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Select component – Need a read only option included.
  • Card variables are not updated in Task Summary and on cards immediately has been fixed
  • Issue fixed in filtering data when there are multiple records in response using Multiple Operators
  • Solo – Added file icons in active and history manage variables for text, json, zip and xml file types
  • Added User deactivate and activate feature for user management
  • Fixed adding suggestions issue for messages when editing qna under response type-service
  • In Deployment, added  Loader for “Yes” button after enabling “Deploy DMN”.
  • Added Export option in A8studio Audit Logs
  • getKey() added for I18N
  • A8Studio Form v3: Update padding, margin, border as per figma design to show hints for top, right, left, bottom properties
  • A8Studio-Assisted: UI issue in assisted journey screen
  • A8Astro Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • The code for the V2 Code Editor When pasted into a notepad or console, copied code becomes limited.
  • ontext Menu does not appear near the mouse position when you right click
  • Remove unnecessary properties of widgets
  • Add feature to close popups on pressing Esc key on keyboard
Core v3:
  • Assisted V3-Selfie Camera-off: Fix for modal is displayed even after the image is uploaded
  • Implemented dynamic url for avatar component
  • fixed Segment component not working with bindParams
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • V3 Forms: Components are moved to fixed position on clicking a button to show snackbar.
  • A8Flow-SnackBar Issues
  • Widget height is not applied when removing the typed value.Expected behaviour it should take the height from global css.
  • Label Default Height Not Updated After Form Builder Reload.
  • Solo V3 Forms: On placing the image slider component inside a column, image slider’s width should be refactored
  • v3forms-On selecting Image Fill checkbox, Image getting disappear
  • Uploader limit issue – Even if the limit is set to 1 , user is able to capture multiple photos
A8flow-apis v2
  • Migrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment API in V2
  • Fixed content deletion issue when attached in a solo flow and qna dialog
  • Supported retry of service nodes of active sessions when engine restarts
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in forms and client side functions
  • Chat – Replaced undefined and null values of a text content with a space when substituting variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in active and history manage variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in services and server side functions
A8Live-Engine & A8Live-API
  • Restricted status update of a virtual agent to prevent offline / unavailable status issue
  • Chat – Fixed astro and i18n sdk url reference issue when using a form in live agent console
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Fixed a8forms.save() function call issue while using private bucket

Release 2.03

27th June, 2024

  • Handled default values for smtp mail from env
  • Entire a8 flow application should accessible with permission set
  • A8Flow: Loading tabs should not be shown on obtaining 403 forbidden page
  • A8Flow:Issue with PDF Preview in Details and Document previewer/Unable to scroll down and copy contents in pdf
  • fixed function not executing while opened using deepLink shorten url
  • Integrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment  new API in V2
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Select component – Need a read only option included.
  • Card variables are not updated in Task Summary and on cards immediately has been fixed
  • Issue fixed in filtering data when there are multiple records in response using Multiple Operators
  • Solo – Added file icons in active and history manage variables for text, json, zip and xml file types
  • Fixed adding suggestions issue for messages when editing qna under response type-service
  • In Deployment, added  Loader for “Yes” button after enabling “Deploy DMN”.
  • Added Export option in A8studio Audit Logs
  • getKey() added for I18N
  • A8Studio Form v3: Update padding, margin, border as per figma design to show hints for top, right, left, bottom properties
  • A8Studio-Assisted: UI issue in assisted journey screen
  • A8Astro Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • The code for the V2 Code Editor When pasted into a notepad or console, copied code becomes limited.
  • ontext Menu does not appear near the mouse position when you right click
  • Remove unnecessary properties of widgets
  • Add feature to close popups on pressing Esc key on keyboard
Core v3:
  • Assisted V3-Selfie Camera-off: Fix for modal is displayed even after the image is uploaded
  • Implemented dynamic url for avatar component
  • fixed Segment component not working with bindParams
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • V3 Forms: Components are moved to fixed position on clicking a button to show snackbar.
  • A8Flow-SnackBar Issues
  • Widget height is not applied when removing the typed value.Expected behaviour it should take the height from global css.
  • Label Default Height Not Updated After Form Builder Reload.
  • Solo V3 Forms: On placing the image slider component inside a column, image slider’s width should be refactored
  • v3forms-On selecting Image Fill checkbox, Image getting disappear
  • Uploader limit issue – Even if the limit is set to 1 , user is able to capture multiple photos
A8flow-apis v2
  • Migrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment API in V2
  • Fixed content deletion issue when attached in a solo flow and qna dialog
  • Supported retry of service nodes of active sessions when engine restarts
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in forms and client side functions
  • Chat – Replaced undefined and null values of a text content with a space when substituting variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in active and history manage variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in services and server side functions
A8Live-Engine & A8Live-API
  • Restricted status update of a virtual agent to prevent offline / unavailable status issue
  • Chat – Fixed astro and i18n sdk url reference issue when using a form in live agent console
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Fixed a8forms.save() function call issue while using private bucket

Release 2.02

19th June, 2024

  • Env settings implemented
  • Legacy Forms : On opening a task, first tab is kept unselected bug fixed
  • Fixed Pdf Preview issue in preview documents tab
  • In the details tab, the task summary is showing the variable name instead of the label name.
  • Details Tab Document Preview Not Loading For Aditya Birla
  • History Manage Variables Documents signedURL call not getting executed for Completed Applications for Aditya Birla
  • Kinara UAT | Unable to download images or PDFs from the scanner | signed-url issue
  • Fixed editable area issue while using Quick Fix and onload
  • Resource_key entry added to allow edit option for service and function names
  • Function and Service – Form gets committed on clicking save button.
  • There is no required option for checkbox.
  • Table component – link is not working.
Core Components
  • Assisted – Issue on Checklist component – On clicking any components with checklist, it throws an error in console.
New Launch: DMN Hub – An environment  to self-host the rule engine.
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • The tasks are not moving forward from the service tasks due to DB disconnect

Release 2.01

13th June, 2024

  • Env settings implemented
  • Legacy Forms : On opening a task, first tab is kept unselected bug fixed
  • Fixed Pdf Preview issue in preview documents tab
  • In the details tab, the task summary is showing the variable name instead of the label name.
  • Details Tab Document Preview Not Loading For Aditya Birla
  • History Manage Variables Documents signedURL call not getting executed for Completed Applications for Aditya Birla
  • Kinara UAT | Unable to download images or PDFs from the scanner | signed-url issue
  • Fixed editable area issue while using Quick Fix and onload
  • Resource_key entry added to allow edit option for service and function names
  • Function and Service – Form gets committed on clicking save button.
  • There is no required option for checkbox.
  • Table component – link is not working.
Core Components
  • Assisted – Issue on Checklist component – On clicking any components with checklist, it throws an error in console.
New Launch: DMN Hub – An environment  to self-host the rule engine.
  • Restricted session variable length limit to 4000 characters
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • The tasks are not moving forward from the service tasks due to DB disconnect

Release 2.00

12th June, 2024

Launching A8Chat powered by A8Studio and  A8Solo
  • Eliminated botpress and used a8solo to trigger workflows
  • Built QNA and Basic NLP system in A8Studio
  • Supported LUIS NLU provider to trigger intents
  • Supported different static and dynamic content types to send messages
  • Implemented forms, webhooks and assisted journey support in chat workflows
  • Powering new bots without any cloud cluster deployments
  • Introduced live agent assist system to continue customer’s workflows
  • Supported private and public flow system of a8solo
A8 Flow
  •  Button component (V3) :  button loader has been implemented
  •  info API with 403 status is called multiple times in forms
  •  Unable to open task due to Deserialization Error.
  •  Fixed Document Collector crashing issue on uploading documents
  •  Session start date added in solo session details pane
  •  Settings screen revamp
  • URL details displaying on the login page when encountering 500 internal server error fixed.
  • New Descriptions widget like the one in Ant design
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters for Today and Yesterday
  •   Fixed soft delete issue
  •  Assisted/Solo-Function- DisplayName should be wrapped for functions as in Services
  •  The default DMN screen shows a value ‘dish’ which should be changed
  •  Custom widgets not visible issue fixed
  •  Web/V3 – When the background is a light color, the hex code or rgb value should be black and vice versa.
  •  Removed unnecessary properties of widgets
  •  Web/V3 – Default font family and font-size should be applied to components.
A8Core -components:
  •   V3-DatePicker-Unable to select Time in Date&Time format/Close Icon does not function properly
  •  Scanner component support onchange event handler.
  •  Dynamic Handling of Password Protection Required.
  •  Delete API throws 500 on deleting the pdf/image uploaded via setBindParams in scanner and uploader

Release 1.99

31st May, 2024

Launching A8Chat powered by A8Studio and  A8Solo
  • Eliminated botpress and used a8solo to trigger workflows
  • Built QNA and Basic NLP system in A8Studio
  • Supported LUIS NLU provider to trigger intents
  • Supported different static and dynamic content types to send messages
  • Implemented forms, webhooks and assisted journey support in chat workflows
  • Powering new bots without any cloud cluster deployments
  • Introduced live agent assist system to continue customer’s workflows
  • Supported private and public flow system of a8solo
A8 Flow
  •  Button component (V3) :  button loader has been implemented
  •  info API with 403 status is called multiple times in forms
  •  Unable to open task due to Deserialization Error.
  •  Fixed Document Collector crashing issue on uploading documents
  •  Session start date added in solo session details pane
  •  Settings screen revamp
  • URL details displaying on the login page when encountering 500 internal server error fixed.
  • New Descriptions widget like the one in Ant design
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters for Today and Yesterday
  •   Fixed soft delete issue
  •  Assisted/Solo-Function- DisplayName should be wrapped for functions as in Services
  •  The default DMN screen shows a value ‘dish’ which should be changed
  •  Custom widgets not visible issue fixed
  •  Web/V3 – When the background is a light color, the hex code or rgb value should be black and vice versa.
  •  Removed unnecessary properties of widgets
  •  Web/V3 – Default font family and font-size should be applied to components.
A8Core -components:
  •   V3-DatePicker-Unable to select Time in Date&Time format/Close Icon does not function properly
  •  Scanner component support onchange event handler.
  •  Dynamic Handling of Password Protection Required.
  •  Delete API throws 500 on deleting the pdf/image uploaded via setBindParams in scanner and uploader

Release 1.98

22nd May, 2024

Release 1.97

16th May, 2024

Release 1.96

09th May, 2024

  •  A8Flow – History – incorrect time is showing in Read – only forms have been resolved.
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  Scanner: Forms – Unable to download image from scanner on setting private bucket to true have been resolved.
  •  Fixed importing csv file containing numbers in a8data
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  A8Flow-Legacy-Web scanner throws error.
  •  Legacy Forms-Signed URL is getting saved in the backend instead of private URL
  •  Filter deletion audit log added
  •  Determine the need for opencv.js and remove it if not needed
  •  Fixed manage variables showed no data when gave particular definition key in the permission
  • fixed Unable to view the uploaded pdf in Details tab on setting via setBindParams add this in release notes
  •  Alert obtained for protected pdf is not closing when clicked Cancel issue fixed
  •  Service Task Getting Suspended
  •  StaticAsset files under default onboarding app is not displayed for newly signed up users
Go Apis:
  •  Upgraded all go services to Go version 1.21.

Release 1.95

08th May, 2024

Release 1.94

02nd May, 2024

  •  A8Flow – History – incorrect time is showing in Read – only forms have been resolved.
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  Scanner: Forms – Unable to download image from scanner on setting private bucket to true have been resolved.
  •  Fixed importing csv file containing numbers in a8data
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  A8Flow-Legacy-Web scanner throws error.
  •  Legacy Forms-Signed URL is getting saved in the backend instead of private URL
  •  Filter deletion audit log added
  •  Determine the need for opencv.js and remove it if not needed
  •  Fixed manage variables showed no data when gave particular definition key in the permission
  •  Alert obtained for protected pdf is not closing when clicked Cancel issue fixed
  •  Service Task Getting Suspended
  •  StaticAsset files under default onboarding app is not displayed for newly signed up users
Go Apis:
  •  Upgraded all go services to Go version 1.21.

Release 1.93

02nd May, 2024

Release 1.92

25th Apr, 2024


  • Change password screen is not displaying while 2FA is enabled for any user
  • Delete process instance support added
  • Fixed Tab visibility and switch issue
  • Fixed variables API-Issue with saving previously entered value on performing deletion/soft deletion.
  • Unable to start the downloading of huge exports in Downloads section
  • Details tab displays the Secondary color on clicking it instead of Primary color fixed
  • Add support for opening tasks from data links in grafana dashboard


  •  Added tabSwitch intellisense
  • Fixed cursor not working on first click in label and placeholder fields
  • A8Studio Form v3: Add support for background image to Canvas
  • Default width for mobile, tab and desktop view
  • Fixed incorrect type definition in a8flow forms-v3 -a8forms.submit()
  • Forms-TabBar-Need an sdk to set individual tab’s visibility
  • Forms-Able to access and edit Form properties without performing checkout
  • Column component – percentage is not working.
  • Conditionally render Vertical and Horizontal distribution properties.
  • auto-height is not working for flex components.
  • updated new version of a8flow-cli
  • Configuration-Error message or toast is needed on clicking create without entering value in fields


  • Added search and folder api to whitelist and Added a condition to check if the value exists before using it in the loop.

A8Studio Forms

  • Fixed the issue with the complete button enables and disables when uploading or deleting images in the uploader.
  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions of V2 forms
  • auto-height is not working for flex components
  • Markdown widget – Need to add Deselect option for the font styles.
  • QR code component – Dimension property is not working


  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions
  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • Fixed engine auto restart issue causing sessions to be stuck in services


  • Added response and execution time in logs for each service / function execution


  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • supported new authentication API in a8flow-cli login


  • While clicking on History icon the whole screen is blank


  • Solo-isPublic key is displayed as false for a public function in flow

Release 1.91

18th Apr, 2024


  • Change password screen is not displaying while 2FA is enabled for any user
  • Delete process instance support added
  • Fixed Tab visibility and switch issue
  • Fixed variables API-Issue with saving previously entered value on performing deletion/soft deletion.
  • Unable to start the downloading of huge exports in Downloads section
  • Details tab displays the Secondary color on clicking it instead of Primary color fixed
  • Add support for opening tasks from data links in grafana dashboard


  •  Added tabSwitch intellisense
  • Fixed cursor not working on first click in label and placeholder fields
  • A8Studio Form v3: Add support for background image to Canvas
  • Default width for mobile, tab and desktop view
  • Fixed incorrect type definition in a8flow forms-v3 -a8forms.submit()
  • Forms-TabBar-Need an sdk to set individual tab’s visibility
  • Forms-Able to access and edit Form properties without performing checkout
  • Column component – percentage is not working.
  • Conditionally render Vertical and Horizontal distribution properties.
  • auto-height is not working for flex components.
  • updated new version of a8flow-cli
  • Configuration-Error message or toast is needed on clicking create without entering value in fields


  • Added search and folder api to whitelist and Added a condition to check if the value exists before using it in the loop.

A8Studio Forms

  • Fixed the issue with the complete button enables and disables when uploading or deleting images in the uploader.
  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions of V2 forms
  • auto-height is not working for flex components
  • Markdown widget – Need to add Deselect option for the font styles.
  • QR code component – Dimension property is not working


  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions
  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • Fixed engine auto restart issue causing sessions to be stuck in services


  • Added response and execution time in logs for each service / function execution


  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • supported new authentication API in a8flow-cli login


  • While clicking on History icon the whole screen is blank


  • Solo-isPublic key is displayed as false for a public function in flow

Release 1.90

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
A8Flow  web:
  • While login – Password will not be sent in plain text.
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.89

10th Apr, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.88

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
A8Flow  web:
  • While login – Password will not be sent in plain text.
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.87

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height.
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.86

22nd Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.33
  • Offline support
  • Support for form autoSave
  • Getting address removed – When create a new instance through mobile app, initially we getting address to embed a value in startProcessGeolocation variable, Now it will empty.
  • Process variables Save & Get APIs URL changed, task/taskId instead of process-instance/processInstanceId

Release 1.85

21st Mar, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.84

21st Mar, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.83

13th Mar, 2024

Release 1.82

12th Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.32
  • WEBP image support – If user selected WEBP format image via scanner/uploader from gallery.
  • Image capture time reduced – While capturing Image through camera, it takes some times to complete, Now time reduced.
  • Suspended task are Omitted – While apply filter, Suspended task are shown on filter search, now fixed.
  • SSL certificate SHA key added.

Release 1.81

07th Mar, 2024

  • Add Astro SDK support for Marketplace Functions.
  • Edit, delete icon color differs.
  • Form builder crashes on clicking an asset component.
  • On trying to place a multiple image viewer’s inside the row, Form is flickering/Studio form flickers
  • Fixed Forms- Select component issues
  • v3-Form is crashing while entering values in drop shadow
  • Forms-OTP/Selfie-Page crashes
  • While selecting the field the highlight is showing for the wrongly field.
  •  Created package installer for Windows, Linux and Mac & Studio Web integration
  •  A8studio- Deployment API is not failing while trying to deploy a journey without selecting any form within a sub process
  •  a8gen sdk added for summarise the text or json
  •  Fixed expansion panel width not working issue
  • added intellisense for insertMany in a8data
  • fixed A8 Flow System event log does not populate Task_name in the ‘task_activities’ table
  • The form is not being rendered and is facing an error with minified React.
  • Forms-ClearBindParams() does not work for the given components.
  • Solo-Tabbar-Selfie QR/send link throws 404 error in tabbar for client and user.
  • Row is not placed accordingly on setting its vertical position
  • Form Validation is not working as expected
  • Assisted V3-In History, uploaded files of type excel and doc/docx is displayed as Json.
  • Loader should display when completing v2 forms
  •  A8Flow:Assisted V1-Date Picker-Unable to select dates within the given range for Range Picker
  •  A8Flow – Kinara Staging: sequenceId is not generated on using a8flow sdk generateSequenceId
  •  Support for User Hierarchy System
  •  Ability to unlock user from user management screen
  •  Edit button issue in solo App settings fixed
  •  v1, v2 and v3 q and a widget added
  • Range picker and format issue in datepicker
  •  When the user clicks the migrate button, a loader of some type must appear on the screen.
  • exposed insertMany operation in a8data operation API
  • When the user clicks the migrate button, a loader of some type must appear on the screen.
  • Fixed gupshup message delivery issue
  • A8Solo-Engine:
  • Fixed slowness and frequent restarts issue
  •  Implement Open Telemetry (Cloud Trace) in A8Solo APIs, A8Solo Engine, A8Flow API, A8Astro API
  •  Added winston log trace for the ‘/a8flow/deploy’ api.
  • SSO – On disable auto-discovery send only visible data’s
  • implemented insertMany API for a8data
  •  Image Viewer and PDF Viewer Size to be made as configurable
A8Core v3
  •  Fixed icon gap not working issue
  •    location api not return address for some lat and long issue fixed
  •    exposed insertMany operation in a8data operation API
  •  Fixed expansion panel width not working issue
  • Data Table with horizontal scroll gets cut off from the screen
  • exposed insertMany method for a8data

Release 1.80

04th Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.31
  • Tab layout visibility change – Tab layout removed when v3 forms loaded.
  • Toast and Alert dialog on native – Showing alert messages and toast messages in native android instead of forms.
  • Scanner/Uploader Component multiple click handled – Avoided multiple times opening a scanner page.
  • Forgot password timeout – While verify Forgot password OTP, timeout limit extended.
  • 2FA Before Force change password – When user enabled 2FA and force change password at initial login in user creation, 2FA will perform before Change Password.
  • Native support for v3 component – When using v3 component like Scanner, Uploader, Selfie in android, native camera and gallery will used to upload a documents.
  • SSL certificate SHA key added.

Release 1.79

01st Mar, 2024

  • a8core-components=main-696
  • a8core-components-v2=main-1382
  • a8core-components-v3=main-220
  • a8flow-frontend=main-3954
  • a8-web-scanner=main-47
  • a8forms-renderer=main-1156
  • a8solo-web-sdk=main-1323
  • a8studio-api=main-1345
  • a8studio-web=main-3754
  • a8astro-svc=main-58
  • a8flow-apis=main-1021
  • a8flow-apis-v2=main-1072
  • a8flow-bpm-platform=main-1061
  • a8flow-service-executor=main-303
  • a8solo-apis=main-534
  • a8solo-engine=main-568
  • a8solo-code-executor=main-253
  • a8flow-grafana-proxy=main-165
Production Environment Image Tag Details:
  • a8core-components=main-681
  • a8core-components-v2=main-1382
  • a8core-components-v3=main-165
  • a8flow-frontend=hotfix-a8flow-5542-3898
  • a8-web-scanner=main-47
  • a8forms-renderer=main-1167
  • a8solo-web-sdk=main-1297
  • a8studio-api=main-1345
  • a8studio-web=hotfix-a8flow-5559-3766
  • a8astro-svc=main-50
  • a8flow-apis=main-1004
  • a8flow-apis-v2=main-1047
  • a8flow-bpm-platform=hotfix-a8flow-5286-1060
  • a8flow-service-executor=main-303
  • a8solo-apis=main-534
  • a8solo-engine=hotfix-a8flow-5582-596
  • a8solo-code-executor=main-253
  • a8flow-grafana-proxy=main-146

Release 1.78

22nd Feb, 2024

  • implemented like / ilike operator
  • If a new CSS file is created and submit button is not clicked, all the forms are automatically linked to it.
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • Fixed crashing of modal components
  • Fixed select component issues
  • A8Flow-V3 Forms width percentage is not working
  • Able to delete component in form without checking out
  • A8Studio Form v3: Canvas Grid Layout is missing Gap property
  • Provide disabled icon/grey shade for Read-only components
  • Border properties of input field in OTP component is not working
  • A8Flow:Solo/Assisted v2-Required fields should be displayed with red asterisk in flow as in studio
  • A8Studio – V3 Forms – Modal: Header image is been overlapped by the Text Content even though the proper height is set
  • A8SOLO – The top-left area of the screen is blinking when you select the dropdown box.
  • A8Flow(Android) – Assisted V3 Forms: In scanner & Selfie on clicking capture image, native camera is not opened
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Time taken to load the form is too long on opening
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • Toast modal stays in place on closing the task by clicking outside the form and appearing in the next task
  • Solo-Selfie-QR/send link throws 401 error in grid/row/column for agent ie.user
  • Assisted V3-clearBindParams() does not work as expected
  •  Assisted V3 Forms: Time taken to load the form is too long on opening
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • A8Flow – Solo Widget: On Changing the Device Type, Device resolution doesn’t change
  • Toast modal stays in place on closing the task by clicking outside the form and appearing in the next task
  • V3-History-User is navigated to Active Tasks screen on clicking Back from history-read only forms without header
  • V3 -Provide an option to programmatically enable the document preview to view the documents attached
  • supported like / ilike operators on filtering column values in astro table
  • A8Solo Web: Add loader in task filter search. When showing filtered results, do not show real-time tasks
  • API is failing with 500 while assigning bulk cards to any particular assignee (bulk assingee)
  • Fixed  list of issues and Authorization issues
  • Solo- Application deployed logs are not displaying in history of events
A8flow-bpm -platform:
  • slowness, while changing the password & TFA issue fixed
  • implemented SSO
  • The text color in the dropdown is different compared to the input field
A8Flow-apis V2
  • In History View – Issue in Viewing Completed Task.
  • Bulk api delete of a8 data is not logged in history of event
  • implemented SSO
  • issue resolved navigate to grafana

Release 1.78

22nd Feb, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.30
  • Tab layout visibility change – Tab layout removed when v3 forms loaded.
  • Toast and Alert dialog on native – Showing alert messages and toast messages in native android instead of forms.
  • Scanner/Uploader Component multiple click handled – Avoided multiple times opening a scanner page.
  • Forgot password timeout – While verify Forgot password OTP, timeout limit extended.
  • 2FA Before Force change password – When user enabled 2FA and force change password at initial login in user creation, 2FA will perform before Change Password.
  • Native support for v3 component – When using v3 component like Scanner, Uploader, Selfie in android, native camera and gallery will used to upload a documents.

Release 1.77

14th Feb, 2024

Release 1.76

08th Feb, 2024

Release 1.75

02nd Feb, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.29
  • Image Delete event implemented – The web and app will be in sync when uploaded images are deleted
  • Issue fixed for multiple clicks while uploading or scanning an image or file
  • Mobile active tasks to show only active tasks, removed suspended tasks from the task view
  • Error message refactoring
  • Fixed timestamp issue while starting a process to send only the English language timestamp format

Release 1.75

02nd Feb, 2024

Release 1.74

25th Jan, 2024


  • Tab Restriction
  •    Solo history – For User, Completed task shows twice in history page issue fixed
  •    PDF Viewer unable to rotate PDF issue fixed
  •    Remove View Messages Icon inside the application.
  •    Remove Notification Bell in Landing Page
  •    “Search Bar should not scroll along with content in Start Process Drawer” is fixed


  • Able to access V2 projects without google credentials
  • Filter is throwing 500 error if we give created after condition in criteria


  •    A8Studio: Imported marketplace APP doesn’t have DMN
  •    Send Email not reflecting in Functions


  •    Non-editable Text Fields to be greyed out


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    remove unused dependency
  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history

Release 1.73

23rd Jan, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.29
  • Image Delete event implemented – The web and app will be in sync when uploaded images are deleted
  • Issue fixed for multiple clicks while uploading or scanning an image or file
  • Mobile active tasks to show only active tasks, removed suspended tasks from the task view
  • Error message refactoring
  • Fixed timestamp issue while starting a process to send only the English language timestamp format

Release 1.72

18th Jan, 2024

  • Implemented audit log export to excel
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Modal positioning is incorrect and modal stays in place after moving away from task.
  • Forms are not loading because of invalid iframe url.
  • Selfie component – Vishwam SDK – Corrupted selfie issue fixed
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  •  i18n data display in sorted order
  •  While adding new environment, handle slash at the url end
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Imported App is shown only on reloading the page.
  • Login and  signup Validation
  • Solo Builder-Unable to view the components added in studio form builder.
  • New Badge widget
  • Added Idle Event Retry Count in solo app settings
  • Handled Idle Event Retry Count configuration in app settings to limit the idle event processing count
  • Optimized session migration to respond faster when the node mapping has no changes
  • Fixed client status update issue
  • Fixed migration failure issue when there are sessions with empty node details
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added  audit logs for marketplace app import.
  •  Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Added a method to check if the form is being loaded in read-only mode
  • Implemented Get Groups by User ID in the A8-Flow-sdk
  • i18n(Assisted/Solo): By default English should be added to the language list
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Firefox-Login layouts 1 and 2 -Form has width issue
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Added support for lt, lte, gt, gte operators
  • A8Data – Need to implement the Error toast message in front end.
  • Unable to create authorizations for Variable group ACL
  • newly uploaded image is deleted after clearing the old image by using clearBindparams in uploader and scanner issue
  • Opening the task instance directly after start
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Disable stack trace in api response
  • moved program inmemory storage to redis.
  • Process real-time system events such as Task Creations via emqx
  • Sometimes getnext available agent api throwing error
  • Refactor Check Dedupe API

Release 1.71

11th Jan, 2024

  • Implemented audit log export to excel
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Modal positioning is incorrect and modal stays in place after moving away from task.
  • Forms are not loading because of invalid iframe url.
  • Selfie component – Vishwam SDK – Corrupted selfie issue fixed
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  •  i18n data display in sorted order
  •  While adding new environment, handle slash at the url end
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Imported App is shown only on reloading the page.
  • Login and  signup Validation
  • Solo Builder-Unable to view the components added in studio form builder.
  • New Badge widget
  • Added Idle Event Retry Count in solo app settings
  • Handled Idle Event Retry Count configuration in app settings to limit the idle event processing count
  • Optimized session migration to respond faster when the node mapping has no changes
  • Fixed client status update issue
  • Fixed migration failure issue when there are sessions with empty node details
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added  audit logs for marketplace app import.
  •  Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget

Release 1.70

28th Dec, 2023

  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Added a method to check if the form is being loaded in read-only mode
  • Implemented Get Groups by User ID in the A8-Flow-sdk
  • i18n(Assisted/Solo): By default English should be added to the language list
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Firefox-Login layouts 1 and 2 -Form has a width issue
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Added support for lt, lte, gt, gte operators
  • A8Data – Need to implement the Error toast message in front end.
  • Unable to create authorizations for Variable group ACL
  • A newly uploaded image is deleted after clearing the old image by using clearBindparams in uploader and scanner issue
  • Opening the task instance directly after start
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Disable stack trace in api response
  • moved program inmemory storage to redis.
  • Process real-time system events such as Task Creations via emqx
  • Sometimes getnext available agent api throwing error
  • Refactor Check Dedupe API

Release 1.69

21st Dec, 2023

  •  Logging implementation for studio apps
  •  After refreshing the page, then only the sub process task is visible issue fixed
  • The task name on the card is not changed after completing a task as user, until the page is refreshed
  • Solo Builder – Error messages/type are not displayed in Input Component on entering error.message/error.type.
  •  Section is not enabled though all the required fields are filled.
  • Upgraded tomcat latest version of 9.
  •  Add loader when deploying applications
  • A8Studio:Assisted v2-Change the cursor for Form Properties
  •  added source ip in audit history

Release 1.68

14th Dec, 2023

  •  Logging implementation for studio apps
  •  After refreshing the page, then only the sub process task is visible issue fixed
  • The task name on the card is not changed after completing a task as user, until the page is refreshed
  • Solo Builder – Error messages/type are not displayed in Input Component on entering error.message/error.type.
  •  Section is not enabled though all the required fields are filled.
  • Upgraded tomcat latest version of 9.
  •  Add loader when deploying applications
  • A8Studio:Assisted v2-Change the cursor for Form Properties
  •  added source IP in audit history

Release 1.67

30th Nov, 2023

Release 1.66

16th Nov, 2023

  • Change the placeholder to username or email in studio sign in screen
  • Internationalization (i18n) for Assisted & Solo App
  • Issue in previewing the images uploaded in App preview and screenshots
  • Set min value for number field in property panel
  • Unable to differentiate forms as v1 or v2 from the list of forms
  • Able to select more than 5 files in App preview& Screenshots field
  • getNextAvailableAgent- added filterOnlineUsers field
  • Assisted-Task API is calling multiple times in history completed task screen issue fixed
  • History-Able to access clearBindParams from console in read only forms (running/completed tabs) issue fixed
  • Mining- In Top APIs screen,activitiesByApi GET API throws 500 bug fixed
  • Unable to deploy with dmn issue fixed
  • Store User’s online status in the database via MQTT Connection Status
  • Support for internationalization (i18n) in assist forms
  • A8Studio Form v1: New Markdown Viewer Widget
  • A8Studio Form v2: New Markdown Viewer Widget
  • Support for internationalization (i18n) in solo forms
  •  Support for internationalization (i18n) in solo forms
  • Throttling Idle Event Processing Frequency

Release 1.65

02nd Nov, 2023

Release 1.64

24th Oct, 2023

  •  validate execute_in_history permission in form and service component acl
  •  added execute_in_history permission in form and service component acl
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  solo – able to save signature Pad without signing issue fixed
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2
Core v2:
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
Forms v2:
  • Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug

Release 1.63

06th Oct, 2023

Release 1.62

25th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Integrated react-flow package in solo journey builder
A8Studio-web , core-v2:
  • Tab bar component add tabs in properties UI is not matching with figma design.
  • Issue resolved resetting password of locked account.
  • Code refactor in file upload on variable update.
  • Portal access (ip based access control)
  • Changed running and completed instance permission in history.
  • Added permission in astro sdk apis.
  • Added permission astro sdk api.
  • Added permission check in solo sdk.
  • Added permission and update solo sdk version in server side function.
  • Added permission in server side function
  • Updated astro sdk version
Core v2:
  • Solo Forms-Length field in OTP allows values less than 6 ie-0 to 5 and greater than 6
  • A8SOLO: The valid timer isn’t working properly in the OTP component.
A8 Flow-web:
  • A8Flow-web: Astro UI
  • UI-Pagination API is not being called with variable filter in assisted history
  • A8Flow Web: When selecting a new variable in task filter bar, tasks are fetched even before typing the value
  • A8Flow-Web: remove metainfo api and filter call on empty value
  • A8Flow Web: Add the search filter and version selection feature to DMN page
  • Fixed Uploaded images visibility in Document list of History Completed Tab
  •  A8Flow API: Implement cache of dashboard report

Release 1.61

14th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Implemented TARS in assisted journey
  • Implemented generating BPMN workflows
  • a8flow-4200: fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • a8flow-200: fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed pagination issue in active and history sessions APIs
  • Allowed file upload to existing object key
  •  Provide bind name validation in setBindParams

Release 1.60

14th Sept, 2023

Release 1.59

07th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Implemented TARS in the assisted journey
  • Implemented generating BPMN workflows
  • Fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed pagination issue in active and history sessions APIs
  • Allowed file upload to the existing object key
  •  Provide bind name validation in setBindParams

Release 1.58

31 Aug,2023

  • clearBindParams for uploader fixed
  • Fixed solo File Variable updation in history
  • Uploader annotation in read-only state fixed
A8 Forms-v2:
  • A8SOLO: In the Validation function, await is not working.
A8 Studio-forms:
  • A8Flow Web: Dynamic tab visibility does not work when the tab’s initial visibility is set to false
A8flow Grafana-proxy:
  • Supported macros keyword in graf proxy

Release 1.57

24 Aug,2023


  • ClearBindParams for uploader fixed
  • Fixed solo File Variable updation in history
  • Uploader annotation in read-only state fixed

A8 Forms-v2:

  • In the Validation function, await is not working.

A8 Studio-forms:

A8Flow Web:

Dynamic tab visibility does not work when the tab’s initial visibility is set to falseA8flow Grafana-proxy:
supported macros keyword in graf proxy

Release 1.56

11 Aug,2023

A8Solo-Engine, A8Solo-APIs, A8Solo-Code-Executor, A8Studio-APIs, A8Solo-Web-Sdk, A8Flow-Web, A8-Core-V2, A8Studio-Web:
  • Supported deletions and soft deletions of session variables
  • Added clearBindParams function in inline and client-side functions
  • Added deleteVariable delete variables in services and server-side functions

Release 1.55

10 Aug,2023

  • Supported case-insensitive search on filtering tasks with process variable values
  • Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in get filter tasks API
  • Fixed userId field is not accepting numbers
  • Implemented SVG Sanitization
  • Implemented image type validations for branding and hosting
A8 Solo-Apis:
  • Support cross-app collections and assisted.
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Support cross-app in solo
  • Support for exporting  bpmn flow and react flow as an image
  • Font Family expansion panel UI bug fixed
  • Font Family not reflecting for specific fonts fix
  • Asterisk symbol for required fields added
  • Able to drag and drop components into the form while the form is in committed state
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • Uploader and Scanner crashes inside the tab bar fix
  • Issue in checkbox
A8 Core-Components:
  • Scanner image preview is not displaying occasionally without switching the tab
A8 Flow-Web:
  • Implemented image type validations for branding and hosting images
  • Fixed Search results in the filter for newly started/assigned cards
  • creating Users UserId field is not accepting numbers
  • Continous API calls for a refresh token
  • Upgrade bootstrap, axios and momentjs
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Issue with updating File variables via client-side function
  • Security issue in Vishwam SDK hard code auth token

Release 1.54

03 Aug,2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Removed min-max validation for email, text, and password type in the input component
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • Font family, font weight, and font size implementation for toast component
  • The image shouldn’t be allowed to upload in the uploader/scanner if there is no bind
  • The save button misaligned in the signature pad fix
  • Removed min-max validation for email, text, and password type in the input component
A8 Flow-Web:
  • A8Flow: Dashboard crashes on not providing permission
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • A8 custom widgets are editable in the history read-only mode view.
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
  •  Store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
A8flow Grafana-proxy:
  • Add authorization for grafana-proxy  APIs

Release 1.53

27th July,2023

Release 1.52

18th July,2023

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
 Supported S3 and OCI cloud storage on file uploads

A8 Solo-Engine:
Supported S3 and OCI cloud storage on file uploads
Added signed url API for all storage services

A8 Solo-APIs:
Added signed url API for all storage services

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
Improved initial loading and form transition speed
Remove the userAgentData instead of using the media css

A8 Core Components:
A few Aadhar and Pan PDF/Jpeg is not parsing and returning the image. It shows an image not found. Please fix this.

A8 Studio-web:
CoreV2: Color Picker should support alpha value in existing color palette

A8 Flow-web:
Tabs do not use the available space

Release 1.51

13th July,2023

Release 1.50

05th July,2023

Release 1.49

30th June,2023

Solo Web SDK:

  • A8Solo: Unable to end the public flow

A8 Studio Web:

  • setBindParams() should not be exposed in the server-side function

A8 Core–Components-v2:

  • Cannot set the maximum length in the Input component type number.
  • Selfie image URL reads JPEG, but while downloading, it comes as PNG
  • New property of check live ness option in selfie component
  • Scanner-Type(Cheque)In mobile capturing an image after something went wrong screen is coming
  • We want to know once it is finished so that we can set a modal till the pdf loading is complete because it takes longer to load       when we set the pdf viewer URL dynamically
  • Error in Saving signature pad since value info is sent as filename instead of name
  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

A8 Core-component:

  • Issue  with saving the variable using a8forms.save() in onChange()
  • The web scanner option is not available in the Uploader component while sending links to mobile
  • Assisted Uploader deletion to refactor the issue
  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

A8 Solo-web-sdk:

  • Instead of going to the private flow when the public flow is finished, it moves to the thank you screen.


  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config
  • Manage Variables – While giving “Read- history” permission to the User for Process definition, that User gets the response in the backend but not in the front end. Show Read-Only Task Forms in the Timeline History View
  • Show Read-Only Task Forms in the Timeline History View
  • History-variables?deserializeValues API should not be called from forms in the Completed tab

A8 Studio:

  •  Assisted – In “OnLoad” and “Tab switch” handlers, the Functions list is not shown.
  •  On clicking Log out, a blank screen appears before logging out


  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

Release 1.48

22th June,2023

  • On opening a Form from solo flow, the back button should not function
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8 Core-Components-v2:
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8Solo Code Executor:
  • Added variable names in error response on trying to update a freezed variable
  • Solo – Old Config API is being called for user/admin in solo
  • Add Authorization READ_HISTORY permissions to Solo Session
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Added redis  in grafana API to check token validation

Release 1.47

16th June,2023

  • On opening a Form from solo flow, the back button should not function
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8 Core-Components-v2:
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8Solo Code Executor:
  • Added variable names in error response on trying to update a freezed variable
  • Solo – Old Config API is being called for user/admin in solo
  • Add Authorization READ_HISTORY permissions to Solo Session
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo

Release 1.46

12th June,2023


A8flow-APIs-V2 and A8 Solo-Engine :
CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=a8flow-asia-south CLOUD_STORAGE_ACL=true PUBLIC_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=public-bucket-production

A8 Solo-Engine:
DEEPLINK_URL=https://{orgname}.autonom8.com/solo PUBLIC_DOMAIN_URL=https://{{orgname}}.autonom8.com

MQTT_USER=studioSvc MQTT_PASSWORD=3qbprh5TWQsJpE MQTT_URL=tcp://emqx:1883

A8 Solo-APIs:

A8flow-service -executor:

A8flow-platform and A8 Solo-APIs:

Release 1.45

12th June,2023


Release 1.44

25th May,2023


Release 1.43

29th Apr,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Added support for assisted journey node
  • Support variable acl setup and teardown in service nodes
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Added assisted journey node
  • Added variable acl for the service node
A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
  • Restricted freeze variable update in services and server-side functions
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added assisted journey node in journey builder
  • Added variable acl property panel for the service node
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Supported start process instance from solo app
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Allowed startNewProcess scope to start a process instance
  • Supported soloCallbackUrl at the end of the journey
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’

Release 1.42

28th Apr,2023

A8 Flow-APIs-v2:
  • BPMNTOSOLO – implemented webhook listener
A8 Solo-engine:
  • BPMNTOSOLO – added variable checks and altered query part in soloStartRequest API
  • Added support for the sticky user on the auto-assignment of sessions
  • Supported metadata of sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added sticky user configuration in solo app settings API
  • Added metadata info of sessions in active, history and details APIs
  • Updated metadata of sessions on assign, unassign, reassign and release
  • Added sticky user toggle button in solo app settings page
A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
  • Supported assignToUser – solo sdk function in server-side functions, services and handlers
  • Change the icon size -width-height to 20*20 in all screens
  • Uploader – Unable to delete the uploaded image if not linked to the variable
  • Solo Apps Screen UI- update button should be disabled and enabled only on making changes to the screen
  • Solo and Assisted ManageVariables page – Display boolean values
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added intellisense for assignToUser – solo sdk function in solo functions and solo services
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Supported assignToUser – solo sdk function in client-side functions
A8 Flow-APIs:
  • BPMNTOSOLO  – updated bpmnMetadata API to collect metadata for soloTask
A8 Flow-service-executor:
  • BPMNTOSOLO  – implemented BPMNTOSOLO  feature
  • env addition -> SOLO_API_KEY
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Fixed issue – create Release throws 500 on creating a new flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Fixed issue in importing the app downloaded from a nested branch
  • Implemented EMQX events for TARS
  • The properties and layout panel drop-down box border-radius and styles do not match the UI design.
  • Need nested Asset feature in assisted.
  • Undo and redo buttons should be placed on the right side of the header rather than in the centre.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’

Release 1.41

21th Apr,2023


Release 1.40

20th Apr,2023

 A8 Studio-web:
  • Fixed issue in importing the app downloaded from a nested branch
  • Implemented EMQX events for TARS
  • The properties and layout panel drop-down box border-radius and styles do not match the UI design.
  • Need nested Asset feature in assisted
  A8 Core-Components:
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’
  A8 Flow-web:
  • Change the icon size -width-height to 20*20 on all screens
  • Uploader – Unable to delete the uploaded image if not linked to the variable
  • Solo Apps Screen UI- The update button should be disabled and enabled only on making changes to the screen
  • Solo and Assisted ManageVariables page – Display boolean values.

Release 1.39

13th Apr,2023

Release 1.38

06th Apr,2023

Release 1.37

30 Mar,2023

A8 Flow-web:

  • Solo Tasks -Tabular view – Tasks are in the selected state even after assigning/releasing

A8 Studio-web:

  • Solo -Able to create forms and services from a solo journey without performing checkout
  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table.
  • Forms V2- UI issue with the Horizontal and Vertical dropdown in the Layout panel.
  • Forms V2- Label component – Icon size property is not as in Figma

A8 Core-Components:

  • Need a way to make the entire section read-only
  • Assisted-Issue with the date picker
  • Uploader marked as required displays ‘field is empty message while uploading the image

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table
  • A8Solo-Lottie player animation is not lopping

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Get geoLocation from native devices such as Android & iOS

A8 Studio-Web:

  • The preview screen in Assisted form throws a 404
  • The issue with getting the functions, collections, and App-Config of the App imported via Marketplace
  • Marketplace: Assets were not imported along with the app
  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table

A8 Flow-API’s:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8 Flow-service-executor:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8  Flow-APIs-v2:

  • API for creating and managing astro connections

A8 Solo-API’s:

  • Support multiple connections in astro connection api

A8 Solo-code-executor:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8 Astro-svc:

  • Implemented multiple connections in astro

Release 1.36

23 Mar,2023

Release 1.35

16 Mar,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Implemented auto assignment of sessions after idle time.

A8 Solo-Apis:

  • Added Settings API for app wise confirguration

A8 Flow-Apis-V2:

  • Fetched card variables for apps from new settings API
  • A8mining – User Performance Report by Task
  • Authenticated mqtt connection for flow web users with login token

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • Added new table a8_settings for store configurations


  • Added pub-sub acl rules for engine events
  • Added username in pub-sub acl rules for flow web users

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Showing the user performance widget based on activity ID
  • If I try to complete the tasks using Deeplink, cant able complete the issue of the task fixed
  • For real-time event stream, replace socket.io with emqx based solution for Web , Android, iOS
  • Boolean value not reflecting in table view fixed
  • Implemented Auto Session Assignment to an Agent or Group when the session is idle for a period
  • Handle the assign, reassign and auto-assign events in a solo session
  • A8Solo Active Tasks: Add an “All” option on the app filtering section

A8 Studio-web:

  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed

A8 Studio-Forms-v2:

  • Solo builder – In the signature pad, setStyle() does not work in the Assets issue fixed

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • The dropdown list is hidden on placing the Select dropdown in the Fixed position issue fixed

A8 Core-Componernts-V2:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed
  • Solo – Issue with PDFViewer component

A8 Flow-Platform:

  • Implemented emqx

A8 Studio-APIs:

  • Handle displayName for solo

TARS – AI-powered pair programmer

Release 1.34

13 Mar,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Implemented auto assignment of sessions after idle time.

A8 Solo-Apis:

  • Added Settings API for app wise confirguration

A8 Flow-Apis-V2:

  • Fetched card variables for apps from new settings API
  • A8mining – User Performance Report by Task
  • Authenticated mqtt connection for flow web users with a login token

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • Added new table a8_settings for store configurations


  • Added pub-sub acl rules for engine events
  • Added username in pub-sub acl rules for flow web users

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Showing the user performance widget based on activity ID
  • If I try to complete the tasks using Deeplink, I can’t able to complete the issue of the task fixed
  • For real-time event stream, replace socket.io with emqx based solution for Web, Android, iOS
  • Boolean value not reflecting in table view fixed
  • Implemented Auto Session Assignment to an Agent or Group when the session is idle for a period
  • Handle the assign, reassign, and auto-assign events in a solo session.

A8Solo Active Tasks:

  • Add an “All” option on the app filtering section

A8 Studio-web:

  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed

A8 Studio-Forms-v2:

  • Solo builder – In the signature pad, setStyle() does not work in the Assets issue fixed

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • The dropdown list is hidden on placing the Select dropdown in the Fixed position issue fixed

A8 Core-Componernts-V2:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed
  • Solo – Issue with PDFViewer component

A8 Flow-Platform:

  • Implemented emqx

A8 Studio-APIs:

  • Handle displayName for solo

Release 1.33

03 Mar,2023

A8 Flow-Web:
  • The mining screen’s logout functionality is broken issue fixed
  • The image rotate feature in the document preview assisted
  • Solo Tasks – Active session card is displayed only on reloading the page and not on switching tabs/menus
  • Support for the dominant path with multiple parallel gateways
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Assisted Form Field Validation – Allow Min and Max to be the same.
  • In solo builder, console.time() does not work in forms
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Journey
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Services
  • Solo Builder – On clicking a form, unable to view it in the Solo builder screen
  • Solo Builder- Issue in the order of components after marking them as Fixed
  • Add support for manually specifying the list of assets as a form dependency to avoid unnecessary asset loading
  • The initial form load is very slow to issue fixed
  • Form Designer v1 is very slow while the editing issue fixed
  • Custom Modal widget
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Configuration: Error while entering the longest value
  • In Commit and Checkout API, on passing the Version value empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing APP Id value empty response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Solo Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Forms(Solo)
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing APP Id and Version Id values empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Functions)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Functions)
  • In Commit API on keeping the Branch Id value empty, the response is positive(Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Journey
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Functions
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Services(Solo Services)
  • Handle displayName
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In the Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame.
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame
A8 Core-Components:
  • Need image in the GCP URL in the Uploader component
  • A8mining – Dominant Path API support for complex flows
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Added display name in process definition API

Release 1.32

23 Feb,2023

A8 Flow-Web:
  • The mining screen’s logout functionality is broken issue fixed
  • The image rotate feature in the document preview assisted
  • Solo Tasks – Active session card is displayed only on reloading the page and not on switching tabs/menus
  • Support for a dominant path with multiple parallel gateways
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Assisted Form Field Validation – Allow Min and Max to be the same.
  • In solo builder, console.time() does not work in forms
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Journey
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Services
  • Solo Builder – On clicking a form, unable to view it in the Solo builder screen
  • Solo Builder- Issue in the order of components after marking them as Fixed
  • Add support for manually specifying the list of assets as a form dependency to avoid unnecessary asset loading
  • The initial form load is very slow to issue fixed
  • Form Designer v1 is very slow while the editing issue fixed
  • Custom Modal widget
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Configuration: Error while entering the longest value
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing the Version value empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • In Commit and Checkout APIs, on passing the APP Id value empty response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Solo Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Forms(Solo)
  • In Commit and Checkout APIs on passing APP Id and Version Id values empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Functions)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Functions)
  • In Commit API on keeping the Branch Id value empty, the response is positive(Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Journey
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Functions
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Services(Solo Services)
  • Handle displayName
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In the Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame.
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame
A8 Core-Components:
  • Need image in the GCP URL in the Uploader component
  • A8mining – Dominant Path API support for complex flows
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Added displayName in process definition API

Release 1.31

16 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported current node change of a non-live active session
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added set current node API for non-live active sessions
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
A8 Flow-Web:
  • Active session API with assignee is being called even when the assignee is removed upon switching tabs
  • Login as User – on clicking a card in “My group task,” the task is not opening.
  • Apply variable filtering in solo session
  • Implement Set Current Node for active sessions
  • Assisted task screen- Issue on Searching a value after obtaining a single card on search result.
  • Tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • A8 Mining
    Integrate new process definition API
    Variable filtering in solo tasks

A8 Core-components:

  • The chained Select widget disappears on selecting the value from the list
  • Datepicker – Issue in rendering dates on giving from “NO OF YEARS BEFORE TODAY” to any specified date
  • Issues in the Number widget.
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added option to Highlight widget selection in the form builder
  • New panel for the drop shadow
  • Drop shadow and the color picker should disappear on change
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • The issue with Font Weight – on selecting 300
  • SOLO-Data reflecting on other components
  • Added TabSwitch and reload IntelliSense
  • Add ga intellisence to support Google Analytics Tracking
  • Implemented Astro SDK
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
A8 Web-Scanner:
  • Optimization issue with the link sent from Scanner component web browser
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • Tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Fix form validation message events not being sent to Android
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Studio-Forms-V2:
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • Input field of Type email crashes
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Unable to select the time along with the date
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Issue with the Time feature
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Parse pre-configured query string params from the page URL and pass them to the widget as session variables
  • Handle the currentNodeChanged event in the solo widget
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
  • A8mining – Implemented new process definition api
A8 Flow-APIs,A8 Flow-Service-Executor,A8 Solo-Code-Executor,A8 Form-Render and A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Implemented Astro SDK

Release 1.30

13 Feb,2023

A8 Flow-APIs-V2
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
  • A8mining – Implemented new process definition API
A8 Flow-APIs
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Flow-Service-Executor
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Solo-APIs
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
A8 Solo-Code-Executor
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Form render
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 solo web SDK
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 studio web
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Flow-Web:
  • A8 Mining
  • Integrate new process definition API
  • Variable filtering in solo tasks
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

Release 1.29

09 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Supported current node change of a non-live active session.

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Added set current node API for non-live active sessions

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Active session API with assignee is being called even when the assignee is removed upon switching tabs
  • Login as User – on clicking a card in “My group task”, the task is not opening.
  • Apply variable filtering in solo session
  • Implement Set Current Node for active sessions
  • Assisted task screen- Issue on Searching a value after obtaining a single card on search result.
  • tab switch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Core-components
  • The chained Select widget disappears on selecting the value from the list
  • Datepicker – Issue in rendering dates on giving from “NO OF YEARS BEFORE TODAY” to any specified date
  • Issues in the Number widget.

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Added option to Highlight widget selection in the form builder
  • New panel for the drop shadow
  • Drop shadow and the color picker should disappear on change
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • The issue with Font Weight – on selecting 300
  • SOLO-Data reflecting on other components
  • Added TabSwitch and reloaded intellisense
  • Add ga intellisence to support Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Web-Scanner:

  • Optimization issue with the link sent from Scanner component web browser

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Fix form validation message events not being sent to Android
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • input field of Type email crashes
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Unable to select the time along with the date
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Issue with the Time feature

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • Parse pre-configured query string params from the page URL and pass them to the widget as session variables
  • Handle the currentNodeChanged event in the solo widget
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking



Release 1.28

06 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported session migration when the journey is in the timer node
  • Added migration date information for sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added migration date in session details
  • Fixed node name mismatching issue upon session migration
  • Supported multiple variable filtering in active and history sessions
A8 studio-web:
  • Solo Builder – Issue in viewing the last component on marking another component in a fixed position.
  • The issue with the alert message displayed in Marketplace Widgets short description field.
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Selected Auth flow is not shown in the Edit Journey modal.
  • On the Sign-Up page, on adding special characters to the User Name field error message shown is not specific.
A8 Flow-API’s:
  • Changes are not updated in the flow of updating collections in Public status.
A8 Solo-web-SDK:
  • The latest form is not rendering while loading many forms consecutively in the private flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Solo – Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  • The ‘Auth Flow’ field in Edit Journey window does not display the selected public flow.
  • Display name and name(identifier) validations in assisted and solo.
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • The solo-Bind field is allowing space in properties
  • Solo – Issue with select widget – Value is displaying in the place of Label, and also, the drop-down list is displayed above the field.
  • QR Code: The console displays the QR Code details
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
  • The image viewer is not displaying the default value after erasing the height and rotation in properties.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
A8 Forms-V2:
  • Encountering a slowness issue when inputting values in the text box.

Release 1.27

27 Jan,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported session migration when the journey is in the timer node
  • Added migration date information for sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added migration date in session details
  • Fixed node name mismatching issue upon session migration
  • Supported multiple variable filtering in active and history sessions
A8 studio-web:
  • Solo Builder – Issue in viewing the last component on marking another component in a fixed position.
  • The issue with the alert message displayed in Marketplace Widgets short description field.
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Selected Auth flow is not shown in the Edit Journey modal.
  • On the Sign-Up page, on adding special characters to the User Name field error message shown is not specific.
A8 Flow-APIs:
  • Changes are not updated in the flow, on updating collections is Public status.
A8 Solo-web-SDK:
  • The latest form is not rendering while loading many forms consecutively in the private flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Solo – Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  • The ‘Auth Flow’ field in Edit Journey window does not display the selected public flow.
  • Display name and name(identifier) validations in assisted and solo.
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • The solo-Bind field is allowing space in properties
  • Solo – Issue with select widget – Value is displaying in the place of Label, and also, the drop-down list is displayed above the field.
  • QR Code: The console displays the QR Code details
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
  • The image viewer is not displaying the default value after erasing the height and rotation in properties.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
A8 Forms-V2:
  • Encountering a slowness issue when inputting values in the text box.

Release 1.26

23 Jan,2023

Release 1.25

12 Jan,2023

Release 1.24

12 Jan,2023

Release 1.23

09 Jan, 2023

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Screen for solo flow migration
  • The active sessions screen displays the live as well as prod sessions on filtering by assignee and app
  • Fixed reset password error message when using previously set password
  • Implemented force sign-in option for initial login of users

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Redesign of the app menu navigation
  • The checkbox in properties is selected by default in an onChange bug fix
  • On selecting the previous version and clicking the back icon from Service Studio crashes
  • Panning and Zooming gestures are reversed
  • New Rating Widget
  • Fixed a bug where releasing a new version changed all entities author-name

A8 Core-Components:
A8studio masking service to v2(assisted)

A8 Core-Components-v2:

  • A8Studio masking service to v2(solo)
  • New HTML Widget – A container for custom HTML and CSS code
  • New Ratings Widget
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Handle the migration events in the widget
  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Session migration feature

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • APIs to support session migration

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  • Supported mode filtering in getting solo apps API
  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login


  • Fixed solo service parameters cloning issue on creating a new version

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login (need to update database)
  • Handle required env’s before application run

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Implemented Global Validation
  • The added event handler for OTP submit

Release 1.22

29 Dec, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Screen for solo flow migration
  • The active sessions screen displays the live as well as prod sessions on filtering by assignee and app
  • Fixed reset password error message when using previously set password
  • Implemented force sign-in option for initial login of users

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Redesign of the app menu navigation
  • The checkbox in properties is selected by default in an onChange bug fix
  • On selecting the previous version and clicking the back icon from Service Studio crashes
  • Panning and Zooming gestures are reversed
  • New Rating Widget
  • Fixed a bug where releasing a new version changed all entities’ author-name

A8 Core-Components:

  • A8studio masking service to v2(assisted)

A8 Core-Components-v2:

  • A8Studio masking service to v2(solo)
  • New HTML Widget – A container for custom HTML and CSS code
  • New Rating Widget
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Handle the migration events in the widget
  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Session migration feature

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • APIs to support session migration

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  • Supported mode filtering in getting solo apps API
  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login


  • Fixed solo service parameters cloning issue on creating a new version

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first log in (need to update database)
  • Handle required env’s before application run

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Implemented Global Validation
  • The added event handler for OTP submit

Release 1.21

23 Dec, 2022

A8 Solo-APIs:
  •  Sendmail API implemented.
A8 Solo-code-executor
  •  In a8solo-SDK provided support for Sendmail.
A8 Flow-APIs
  •  Added SMTP server details param for Sendmail API.
  • Deleted deployed BPMN on a8studio deployment API failed
  • API for a8data batch operation and updated a8data-SDK version
  •  In a8flow-SDK for sendMail method provided SMTP server details param support.
  • updated a8data-SDK version to support batch operation
A8 Flow-BPMN Platform:
  •  proper logs in the bpm platform
  • remove unwanted sqlsessionfactory initializations
A8 Studio-web
  •  Added visual feedback on button click.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Changes are not reset on clicking the Cancel button in Create Release.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the preview page, a label for the description and a divider line between the description and the App icon should be added.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): version field shouldn’t accept special characters and Alphabets.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the App list page, the App card is showing email instead of a website.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(APPs): Unable to preview the images uploaded in App preview & screenshots.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): After importing an app, the Name is changed by modifying the Display name.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): On the Preview page, the email is displayed below the website.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): On the preview page, there must be space between the back icon and the App name.
  •  A8 Studio-Marketplace: Functions- Console data is not displayed when switching between horizontal and vertical consoles
  •  A8Studio Form v2 UI: The component list should be listed in full screen in the properties panel
  •  Assisted-Label is been duplicated on rearranging the Widgets in Form
  •  Solo Builder – On clicking a component in canvas, properties should be displayed by default
  •  On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  •  Service is not linked when created from the service list modal
  •  Update Sendmail IntelliSense to support  SMTP config
  •  Update Data SDK support batch operations
A8Solo Engine:
  •  Changed audit log of variables with file type by replacing base64 value with cloud storage URI path
A8 Core-Components-V2
  •  A8Studio: Implement the Table widget’s pagination.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Font size, Border Radius, and Border Width allow alphabets, spacing, and Special characters.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Issue with Floating Action Button (FAB).
  •  Unable to view the uploaded documents of type doc and Docx in Uploader and Scanner
  •  A8Flow: while clicking the same filter twice in flow, the filter is loading
  •   In the filter option, the ” is equal to” is overlapped.
A8 Solo-web-SDK
  •   Manage bind variables after function execution
  • A8Data-SDK to support batch operation API
A8 Solo web SDK:
  •  Join client API failed issue

Release 1.20

15 Dec, 2022


  •  Send mail API implemented.


  •  In A8Solo-SDK provided support for Sendmail.


  •  Added SMTP server details param for SendMail API.
  • Deleted deployed BPMN on a8studio deployment API failed
  • API for A8Data batch operation and updated A8data-SDK version


  •  In A8Flow-SDK for sendMail method provided SMTP server details param support.
  • Updated A8Data-SDK version to support batch operation

A8Flow-BPMN Platform:

  •  proper logs in the bpm platform
  • remove unwanted sqlsessionfactory initializations


  •  Added visual feedback on button click.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Changes are not reset on clicking the Cancel button in Create Release.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): A label for the description and a divider line between the description and the App icon added on the preview page.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): version field shouldn’t accept special characters and Alphabets.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the App list page, the App card is showing email instead of a website.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(APPs): Unable to preview the images uploaded in App preview & screenshots.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): After importing an app, the Name is changed by modifying the Display name.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): The email is displayed below the website on the Preview page.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Space between the back icon and the App name on the preview page.
  •  A8 Studio-Marketplace: Functions- Console data is not displayed when switching between horizontal and vertical consoles
  •  A8Studio Form v2 UI: The component list should be listed in full screen in the properties panel
  •  Assisted-Label is duplicated on rearranging the Widgets in Form.
  •  Solo Builder – On clicking a component in canvas, properties should be displayed by default.
  •  On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  •  Service is not linked when created from the service list modal
  •  Update Sendmail IntelliSense to support SMTP config
  •  Update Data SDK support batch operations.

A8Solo Engine:

  •  Changed audit log of variables with file type by replacing base64 value with cloud storage URI path


  •  A8Studio: Implement the Table widget’s pagination.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Font size, Border Radius, and Border Width allow alphabets, spacing, and Special characters.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Issue with Floating Action Button (FAB).
  •  Unable to view the uploaded documents of type doc and Docx in Uploader and Scanner


  •  A8Flow: while clicking the same filter twice in flow, the filter is loading
  •   In the filter option, the ” is equal to” is overlapped.


  •   Manage bind variables after function execution
  • A8Data-SDK to support batch operation API


  •  Join client API failed issue

Release 1.19

08 Dec, 2022


  • Email component to be configurable update config version in a8flow-APIs


  • Code refactor in msg91 pushpin removed


  • In the flow mobile view, responsive issues fixed
  • Deeplink features breaking issues
  • The issue in the task filter order
  • Need a placeholder text near the + button
  • Values are hidden and unable to scroll the form.


  • Audit messages for checkout, commit, save, and force-release form source won’t be returned in the form list api


  • Tabbar widget added
  • Solo Properties set for a particular component are displayed for all the components in the form.
  • Assisted: Hide Element On field is missing for Scanner and Uploader
  • Solo: When the Key/Value Field box is Empty, Add button is not fading out in Data Panel
  • SOLO – Issue with Data panel for Checkbox, Radio Group, and Select Widgets.
  • Grid property not working properly in solo
  • New QR Code Widget that takes input string or bindParam and generates QR

A8Studio Form v2 UI: 

  • The properties panel header color does not match to UI screen.

A8Studio Form v2 UI:

  •  In the properties panel, the assets menu should be at the bottom, and the layers menu option should be at the top.

A8Studio Form v2 UI: 

  • The bottom menu in the properties panel could not be hidden or displayed.
  • The name (Identifier) field accepts space in the beginning and middle, also special characters in the solo.


  • Tabbar component added
  • Visibility condition on TabbarA8 Core-Components:

Uploader with file picker option should send postMessage to mobile devices

  • Scanner process variable to be watermarked label changes

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Solo Tab bar widget added
  • A Solo tab bar widget visibility condition added
  • Solo input type number and email type issues fixed
  • The Solo Icon button dynamically changes the feature


  • Unable to set the values dynamically in the radio button and checkbox while async is enabled
  • The input widget is invisible if a type is an Email
  • In iPhone, the camera is not open for a scanner.

A8 Studio-Forms:

A8Forms: Update config-SDK and remove caret

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • Updated config latest version in service executor

A8 Config-SDK:

  • Change of a “client” datatype in connection options

Release 1.18

01 Dec, 2022

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • email component to be configurable
  • updated config version in a8flow-APIs

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • code refactor in msg91
  • pushpin removed

A8 Flow-Web:

  • In the flow mobile view, responsive issues fixed
  • Deeplink features breaking issues
  • The issue in the task filter order
  • Need a placeholder text near the + button
  • Values are hidden and unable to scroll the form.

A8 Studio-Apis:

  • audit message for checkout, commit, save and force-release
  • form source won’t be returned in the form list API

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Tabbar widget added
  • Solo Properties set for a particular component are displayed for all the components in the form.
  • Assisted: Hide Element On field is missing for Scanner and Uploader
  • Solo: When the Key/Value Field box is Empty, Add button is not fading out in Data Panel
  • SOLO – Issue with Data panel for Checkbox, Radio Group, and Select Widgets.
  • Grid property not working properly in solo
  • New QR Code Widget that takes input string or bindParam and generates QR
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: Properties panel header color does not match to UI screen.
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: In the properties panel, the assets menu should be at the bottom, and the layers menu option should be at the top.
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: The bottom menu in the properties panel could not be hidden or displayed.
  • The name (Identifier) field accepts space at the beginning and middle and special characters in the solo.

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • Tabbar component added
  • Visibility condition on Tabbar

A8 Core-Components:

  • Uploader with file picker option should send postMessage to mobile devices
  • Scanner process variable to be watermarked label changes

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A Solo Tab bar widget added
  • A Solo tab bar widget visibility condition added
  • solo input type number and email type issue fixed
  • solo Icon button dynamically changes the feature
  • Solo: Unable to set the values dynamically in the radio button and checkbox while async is enabled
  • The input widget is invisible if a type is an Email
  • In iPhone, the camera is not open for a scanner.

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • A8Forms: Update config-SDK and remove carpet

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • updated config latest version in service executor

A8 Config-SDK:

  • Change of a “client” datatype in connection options

Release 1.17

24 Nov, 2022

A8 Studio-web:

  • Apply button in the service property panel is disabled after clicking on some other node in the journey
  • A new checkbox widget added
  • The UI design of the Data Panel key value add button is incorrect.

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.
  • Assisted -Manage variables -Able to edit the object and save it as a string
  • Assisted: On clicking edit ->close on JSON, obtaining null in the manage variables screen
  •  Implemented refresh token

A8 Core-Components:

  • The date picker is not parsing DOB from Scanner Component for the License.
  • Signature Pad – An entered signature is not persists while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.
  • Uploader by default working front camera
  • Provided on option disable send link feature on the uploader
  • Reverted browser behavior for iOS devices while using the uploader


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format

A8 Studio-web:

  •  Add mouse hover effect to widget list toolbox.
  • Marketplace: Functions- On performing Commit inside an imported marketplace function, it becomes an a8 function without any confirmation message.
  • Solo builder-Issue on deleting the value entered in properties.
  • Need validation in the auto-complete field and unable to use space while typing.
  • Solo Builder – Widget Height and Width should not be allowed to exceed 100 in percentage.

A8 Solo Web:

  • Add a8Config in solo
  • In Solo Implement Widget grouping

Release 1.16

17 Nov, 2022

A8 Studio-web:

  • Apply button in the service property panel is disabled after clicking on some other node in the journey
  • A new checkbox widget added
  • The UI design of the Data Panel key value add button is incorrect.

A8 Flow-Web

  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.
  • Assisted -Manage variables -Able to edit the object and save it as a string
  • Assisted: On clicking edit ->close on JSON, obtaining null in the manage variables screen
  •  Implemented refresh token

A8 Core-Components

  • The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for the License.
  • Signature Pad – An entered signature is not persists while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.
  • Uploader by default working front camera
  • Provided on option disable send link feature on the uploader
  • Reverted browser behavior for iOS devices while using the uploader


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format

A8 Studio-web:

  •  Add mouse hover effect to widget list toolbox.
  • Marketplace: Functions- On performing Commit inside an imported marketplace function, it becomes an a8 function without any confirmation message.
  • Solo builder-Issue on deleting the value entered in properties.
  • Need validation in the auto-complete field and unable to use space while typing.
  • Solo Builder – Widget Height and Width should not be allowed to exceed 100 in percentage.

A8 Solo Web :

  • Add a8Config in solo
  • In Solo Implement Widget grouping

Release 1.15

14 Nov, 2022

Core Components

  • The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for License.
  • In assisted signature pad, an Entered signature is not persist while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.


  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format


  •     Added display name in solo journey flows


  • In solo staging, manage variables selfie image is showing as undefined.
  • Initiate join client API while solo MQTT reconnect
  • Selfie component issue in mac and ios


  • Fixed generate sequence id count issue after every new release


  • Added display name field for a solo journey
  • Fixed webhook service request and handler missing issue on every new release


  • Supported live deployment in cross environments
  • Added join client API to ensure seamless MQTT reconnection
  • Fixed restoring session to the customer after the agent releases it


  • Supported live deployment in cross environments


  • Supported case-insensitive search in a8data

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Assisted -Manage variables-File content should not be editable
  •  In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info
  •  Page Loader Added
  •  Support for not persisting bind
  • Assisted: In the Manage variables screen, the’ No data’ image is displayed along with the loading spinner


  •  Scanner images are not getting loaded immediately after upload if the private bucket is true
  •  A8Flow: deleting scanner image – 415 error is thrown
  •  Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner

A8 Core-Components:

  •  The date picker cannot set dynamic values.
  •  Inputs fields setBindparams update and parse
  •  Update read only Options in the uploader component for the camera and both
  •  Date picker-Selected date is not displayed in flow web.
  •  The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for License.
  •  In assisted signature pad, an Entered signature is not persist while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  •  Solo Builder – Alignment issue with the signature pad
  •  The Solo Builder-Height property does not work as intended for Rich Text Editor
  •  Form Scroller is Displayed over the PDF, and Form is Visible under the last page of the PDF
  •  Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  •  Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Solo Builder – The eye icon/Protected feature is not available for Input type ‘Password.’
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo OTP resend event handler and resend Timer
  •  Solo Scanner remove the web camera option for web only
  •  Solo Scanner added onchange handler and Parse complete handler
  •  Solo Dropdown Widget Added
  •  Session Id, Domain Urls missing from core components
  •  Solo Builder – Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format


  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-SDK
  •  Refresh token for External-login
  •  Implemented solo’s a8config deployments and internal API for solo
  •  Supported case-insensitive search in a8data

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  •  TaskInfo API with AppId and Mode

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  •  APIs for ACL variables and groups

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-SDK

A8 Studio-Forms:

  •  Use Go API for fetching task info a8flow SDK Update
  •  Visibility condition not working Properly
  •  Page loader spinner added
  •  The complete button is getting enabled irrespective of the visibility condition given in the container

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.

A8 Studio-API:

  •  Fixed deploy issue for the BPMN journey with message start event as start node
  •  UserId validation added to sign-up
  •  Fixed issue with waiting forms in service getting removed on creating a version
  •  Added session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Marketplace App APIs
  •  Marketplace App Import UI
  •  Marketplace App upload Image and file API
  •  Marketplace App Versions API
  •  Download a8-app artifact
  •  Import marketplace app API
  •  Implemented public/private configuration to a8config for solo
  •  Solo-Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  •  Added display name field for a solo journey
  •  Fixed webhook service request and handler missing issue on every new release
  • messageName formation issue for process with multiple message events is fixed

A8 Studio-Web:

  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Signature Pad Widget
  •  Form v2 UI: The properties and layout panel input box border-radius are not in sync with the UI design.
  •  The properties panel, layout input box, and label line height are all out of sync with the UI design.
  •  The horizontal spacing of the header title and form name does not match the design.
  •  Properties Panel input should not have a box shadow, and the font size, font color of the label, and value are all incorrect.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo Builder: Grid widget’s Layout tab Grid field is duplicated, and when changing the value, the changes are not reflected in the canvas
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info and added sendMessage intelligence.
  •  Page Loader intelligence added.
  •  Images exceed the frame.
  •  Marketplace App Preview page
  •  Functions- Able to use Axios, moment, etc., without providing permissions for the same
  •  Marketplace App List page
  •  Create Marketplace App API allows creating of an App without an object URL
  •  Importing a Marketplace App without a Display Name and Name should not be possible.
  •  The preview page allows to create of a release with the same version Id
  •  When adding a lengthy description, the text is not wrapped.
  •  Marketplace App
  •  Add resume, expiry, and idle events in the solo journey event node.
  •  Add a public flag for configuration in solo.
  •  Added display name in solo journey flows.
  • Solo Builder: Issue with Data panel

A8 Solo-APIs:

  •  Support for not persisting bind
  •  The selfie component now fallbacks to QR/Send link on failed camera access
  •  Email notification to the customer once the session is released from the agent
  •  Implemented solo API to support a8config
  •  Fixed generate sequence id count issue after every new release

A8 Solo-Engine:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Fixed security issue on exposing customer token in “endFlow” event to flow web user (agent) on redirection
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Handled engine processing with an internal token to avoid session control changes and token expiration
  •  Supported live deployment in cross environments
  •  Added join client API to ensure seamless MQTT reconnection
  •  Fixed restoring session to the customer after the agent releases it

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Implemented a8config-SDK
  •  Supported live deployment in cross environments

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Implemented A8Config in Solo
  • Implemented new solo API for config
  • In solo staging, manage variables selfie image is showing as undefined.
  • Initiate join client API while solo MQTT reconnect
  • Selfie component issue in mac and ios

Release 1.14

07 Nov, 2022

A8 Core Components:

  • Assisted – Date picker-Selected date is not displayed in the flow web

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Session Id, Domain Urls missing from core components

A8 Flow-APIs:

  • Implemented solo’s a8config deployments and internal API for solo

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Implemented solo API to support a8config


  • Handled engine processing with an internal token to avoid session control changes and token expiration

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Implemented A8Config in Solo

A8 Solo-code-executor:

  • Implemented a8config-SDK

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • Implemented new solo API for config

A8 Studio-Apis:

  • Implemented public/private configuration to a8config for solo

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Add a public flag for configuration in solo

Release 1.13

03 Nov, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Assisted -Manage variables-File content should not be editable
  •  In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Use Go API for fetching taskinfo
  •  Page Loader Added
  •  Support for not persisting bind


  •  Scanner images are not getting loaded immediately after upload if private bucket is true
  •  A8Flow: deleting scanner image – 415 error is thrown

A8 Core-Components:

  •  The date picker cannot set the dynamic values
  •  Inputs fields setBindparams update and parse
  •  Update readonly Options in the uploader component for the camera and both

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  •  Solo Builder – Alignment issue with the signature pad
  •  Solo Builder-Height property does not work as intended for Rich Text Editor
  •  Form Scroller is Displaying over the PDF, and Form is Visible under the last page of the PDF
  •  Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  •  Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Solo Builder – Eye icon/Protected feature is not available for Input type ‘Password.’
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo OTP resend event handler and resend Timer
  •  Solo Scanner remove the web camera option for web only
  •  Solo Scanner added Onchange handler and Parse complete handler
  •  Solo Dropdown Widget Added


  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-sdk
  •  Refresh token for External-login

A8 Flow-APIs-V2 :

  •  TaskInfo API with AppId and Mode

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  •  APIs for acl variables and groups

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-sdk

A8 Studio-Forms:

  •  Use Go API for fetching taskinfo a8flow sdk Update
  •  Visibility condition not working Properly
  •  Page loader spinner added
  •  The complete button is getting enabled irrespective of the visibility condition given in the container

A8 Studio-API:

  •  Fixed deploy issue for the bpmn journey with message start event as start node
  •  UserId validation added to sign-up
  •  Fixed issue with waiting forms in service getting removed on creating a version
  •  Added session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Marketplace App APIs
  •  Marketplace App Import UI
  •  Marketplace App upload Image and file API
  •  Marketplace App Versions API
  •  Download a8-app artifact
  •  Import marketplace app API
  • Solo-Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel.

A8 Studio-Web:

  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Signature Pad Widget
  •  Form v2 UI: The properties and layout panel input box border-radius are not in sync with the UI design.
  •  The properties panel, layout input box, and label line height are all out of sync with the UI design.
  •  The horizontal spacing of the header title and form name does not match the design.
  •  Properties Panel input should not have a box shadow, and the font size, font color of the label, and value are all incorrect.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo Builder: Grid widget’s Layout tab Grid field is duplicated, and when changing the value, the changes are not reflected in the canvas
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info and added sendMessage intelligence.
  •  Page Loader intelligence added.
  •  Images are exceeding the frame.
  •  Marketplace App Preview page
  •  Functions- Able to use axios,moment etc without providing permissions for the same
  •  Marketplace App List page
  •  Create Market place App API allows to create of an App without objecturl
  •  Importing a Marketplace App without a Display Name and Name should not be possible.
  •  The preview page is allowing to create a release with the same versionId
  •  When adding a lengthy description, the text is not being wrapped.
  •  Marketplace App
  • Add resume, expiry, idle events in solo journey event node.

A8 Solo-APIs:

  •  Support for not persisting bind
  •  The selfie component now fallbacks to QR/Sendlink on failed camera access
  •  Email notification to the customer once the session is released from the agent

A8 Solo-Engine:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Fixed security issue on exposing customer token in “endFlow” event to flow web user (agent) on redirection
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:

  •  Value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in solo journey

Release 1.12

Released 27 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  • “Terms of use” and “Privacy policy” are being shown in the preview login screen on white label: True.
  • Disable the edit option for File content in history – manage variables.
  • The active session card is not visible in the solo active task screen.
  • Accept/Reject alert is not displayed in a tabular view.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form variables from form variables api
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form details from form api by form key
  • A8FLOW -solo: Editing the manage variables without clicking the save button, a null value is showing
  • A8Flow – Solo Task: When Task is assigned to an Agent date is displayed to the card variables
  • In Solo tasks List view, while data is loading, “Loading” should be shown in the center with Spinner.
  • All task cards relating to that App are not displayed when a specific process definition is selected; only the most recent card is displayed.
  • History – Secondary color is not applied to the Apply Filter button.
  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables.
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having atleast one collection.
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating schema
  • Remove the Create Variables screen while starting a process.

A8 Core-Components:

  • Fixed Form field data entry becomes very slow when the form has many elements
  • Fixed uploader camera issue for IOS os
  • Fixed uploader component annotation dropdown show used annotations

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Solo: Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Scanner – Mask image functionality is not working properly.
  • A8FLOW: Solo – Manual View option need to be removed in the PDF uploader.
  • A8Flow – Solo – Uploading an un-protected PDF, it asking a password
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • A8FLOW – SOLO – Updating an unprotected file, still asking for a password.
  • A8FLOW -solo – Uploading a pdf in an uploader, a pdf file is opened, unable to close the open file.
  • A8Flow: Solo – We need to remove the view option after putting a password in the protected PDF.
  • The date Picker component is allowing to type Alphabets and Special Characters
  • The padding is not working
  • Icon – In Properties, vertical is not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages


  • Changes to support assisted webhook node

A8 Flow-APIs-V2 :

  • Assisted webhook node -> webhook node complete api implementation

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  • Hide a process defn in the create process panel
  • Camunda build without camunda proxy url
  • Create user and authorizations for service task

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Solo Forms: Added send link and QR feature for selfie component
  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geo-location api on forms-sdk
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first click of the button, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Provided geo-location api on forms-sdk

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Unable to type ${bindPrefix} in bindfield, which is required during asset creation
  • On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving.
  • The manual View option needs to be removed from the PDF uploader.
  • Implement the web hook task in the assisted journey
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • New Signature Pad Widget
  • The font size and color of the component title and sub-title are inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • The width of the side panel is inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • Highlight the selected widget and Remove delete an icon from the Layers widget tree
  • Added on Blur event in Input Field.
  • Asset implementation.
  • Fixed Able to create an asset without entering the name.
  • Functions- On editing the name or execution type, Confirmation is required for changing the marketplace function into an a8function.
  • Issue in updating the id field for the child elements
  • Add a “clear” button in the console panel of create marketplace function page.
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Newly Created organization is not selected by default.
  • ‘Not authorized’ message is displayed for organizations for which we have access.
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • When a widget is selected on the viewport, the layout tab should show all the default properties.
  • Added mobile, tablet, and web form factors for solo builder
  • Provided support for zooming and panning of solo builder’s canvas
  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms.
  • Fixed Properties panel crashes on editing the Id of the components.
  • Allow https in a code snippet.
  • Added tooltip to mobile, tab, and web view icons
  • On performing zoom-in-out for a particular view, it is displayed in the dropdown for the other views, although it does not reflect on canvas.

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On first click on the button, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form details from form api by form key
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form variables from form variables api
  • A8Solo: The loading screen must be displayed while waiting for the service response
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages


  • A8Studio Web: Implement the web hook task properties panel added in assisted journey


  • Implement the web hook task in the assisted journey

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Allow https in the code snippet in the server-side function
  • Assisted webhook node implementation as a service task

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Added Get form by key and get variables APIs for agents
  • Fixed service task lock duration
  • Sendlink and submit api for solo selfie component

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Fixed Webhook node completion throwing 404 randomly
  • Fixed session getting stuck in timer node when customers use concurrently
  • Added get form and variables API and sent the formId in mqtt payload

Release 1.11

Released 20 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:
  • “Terms of use” and “Privacy policy” are being shown in the preview login screen on the white label: True
  • Disable the edit option for File content in history – manage variables.
  • The active session card is not visible in the solo active task screen.
  • Accept/Reject alert is not displayed in a tabular view
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form variables from form variables API
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form details from form API by form key
  • A8FLOW -solo: Editing the manage variables without clicking the save button, null value is showing
  • A8Flow – Solo Task: When Task is assigned to an Agent date is displayed to the card variables
  • In the Solo tasks List view while data is loading, “Loading” should be shown in the center with Spinner
  • All task cards relating to that App are not displayed when a specific process definition is selected; only the most recent card is displayed.
  • History – Secondary colour is not applied to the Apply Filter button
  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having at least one collection
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating schema
  • Remove the Create Variables screen while starting a process
A8 Core-Components:
  • Fixed Form field data entry becomes very slow when the form has many elements
  • Fixed uploader camera issue for IOS os
  • Fixed uploader component annotation dropdown show used annotations
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Solo: Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Scanner – Mask image functionality is not working properly.
  • A8Flow: Solo – Manual View option must be removed in the PDF uploader.
  • A8Flow – Solo – Uploading an un-protected PDF, it asking a password
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • A8Flow – SOLO – Updating an unprotected file, still asking for a password.
  • A8Flow -solo – Uploading a pdf in an uploader, the pdf file is opened, unable to close the open file.
  • A8Flow: Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  • The date Picker component is allowing to type Alphabets and Special Characters
  • The padding is not working
  • Icon – In Properties, vertical is not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Changes to support assisted webhook node
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Assisted webhook node -> webhook node complete API implementation
A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:
  • Hide a process defn in the creative process panel
  • Camunda build without camunda proxy URL
  • Create user and authorizations for service task
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • Solo Forms: Added send link and QR feature for selfie component
  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geolocation API on forms-SDK
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component
A8 Studio-Forms-V2:
  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first button click, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Provided geolocation API on forms-SDK
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Unable to type ${bindPrefix} in bindfield, which is required during asset creation
  • On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  • The manual View option needs to be removed from the PDF uploader
  • Implement the webhook task in the assisted journey
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • New Signature Pad Widget
  • The font size and color of the component title and sub-title are inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • The width of the side panel is inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • Highlight the selected widget and Remove the delete an icon from the Layers widget tree
  • Added on Blur event in Input Field.
  • Asset implementation.
  • Fixed Able to create an asset without entering the name.
  • Functions- On editing the name or execution type, Confirmation is required for changing the marketplace function into an a8function.
  • The issue in updating the id field for the child elements
  • Add a “clear” button in the console panel of create marketplace function page
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • A newly created organisation is not selected by default
  • The ‘Not authorized’ message is displayed for organizations for which we have access
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • When a widget is selected on the viewport, the layout tab should show all the default properties
  • Added mobile, tablet, and web form factors for solo builder
  • Provided support for zooming and panning of solo builder’s canvas
  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms
  • fixed  Properties panel crashes on editing the Id of the components
  • Allow HTTPS in the code snippet
  • Added tooltip to mobile, tab, and web view icons
  • On performing zoom-in-out for a particular view, it is displayed in the dropdown for the other views, although it does not reflect on the canvas
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first button click, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form details from form API by form key
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form variables from form variables API
  • A8Solo: The loading screen must be displayed while waiting for the service response
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • A8Studio Web: Implement the webhook task properties panel added in the assisted journey
  • Implement the webhook task in the assisted journey
A8 Flow-Service-Executor:
  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Allow HTTPS in the code snippets in server-side function
  • Assisted webhook node implementation as a service task
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added Get form by key and get variables APIs for agents
  • Fixed service task lock duration
  • Send a link and submit API for the solo selfie component
A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Fixed Webhook node completion throwing 404 randomly
  • Fixed session getting stuck in timer node when customers use concurrently
  • Added get form and variables API and sent the formId in mqtt payload

Release 1.10

Released 13 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web

  •  Solo – unable to open the card.
  •  Show solo session app variables in the table view
  •  In dev1 Solo tasks are not visible
  •  The design for solo and assisted tabs in History is incorrect
  •  Load solo sessions based on the app filter
  •  Load the default dashboard and Set the start date 2 years back.
  •  Solo-Sales Flow-On assigning the task to an agent, the “Assigned To” label is not getting updated with the assigned user name
  •  Solo-Sales Flow When a user clicks on a card and comes out of the task, then clicks on another task, the first selected task is displayed instead of the second one
  •  Solo – Variable order in the card view should be maintained in the table view
  •  Solo Task – Search APP filter does not differentiate live and prod deployment
  •  Solo Tasks screen-Click on the task after filtering by app and navigating back to the task screen, the app name in the filter gets changed
  •  Solo – History: Manage Variables – Images uploaded (Objects) are displayed in JSON format.
  •  Split apps (Settings) into two tabs Solo and Assisted.
  •  While searching, tab details get blank in solo history, AppId, and Variable filters are added in solo history.
  •  The issue in Highlighting the Assisted and Solo tabs.
  •  Solo-Task Screen-On filtering by the assignee in the tasks screen, tasks are not displayed in card and tabular view.
  •  Reset Password screen alignment issue fixed
  •  Misspelled as “log in” instead of “login” bug fixed

A8 Core-Components

  •  Added Toggle Button
  •  Added Floating Action Button
  •  The issue with the link target property throws an error on setting it to Self, Parent, and Top.

A8 Core-Components-V2

  • A8Studio: Solo-Upload bank statement -The system should accept only pdf on the bank upload statement page whereas now it is accepting all the extensions.
  •  The “Upload bank statement” screen on uploading a protected pdf file immediately should ask for a protected password.
  •  Solo Builder – Rich Text Editor: The link does not open in a new window on enabling ‘Open link in a new window.


  •  The issue in the same data collections is being shown multiple times on every deployment, both live and create release fixed

A8 Flow-APIs-V2

  •  Filter criteria to support current user expression in a variable
  •  Get all apps based on the app type

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform

  •  Implemented refresh-token in a8flow
  •  The new default user for service task
  •  Changes in the A8Flow project build

A8 Studio-Forms-V2

  •  The uploader component now allows the same file to be uploaded again after accidental deletes.
  •  Fixed the CORS issue on the Image component.

A8 Studio-APIs

  •  Solo Builder Context Menu
  •  The paste option should not be available for child elements
  •  Form builder crashes on ungrouping the grouped elements
  •  On clicking the close icon in the parent element, form builder crashes
  •  Solo Builder Undo Redo
  •  Able to perform Undo and redo without performing checkout
  •  The layers widget section should be collapsible.
  •  When a widget is selected on the view port, the properties tab should be shown automatically on the right
  •  Marketplace functions My Functions tab does not display the functions created by the user
  •  Waiting Form support during service execution

A8 Studio-Web

  •  Add a waiting form for the service node in an A8Solo journey

A8 Solo-Web-SDK

  •  A8Studio: Solo- Internet Option down/Off -When internet/Data is not available, the application should prompt the user to check for the Connection
  •  A8Solo: Solo script variables not updated in form

A8 Flow-Grafana-Proxy

  •  Issue added orgId  for all internal grafana api’s fixed

A8 Flow-Service-Executor

  •  A8Flow, a8config, and a8data sdk versions upgraded to the latest

A8 Solo-APIs

  •  App-based filtering support in active sessions and history
  •  Brand variable-based filtering support in active sessions and history
  •  GetCollectionAPI –> fixed duplication in response data

A8 Solo-Engine

  •  Allowed error handling without any limit to its occurrence
  •  Waiting Form support during service execution
  •  Consecutive calls to code executor fixed

Release 1.9

Released 22 Sep, 2022

A8 Flow-Web

  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having at least one collection
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating the schema
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL in forms.
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL in manageVariables.
  • Implemented Login layouts
  • User task and service task differentiation in history
  • Brand Image not updated for forgot password page bug fixed
  • Remove unused buttons on the top right corner
  • Implement the resource permission in Solo history (Manage Variables)
  • In user login unable to see the manage variables.
  • The container is not visible if tried to load it as an asset
  • Handle Resume events in solo forms
  • Unable to move previous or next form

A8 Core-Components

  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.
  • On entering ‘0’, the ‘number field is empty’ error is shown

A8 Core-Components-V2

  • Rich Text Editor: The cursor is not displayed on deleting the paragraph
  • The component vanishes when the same Id is given
  • Slider is going out of canvas on giving the high values
  • alignment of close icon in pdf viewer


  • Internationalization new entries added
  • Data apps having at least one collection when withCollections(optional) queryparam is true

A8 Flow-APIs-V2

  • Geolocation API implemented

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform

  • Added variable ACL to history variable update, delete APIs
  • Accepting optional ObjectId in file upload API

A8 Studio-Forms

  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geo-location API on forms-SDK
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.

A8 Studio-Forms-V2

  • Provided geo-location API on forms-SDK

A8 Studio-APIs

  • Webhook and timer node properties are retained while creating the next version
  • Deployment issue fixed when variable ACL is added

A8 Studio-Web

  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms
  • Allowed special characters in configuration value fields
  • The issue with the validation panel bug fixed
  • Provide an option to hide the “Send Link” feature from the Scanner component
  • A8Forms (v1) Type Definitions did not load
  • Added Validation for Text Input Widget in a Modal
  • In the Text component, the property ‘Label’ does not work as intended
  • In the Configuration Value field should allow special characters
  • Added getSessionInfo intelligence in forms and studio (Services & Functions)
  • Forms – Able to enter / and \ in the ‘Bind’ field.

A8 Solo-APIs

  • Resume flag support for flow web users (agents)
  • GetSessionInfo API

A8 Solo-Code-Executor

  • A8solo-SDK support in executeCode API

A8 Solo-Web-SDK

  • Added GetSessionInfo function
  • In IOS mobile Browser – “Buttons are invisible”.
  • Added getSessionInfo intelligence in forms and studio (Services & Functions)
  • Provide API on a8forms SDK to change section title
  • Handle Resume events in solo forms
  • Unable to move previous or next form

A8 Solo-Engine

  • Resume event node support for flow web users (agents)


  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.

Release 1.8

Released 13 Sep, 2022

A8Solo – Engine, A8Solo – APIs, A8Solo – Code- Executor, A8Studio – APIs

  • Added event node and timer node in A8Solo journey


  • Fixed Nan issue while saving session variables  in custom services, functionsA8flow-apis-v2: cloud storage information in brand API


  • Increased config value length,
  • A8Flow-service-executor: Static service token supportA8flow-web:
  • A8Flow-2925: The geolocation changes are not being reflected unless the User gets logged in again
  • A8Flow-3166: A8Flow Web: Hide “Powered by Autonom8” if the branding API response has Whitelabel field set to true
  • A8Flow-3145:A8Flow Web: Add Font Family support in the brand theme
  • A8Flow-3305: A8Flow: Save API is not being called inflow web
  • A8Flow-2644: A8 Flow-Filters: Change the color of the ‘Submit’ button in creating filters
  • A8Flow-3255: In Manage variables, variables are being updated and deleted only on refreshing the page
  • A8Flow-3239: On clicking manage variables in History completed tab page crashes

A8Studio – Web

  • A8Flow-2951: Updated Font Size in the theme is not reflected in the run time
  • A8Flow-3248: A8Studio: Implement the event node
  • A8Flow-3253: A8Studio: Solo – Timer Node – Warning message is not displayed for 0 seconds, 0 minutes, and 0 hours
  • A8Flow-3279: A8Solo(Event Node UI): Control issues in Event Node
  • A8Flow-3247: A8STUDIO: Implement the timer node
  • A8Flow-3134: On clicking, Deploy APIs are being hit twice
  • A8Flow-3084: Solo – Data entered in the JSON editor is not being displayed in field
  • A8Flow-3081: JSON editor displays the old values
  • A8Flow-2941: Solo – Forms – Save button should be displayed only on checking out the form
  • A8Flow-2940: Forms – Form is editable in the Committed state
  • A8Flow-2939: Forms -Rephrase the toast message obtained on clicking the Commit button

A8Core Components

  • A8Flow-3235: Theming did not apply the buttons in the Signature pad
  • A8Flow-3098: On the mobile app – the radio button option doesn’t get wrapped against the screen width
  • A8Flow-3269: Number component – crashing while entering characters
  • A8Flow-3097: On the mobile app – the dropdown text doesn’t get wrapped in case of long characters

A8Core V2

  • A8Flow-3090:A8Studio: Solo Builder – Icon Input and Icon Button: The icon is visible though the Icon size field is empty
  • A8Flow-3178: Solo Builder – Selfie: Able to capture the image while in a red area circle.
  • A8Flow-3144: Solo Builder: Selfie Cam SDK integration
  • A8Flow-3265: A8Studio: Solo Builder – Selfie: Camera is allowing to capture multiple faces

Solo – Web – SDK

  • A8Flow-3178: A8Solo Builder – Selfie: Able to capture the image while in a red area circle.
  • A8Flow-3144: A8Solo Builder: Vishwam Selfie Cam SDK integration
  • A8Flow-3265: A8Studio: A8Solo Builder – Selfie: The camera is allowing to capture multiple faces
  • A8Flow-3276: A8Solo: A8Solo is not working in Mac safari
  • A8Flow-3277: A8Solo: A8Solo is not working in ios
  • A8Flow-3241: A8Solo: Configure the solo API base & gcs URL from the solo widget origin
  • A8Flow-3026:Solo Builder – Warnings are shown to the user by default

A8Studio – Forms

  • A8Flow-3240: DELETE API is requesting the POST method in A8Data

A8Studio – Forms – V2

  • A8Flow-3191:Collections API displays Authorization: Bearer null

Release 1.7

Released 25 Aug, 2022

A8Flow – Web

  • Solo web SDK integration in solo task page
  • In flow web, the solo session release icon should not be available on the ‘Thank you’ screen
  • Solo session takeover
  • A8Solo(Solo Tasks): Tasks that are not assigned to the user are being displayed on the users Solo tasks page
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Agent-Issue with filling the form as well as accepting/rejecting the form under
  • Table view in the ‘Solo Tasks’ screen
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Admin-Issue with assigning tasks in Table view in the ‘Solo Tasks’ screen
  • A8Flow: Session Takeover: The session completed by the agent is displayed on the Solo Tasks screen.
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Node name does not change accordingly on moving to subsequent forms in the flow
  • A8Flow: On clicking Solo Tasks, the page crashes
  • A8 Solo: Flow web: Agent-Remove the form name from the ‘Thank you ‘screen
  • A8Flow: Solo task list view
  • A8Flow: Solo task assigns user screen
  • A8 Flow- Solo Tasks-On reloading the session details screen, the session list screen is obtained
  • A8Flow: On reloading the page in the Solo Tasks List view, it switches back to the detailed view
  • A8Solo: In the detailed view, the Node name is by default displaying as Personal Loan
  • A8Solo: In the Details tab customer details are being passed as Nil
  • A8 Flow: Solo History-Edit/Delete icon needs to be removed for reserved variable-error as it should be non- editable
  • A8Flow – Unable to provide input in the Group Id field on entering invalid data in filters
  • A8Flow: Solo history view
  • A8Flow: Solo task detailed view

A8Flow – BPM Platform

  • Signed URL expiry time max limit set to 60
  • File upload in GCS to support ACL

A8Flow – APIs

  • A8data finds API to support partial value match
  • Returning cloud storage info in brand API
  • Solo support for deploying API
  • Solo support for collection APIs
  • DB schema changes in functions, collections, and deployment


  • Added private bucket configuration in brand API
  • Added module configuration in brand API

A8Studio – APIs

  • Solo support for create and update function API
  • Solo support for create and update collection API
  • Solo support for create new version , environment , deploy and live deploy APIs.
  • DB schema changes for app, appType, env, function and collection tables.

A8Studio – Web

  • A8Studio: Solo- On changing the next node for condition, it does reflect in the flow
  • A8Solo: Webhook node name allows duplication
  • A8Studio:  Assisted: Journey Name is not displayed in Assisted flows
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Slider: Slider’s colour does not change while dragging the pointer
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder -Obtaining invalid ‘Form is not Valid’ message in Console on trying to navigate to next form
  • A8 Studio: Solo Builder – Issue with ‘Height’ property in layout
  • A8Solo Builder – Spacer component is not being Dropped into the canvas
  • A8Flow-2996 -A8Studio: Solo Builder – Grid – On giving Invalid bind in Hide element On field Solo widget stopped functioning
  • A8Flow-3023 -A8Studio: Solo Builder – Help icon displays the Layout properties
  • Changed checkbox naming from Authorized to Public in solo function creation.

Core – V2

  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Image Slider: Issue with the Dot slide /Alignment issues under Properties panel

A8Solo – Backend

A8solo Code executor:
1. Server-side function implementation
2. A8Data support for solo server-side functions
3. A8Data support for solo services
4. A8Solo-SDK support for both solo services and server-side functions
5. Added support to upload files to Google Cloud Storage via session variables in server-side functions and services

A8Solo – Engine

1. Service node a8data and A8Solo-SDK support
2. Session takeover feature
3. Supported solo tasks and details in flow web


1. Implementation of getCollections,findDocument,getFunctions,executeFunction and generateSequenceID API for both client and user.
2. Session takeover feature
3. Supported solo tasks and details in flow web

Release 1.6

Released 18 Aug, 2022


  • Winston log undefined error resolved
  • A8data-SDK version change
  • A8flow-APIs-v2 :
  • Time tracker added for all DB functions
  • History API query range changed to 3 months
  • Caching the history API using Redis

BPMN – Platform

  • Baseurl for object storage signed URL
  • JWT expires time change
  • DB -auto-reconnect config added
  • JSON parse exception handler with a custom message
  • Explicit user not found error message changes
  • Updated all history variable

A8Flow Web

  • Space required between text in Update Filter & Create Filter button
  • In the login screen on clicking the password and providing the OTP, the verify button label is hidden
  • In Data, the Collection list is not completely visible
  • Hide filter type “constant” in the dashboard
  • Spinner for Application History
  • Replace the resource key with the resource name in the ‘textPayload’ key
  • Tasks Screen-Applied Filter conditions get removed on switching tabs and changes in UI design of task filters
  • Handling no data for timeline view
  • Branding: Maximum of 150 characters should be allowed for the organization name field
  • Changes in displaying the org name in the tooltip
  • Changes in branding logo alignment
    Branch name – profile_edit_btn_clickTwice_bug (49c33f55)
    Branch name – tasks_save_btn_bug (7823cb62)
    Branch name – ‘group_error_bug’ (db1a27ca)
    Branch name – ‘btn_color_bug’ (7f4270e6)
    Branch name – ‘brand_img_upload_bug’ (515fb320)
    Branch name – ‘history_obj_edit_bug’ (d4d9da0c)
  • Fixed user namespace issue on the edit user page
  • Fixed logo alignment I18N string on the branding page
  • Blocked filters with no table columns from creating/updating

A8Studio APIs

  • Fixed BPMN nodes inside nested sub-processes not updating on new version creation
  • Fix for marketplace import issue in a form


  • A8Studio-web 2900 Branch name – ‘widget_bug’ (24697d42)

Release 1.5

Released 01 July, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

A8 Studio

  • Teams screen redesign
  • Users screen redesign
  • OTP expiration time feature added

A8 Flow – APIs

  • Http request logging

A8 Studio – APIs

  • Http request logging

A8 Flow – APIs v2

  • User details & credentials update API

Release 1.4

Released 02 June, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

Release 1.3

Released 02 June, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

A8 Studio

  • Teams screen redesign
  • Users screen redesign
  • OTP expiration time feature added