HomeA8Studio Release Notes

A8Studio Release Notes

Release 2.03

27th June, 2024

  • Handled default values for smtp mail from env
  • Entire a8 flow application should accessible with permission set
  • A8Flow: Loading tabs should not be shown on obtaining 403 forbidden page
  • A8Flow:Issue with PDF Preview in Details and Document previewer/Unable to scroll down and copy contents in pdf
  • fixed function not executing while opened using deepLink shorten url
  • Integrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment  new API in V2
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Select component – Need a read only option included.
  • Card variables are not updated in Task Summary and on cards immediately has been fixed
  • Issue fixed in filtering data when there are multiple records in response using Multiple Operators
  • Solo – Added file icons in active and history manage variables for text, json, zip and xml file types
  • Fixed adding suggestions issue for messages when editing qna under response type-service
  • In Deployment, added  Loader for “Yes” button after enabling “Deploy DMN”.
  • Added Export option in A8studio Audit Logs
  • getKey() added for I18N
  • A8Studio Form v3: Update padding, margin, border as per figma design to show hints for top, right, left, bottom properties
  • A8Studio-Assisted: UI issue in assisted journey screen
  • A8Astro Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Function Call failing in Onload is resolved
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • The code for the V2 Code Editor When pasted into a notepad or console, copied code becomes limited.
  • ontext Menu does not appear near the mouse position when you right click
  • Remove unnecessary properties of widgets
  • Add feature to close popups on pressing Esc key on keyboard
Core v3:
  • Assisted V3-Selfie Camera-off: Fix for modal is displayed even after the image is uploaded
  • Implemented dynamic url for avatar component
  • fixed Segment component not working with bindParams
  • Features in Snackbar component.
  • V3 Forms: Components are moved to fixed position on clicking a button to show snackbar.
  • A8Flow-SnackBar Issues
  • Widget height is not applied when removing the typed value.Expected behaviour it should take the height from global css.
  • Label Default Height Not Updated After Form Builder Reload.
  • Solo V3 Forms: On placing the image slider component inside a column, image slider’s width should be refactored
  • v3forms-On selecting Image Fill checkbox, Image getting disappear
  • Uploader limit issue – Even if the limit is set to 1 , user is able to capture multiple photos
A8flow-apis v2
  • Migrated Notification, Verify Token & latest deployment API in V2
  • Fixed content deletion issue when attached in a solo flow and qna dialog
  • Supported retry of service nodes of active sessions when engine restarts
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in forms and client side functions
  • Chat – Replaced undefined and null values of a text content with a space when substituting variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in active and history manage variables
  • Supported json, zip and xml file types while saving file variables in services and server side functions
A8Live-Engine & A8Live-API
  • Restricted status update of a virtual agent to prevent offline / unavailable status issue
  • Chat – Fixed astro and i18n sdk url reference issue when using a form in live agent console
  • HDB data mining (API metrics) page is crashing is fixed
  • Fixed a8forms.save() function call issue while using private bucket

Release 2.02

19th June, 2024

  • Env settings implemented
  • Legacy Forms : On opening a task, first tab is kept unselected bug fixed
  • Fixed Pdf Preview issue in preview documents tab
  • In the details tab, the task summary is showing the variable name instead of the label name.
  • Details Tab Document Preview Not Loading For Aditya Birla
  • History Manage Variables Documents signedURL call not getting executed for Completed Applications for Aditya Birla
  • Kinara UAT | Unable to download images or PDFs from the scanner | signed-url issue
  • Fixed editable area issue while using Quick Fix and onload
  • Resource_key entry added to allow edit option for service and function names
  • Function and Service – Form gets committed on clicking save button.
  • There is no required option for checkbox.
  • Table component – link is not working.
Core Components
  • Assisted – Issue on Checklist component – On clicking any components with checklist, it throws an error in console.
New Launch: DMN Hub – An environment  to self-host the rule engine.
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • The tasks are not moving forward from the service tasks due to DB disconnect

Release 2.01

13th June, 2024

  • Env settings implemented
  • Legacy Forms : On opening a task, first tab is kept unselected bug fixed
  • Fixed Pdf Preview issue in preview documents tab
  • In the details tab, the task summary is showing the variable name instead of the label name.
  • Details Tab Document Preview Not Loading For Aditya Birla
  • History Manage Variables Documents signedURL call not getting executed for Completed Applications for Aditya Birla
  • Kinara UAT | Unable to download images or PDFs from the scanner | signed-url issue
  • Fixed editable area issue while using Quick Fix and onload
  • Resource_key entry added to allow edit option for service and function names
  • Function and Service – Form gets committed on clicking save button.
  • There is no required option for checkbox.
  • Table component – link is not working.
Core Components
  • Assisted – Issue on Checklist component – On clicking any components with checklist, it throws an error in console.
New Launch: DMN Hub – An environment  to self-host the rule engine.
  • Restricted session variable length limit to 4000 characters
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • Supported attachments in send mail sdk function
  • The tasks are not moving forward from the service tasks due to DB disconnect

Release 2.00

12th June, 2024

Launching A8Chat powered by A8Studio and  A8Solo
  • Eliminated botpress and used a8solo to trigger workflows
  • Built QNA and Basic NLP system in A8Studio
  • Supported LUIS NLU provider to trigger intents
  • Supported different static and dynamic content types to send messages
  • Implemented forms, webhooks and assisted journey support in chat workflows
  • Powering new bots without any cloud cluster deployments
  • Introduced live agent assist system to continue customer’s workflows
  • Supported private and public flow system of a8solo
A8 Flow
  •  Button component (V3) :  button loader has been implemented
  •  info API with 403 status is called multiple times in forms
  •  Unable to open task due to Deserialization Error.
  •  Fixed Document Collector crashing issue on uploading documents
  •  Session start date added in solo session details pane
  •  Settings screen revamp
  • URL details displaying on the login page when encountering 500 internal server error fixed.
  • New Descriptions widget like the one in Ant design
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters for Today and Yesterday
  •   Fixed soft delete issue
  •  Assisted/Solo-Function- DisplayName should be wrapped for functions as in Services
  •  The default DMN screen shows a value ‘dish’ which should be changed
  •  Custom widgets not visible issue fixed
  •  Web/V3 – When the background is a light color, the hex code or rgb value should be black and vice versa.
  •  Removed unnecessary properties of widgets
  •  Web/V3 – Default font family and font-size should be applied to components.
A8Core -components:
  •   V3-DatePicker-Unable to select Time in Date&Time format/Close Icon does not function properly
  •  Scanner component support onchange event handler.
  •  Dynamic Handling of Password Protection Required.
  •  Delete API throws 500 on deleting the pdf/image uploaded via setBindParams in scanner and uploader

Release 1.99

31st May, 2024

Launching A8Chat powered by A8Studio and  A8Solo
  • Eliminated botpress and used a8solo to trigger workflows
  • Built QNA and Basic NLP system in A8Studio
  • Supported LUIS NLU provider to trigger intents
  • Supported different static and dynamic content types to send messages
  • Implemented forms, webhooks and assisted journey support in chat workflows
  • Powering new bots without any cloud cluster deployments
  • Introduced live agent assist system to continue customer’s workflows
  • Supported private and public flow system of a8solo
A8 Flow
  •  Button component (V3) :  button loader has been implemented
  •  info API with 403 status is called multiple times in forms
  •  Unable to open task due to Deserialization Error.
  •  Fixed Document Collector crashing issue on uploading documents
  •  Session start date added in solo session details pane
  •  Settings screen revamp
  • URL details displaying on the login page when encountering 500 internal server error fixed.
  • New Descriptions widget like the one in Ant design
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters
  • Add createdAfter criteria by default when creating new filters for Today and Yesterday
  •   Fixed soft delete issue
  •  Assisted/Solo-Function- DisplayName should be wrapped for functions as in Services
  •  The default DMN screen shows a value ‘dish’ which should be changed
  •  Custom widgets not visible issue fixed
  •  Web/V3 – When the background is a light color, the hex code or rgb value should be black and vice versa.
  •  Removed unnecessary properties of widgets
  •  Web/V3 – Default font family and font-size should be applied to components.
A8Core -components:
  •   V3-DatePicker-Unable to select Time in Date&Time format/Close Icon does not function properly
  •  Scanner component support onchange event handler.
  •  Dynamic Handling of Password Protection Required.
  •  Delete API throws 500 on deleting the pdf/image uploaded via setBindParams in scanner and uploader

Release 1.98

22nd May, 2024

Release 1.97

16th May, 2024

Release 1.96

09th May, 2024

  •  A8Flow – History – incorrect time is showing in Read – only forms have been resolved.
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  Scanner: Forms – Unable to download image from scanner on setting private bucket to true have been resolved.
  •  Fixed importing csv file containing numbers in a8data
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  A8Flow-Legacy-Web scanner throws error.
  •  Legacy Forms-Signed URL is getting saved in the backend instead of private URL
  •  Filter deletion audit log added
  •  Determine the need for opencv.js and remove it if not needed
  •  Fixed manage variables showed no data when gave particular definition key in the permission
  • fixed Unable to view the uploaded pdf in Details tab on setting via setBindParams add this in release notes
  •  Alert obtained for protected pdf is not closing when clicked Cancel issue fixed
  •  Service Task Getting Suspended
  •  StaticAsset files under default onboarding app is not displayed for newly signed up users
Go Apis:
  •  Upgraded all go services to Go version 1.21.

Release 1.95

08th May, 2024

Release 1.94

02nd May, 2024

  •  A8Flow – History – incorrect time is showing in Read – only forms have been resolved.
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  Scanner: Forms – Unable to download image from scanner on setting private bucket to true have been resolved.
  •  Fixed importing csv file containing numbers in a8data
  •  DMN is overlapping and unable to scroll or add after adding more than 20 inputs have been resolved.
  •  A8Flow-Legacy-Web scanner throws error.
  •  Legacy Forms-Signed URL is getting saved in the backend instead of private URL
  •  Filter deletion audit log added
  •  Determine the need for opencv.js and remove it if not needed
  •  Fixed manage variables showed no data when gave particular definition key in the permission
  •  Alert obtained for protected pdf is not closing when clicked Cancel issue fixed
  •  Service Task Getting Suspended
  •  StaticAsset files under default onboarding app is not displayed for newly signed up users
Go Apis:
  •  Upgraded all go services to Go version 1.21.

Release 1.93

02nd May, 2024

Release 1.92

25th Apr, 2024


  • Change password screen is not displaying while 2FA is enabled for any user
  • Delete process instance support added
  • Fixed Tab visibility and switch issue
  • Fixed variables API-Issue with saving previously entered value on performing deletion/soft deletion.
  • Unable to start the downloading of huge exports in Downloads section
  • Details tab displays the Secondary color on clicking it instead of Primary color fixed
  • Add support for opening tasks from data links in grafana dashboard


  •  Added tabSwitch intellisense
  • Fixed cursor not working on first click in label and placeholder fields
  • A8Studio Form v3: Add support for background image to Canvas
  • Default width for mobile, tab and desktop view
  • Fixed incorrect type definition in a8flow forms-v3 -a8forms.submit()
  • Forms-TabBar-Need an sdk to set individual tab’s visibility
  • Forms-Able to access and edit Form properties without performing checkout
  • Column component – percentage is not working.
  • Conditionally render Vertical and Horizontal distribution properties.
  • auto-height is not working for flex components.
  • updated new version of a8flow-cli
  • Configuration-Error message or toast is needed on clicking create without entering value in fields


  • Added search and folder api to whitelist and Added a condition to check if the value exists before using it in the loop.

A8Studio Forms

  • Fixed the issue with the complete button enables and disables when uploading or deleting images in the uploader.
  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions of V2 forms
  • auto-height is not working for flex components
  • Markdown widget – Need to add Deselect option for the font styles.
  • QR code component – Dimension property is not working


  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions
  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • Fixed engine auto restart issue causing sessions to be stuck in services


  • Added response and execution time in logs for each service / function execution


  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • supported new authentication API in a8flow-cli login


  • While clicking on History icon the whole screen is blank


  • Solo-isPublic key is displayed as false for a public function in flow

Release 1.91

18th Apr, 2024


  • Change password screen is not displaying while 2FA is enabled for any user
  • Delete process instance support added
  • Fixed Tab visibility and switch issue
  • Fixed variables API-Issue with saving previously entered value on performing deletion/soft deletion.
  • Unable to start the downloading of huge exports in Downloads section
  • Details tab displays the Secondary color on clicking it instead of Primary color fixed
  • Add support for opening tasks from data links in grafana dashboard


  •  Added tabSwitch intellisense
  • Fixed cursor not working on first click in label and placeholder fields
  • A8Studio Form v3: Add support for background image to Canvas
  • Default width for mobile, tab and desktop view
  • Fixed incorrect type definition in a8flow forms-v3 -a8forms.submit()
  • Forms-TabBar-Need an sdk to set individual tab’s visibility
  • Forms-Able to access and edit Form properties without performing checkout
  • Column component – percentage is not working.
  • Conditionally render Vertical and Horizontal distribution properties.
  • auto-height is not working for flex components.
  • updated new version of a8flow-cli
  • Configuration-Error message or toast is needed on clicking create without entering value in fields


  • Added search and folder api to whitelist and Added a condition to check if the value exists before using it in the loop.

A8Studio Forms

  • Fixed the issue with the complete button enables and disables when uploading or deleting images in the uploader.
  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions of V2 forms
  • auto-height is not working for flex components
  • Markdown widget – Need to add Deselect option for the font styles.
  • QR code component – Dimension property is not working


  • Fixed sdk function’s permission issue in client side functions
  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • Fixed engine auto restart issue causing sessions to be stuck in services


  • Added response and execution time in logs for each service / function execution


  • auto-height is not working for flex components


  • supported new authentication API in a8flow-cli login


  • While clicking on History icon the whole screen is blank


  • Solo-isPublic key is displayed as false for a public function in flow

Release 1.90

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
A8Flow  web:
  • While login – Password will not be sent in plain text.
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.89

10th Apr, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.88

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
A8Flow  web:
  • While login – Password will not be sent in plain text.
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.87

04th Apr, 2024

  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow -History :Issue with the Variables dropdown
  • A8Flow: Webhook While Triggering message event task getting suspended
  • solo – The select component does not have a font size property.
  • Form v2 Designer Enhancement
  • Unable to view the modal in a lengthy form/selfie modal issue
  • V3-Components highlight issue
  • Default-Solo v2-Class Name Tags field is missing for the widgets listed below
  • Assisted v2/v3-Selfie with camera off-send link/show qr-sendLink API throws 400
  • Badge is displayed in selfie’s preview modal
  • Multiple highlight is displaying while entering value in font settings-line height.
  • Layout: Select a value from Font Family dropdown for a particular view port and switch viewports, it reflects in other viewports as well.

Release 1.86

22nd Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.33
  • Offline support
  • Support for form autoSave
  • Getting address removed – When create a new instance through mobile app, initially we getting address to embed a value in startProcessGeolocation variable, Now it will empty.
  • Process variables Save & Get APIs URL changed, task/taskId instead of process-instance/processInstanceId

Release 1.85

21st Mar, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.84

21st Mar, 2024

A8Studio Web :
  •  Added search bar in component tree view.
  •  Search box in variable group screen takes unusually long time to focus and type has been resolved.
  •  Fixed Tab visibility is not working properly while developing.
  •  Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • When user creates new form, perform check out for the user automatically.
  • Masked Api key in environment details screen.
  • Added ‘Cache for Offline’ field in the function creation and update
  • Added switchTab api for the TabBar
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Fixed removal of all session variables on save in assisted journey node
A8Flow  web:
  • Cursor Behaviour in DMN Decision Name Field has been resolved.
  • Remove reverseGeocode api call when new process instance is started and on form completion
  • Cleared selected tasks when switch to the another filter
  • Implement API Key revocation support
  • A8Flow – I18N : Support for adding other languages
  • Save variable api supported by processInstance and taskId to save changes
  • UserHierarchy reportee list not viewed old users.
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background color added to canvas is not applied completely
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Background image applied to canvas via static asset css file is not visible in flow
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Added switchTab concept in the TabBar and Fixed visible, disable and switch issues in the TabBar.
  • Logging is not working in forms V2 issue fixed
  • Add default padding to Row, Column, Grid as per Figma Designs
  • Web/V3 – Avoid selection of both fixed and absolute position for elements
  • Need complete and save button in assisted v2 form header
  • Solo V3 Forms: Issues with Row.
  • Form-Issue with the selfie preview image’s height on capturing image via a8flow app in android
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user
  • migrated form save api, processInstance to taskId
  • issue resolved able to create deleted administrator user

Release 1.83

13th Mar, 2024

Release 1.82

12th Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.32
  • WEBP image support – If user selected WEBP format image via scanner/uploader from gallery.
  • Image capture time reduced – While capturing Image through camera, it takes some times to complete, Now time reduced.
  • Suspended task are Omitted – While apply filter, Suspended task are shown on filter search, now fixed.
  • SSL certificate SHA key added.

Release 1.81

07th Mar, 2024

  • Add Astro SDK support for Marketplace Functions.
  • Edit, delete icon color differs.
  • Form builder crashes on clicking an asset component.
  • On trying to place a multiple image viewer’s inside the row, Form is flickering/Studio form flickers
  • Fixed Forms- Select component issues
  • v3-Form is crashing while entering values in drop shadow
  • Forms-OTP/Selfie-Page crashes
  • While selecting the field the highlight is showing for the wrongly field.
  •  Created package installer for Windows, Linux and Mac & Studio Web integration
  •  A8studio- Deployment API is not failing while trying to deploy a journey without selecting any form within a sub process
  •  a8gen sdk added for summarise the text or json
  •  Fixed expansion panel width not working issue
  • added intellisense for insertMany in a8data
  • fixed A8 Flow System event log does not populate Task_name in the ‘task_activities’ table
  • The form is not being rendered and is facing an error with minified React.
  • Forms-ClearBindParams() does not work for the given components.
  • Solo-Tabbar-Selfie QR/send link throws 404 error in tabbar for client and user.
  • Row is not placed accordingly on setting its vertical position
  • Form Validation is not working as expected
  • Assisted V3-In History, uploaded files of type excel and doc/docx is displayed as Json.
  • Loader should display when completing v2 forms
  •  A8Flow:Assisted V1-Date Picker-Unable to select dates within the given range for Range Picker
  •  A8Flow – Kinara Staging: sequenceId is not generated on using a8flow sdk generateSequenceId
  •  Support for User Hierarchy System
  •  Ability to unlock user from user management screen
  •  Edit button issue in solo App settings fixed
  •  v1, v2 and v3 q and a widget added
  • Range picker and format issue in datepicker
  •  When the user clicks the migrate button, a loader of some type must appear on the screen.
  • exposed insertMany operation in a8data operation API
  • When the user clicks the migrate button, a loader of some type must appear on the screen.
  • Fixed gupshup message delivery issue
  • A8Solo-Engine:
  • Fixed slowness and frequent restarts issue
  •  Implement Open Telemetry (Cloud Trace) in A8Solo APIs, A8Solo Engine, A8Flow API, A8Astro API
  •  Added winston log trace for the ‘/a8flow/deploy’ api.
  • SSO – On disable auto-discovery send only visible data’s
  • implemented insertMany API for a8data
  •  Image Viewer and PDF Viewer Size to be made as configurable
A8Core v3
  •  Fixed icon gap not working issue
  •    location api not return address for some lat and long issue fixed
  •    exposed insertMany operation in a8data operation API
  •  Fixed expansion panel width not working issue
  • Data Table with horizontal scroll gets cut off from the screen
  • exposed insertMany method for a8data

Release 1.80

04th Mar, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.31
  • Tab layout visibility change – Tab layout removed when v3 forms loaded.
  • Toast and Alert dialog on native – Showing alert messages and toast messages in native android instead of forms.
  • Scanner/Uploader Component multiple click handled – Avoided multiple times opening a scanner page.
  • Forgot password timeout – While verify Forgot password OTP, timeout limit extended.
  • 2FA Before Force change password – When user enabled 2FA and force change password at initial login in user creation, 2FA will perform before Change Password.
  • Native support for v3 component – When using v3 component like Scanner, Uploader, Selfie in android, native camera and gallery will used to upload a documents.
  • SSL certificate SHA key added.

Release 1.79

01st Mar, 2024

  • a8core-components=main-696
  • a8core-components-v2=main-1382
  • a8core-components-v3=main-220
  • a8flow-frontend=main-3954
  • a8-web-scanner=main-47
  • a8forms-renderer=main-1156
  • a8solo-web-sdk=main-1323
  • a8studio-api=main-1345
  • a8studio-web=main-3754
  • a8astro-svc=main-58
  • a8flow-apis=main-1021
  • a8flow-apis-v2=main-1072
  • a8flow-bpm-platform=main-1061
  • a8flow-service-executor=main-303
  • a8solo-apis=main-534
  • a8solo-engine=main-568
  • a8solo-code-executor=main-253
  • a8flow-grafana-proxy=main-165
Production Environment Image Tag Details:
  • a8core-components=main-681
  • a8core-components-v2=main-1382
  • a8core-components-v3=main-165
  • a8flow-frontend=hotfix-a8flow-5542-3898
  • a8-web-scanner=main-47
  • a8forms-renderer=main-1167
  • a8solo-web-sdk=main-1297
  • a8studio-api=main-1345
  • a8studio-web=hotfix-a8flow-5559-3766
  • a8astro-svc=main-50
  • a8flow-apis=main-1004
  • a8flow-apis-v2=main-1047
  • a8flow-bpm-platform=hotfix-a8flow-5286-1060
  • a8flow-service-executor=main-303
  • a8solo-apis=main-534
  • a8solo-engine=hotfix-a8flow-5582-596
  • a8solo-code-executor=main-253
  • a8flow-grafana-proxy=main-146

Release 1.78

22nd Feb, 2024

  • implemented like / ilike operator
  • If a new CSS file is created and submit button is not clicked, all the forms are automatically linked to it.
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • Fixed crashing of modal components
  • Fixed select component issues
  • A8Flow-V3 Forms width percentage is not working
  • Able to delete component in form without checking out
  • A8Studio Form v3: Canvas Grid Layout is missing Gap property
  • Provide disabled icon/grey shade for Read-only components
  • Border properties of input field in OTP component is not working
  • A8Flow:Solo/Assisted v2-Required fields should be displayed with red asterisk in flow as in studio
  • A8Studio – V3 Forms – Modal: Header image is been overlapped by the Text Content even though the proper height is set
  • A8SOLO – The top-left area of the screen is blinking when you select the dropdown box.
  • A8Flow(Android) – Assisted V3 Forms: In scanner & Selfie on clicking capture image, native camera is not opened
  • Assisted V3 Forms: Time taken to load the form is too long on opening
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • Toast modal stays in place on closing the task by clicking outside the form and appearing in the next task
  • Solo-Selfie-QR/send link throws 401 error in grid/row/column for agent ie.user
  • Assisted V3-clearBindParams() does not work as expected
  •  Assisted V3 Forms: Time taken to load the form is too long on opening
  • Badge is displayed while previewing images
  • A8Flow – Solo Widget: On Changing the Device Type, Device resolution doesn’t change
  • Toast modal stays in place on closing the task by clicking outside the form and appearing in the next task
  • V3-History-User is navigated to Active Tasks screen on clicking Back from history-read only forms without header
  • V3 -Provide an option to programmatically enable the document preview to view the documents attached
  • supported like / ilike operators on filtering column values in astro table
  • A8Solo Web: Add loader in task filter search. When showing filtered results, do not show real-time tasks
  • API is failing with 500 while assigning bulk cards to any particular assignee (bulk assingee)
  • Fixed  list of issues and Authorization issues
  • Solo- Application deployed logs are not displaying in history of events
A8flow-bpm -platform:
  • slowness, while changing the password & TFA issue fixed
  • implemented SSO
  • The text color in the dropdown is different compared to the input field
A8Flow-apis V2
  • In History View – Issue in Viewing Completed Task.
  • Bulk api delete of a8 data is not logged in history of event
  • implemented SSO
  • issue resolved navigate to grafana

Release 1.78

22nd Feb, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.30
  • Tab layout visibility change – Tab layout removed when v3 forms loaded.
  • Toast and Alert dialog on native – Showing alert messages and toast messages in native android instead of forms.
  • Scanner/Uploader Component multiple click handled – Avoided multiple times opening a scanner page.
  • Forgot password timeout – While verify Forgot password OTP, timeout limit extended.
  • 2FA Before Force change password – When user enabled 2FA and force change password at initial login in user creation, 2FA will perform before Change Password.
  • Native support for v3 component – When using v3 component like Scanner, Uploader, Selfie in android, native camera and gallery will used to upload a documents.

Release 1.77

14th Feb, 2024

Release 1.76

08th Feb, 2024

Release 1.75

02nd Feb, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.29
  • Image Delete event implemented – The web and app will be in sync when uploaded images are deleted
  • Issue fixed for multiple clicks while uploading or scanning an image or file
  • Mobile active tasks to show only active tasks, removed suspended tasks from the task view
  • Error message refactoring
  • Fixed timestamp issue while starting a process to send only the English language timestamp format

Release 1.75

02nd Feb, 2024

Release 1.74

25th Jan, 2024


  • Tab Restriction
  •    Solo history – For User, Completed task shows twice in history page issue fixed
  •    PDF Viewer unable to rotate PDF issue fixed
  •    Remove View Messages Icon inside the application.
  •    Remove Notification Bell in Landing Page
  •    “Search Bar should not scroll along with content in Start Process Drawer” is fixed


  • Able to access V2 projects without google credentials
  • Filter is throwing 500 error if we give created after condition in criteria


  •    A8Studio: Imported marketplace APP doesn’t have DMN
  •    Send Email not reflecting in Functions


  •    Non-editable Text Fields to be greyed out


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    Badge’s position on the widgets is improperly aligned
  •    Add support for batching store updates in the form
  •    Badge added for grid, column and row is not visible in solo widget


  •    remove unused dependency
  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history


  •    added sourceIp in audit history

Release 1.73

23rd Jan, 2024

Build in a8flow: 1.5.29
  • Image Delete event implemented – The web and app will be in sync when uploaded images are deleted
  • Issue fixed for multiple clicks while uploading or scanning an image or file
  • Mobile active tasks to show only active tasks, removed suspended tasks from the task view
  • Error message refactoring
  • Fixed timestamp issue while starting a process to send only the English language timestamp format

Release 1.72

18th Jan, 2024

  • Implemented audit log export to excel
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Modal positioning is incorrect and modal stays in place after moving away from task.
  • Forms are not loading because of invalid iframe url.
  • Selfie component – Vishwam SDK – Corrupted selfie issue fixed
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  •  i18n data display in sorted order
  •  While adding new environment, handle slash at the url end
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Imported App is shown only on reloading the page.
  • Login and  signup Validation
  • Solo Builder-Unable to view the components added in studio form builder.
  • New Badge widget
  • Added Idle Event Retry Count in solo app settings
  • Handled Idle Event Retry Count configuration in app settings to limit the idle event processing count
  • Optimized session migration to respond faster when the node mapping has no changes
  • Fixed client status update issue
  • Fixed migration failure issue when there are sessions with empty node details
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added  audit logs for marketplace app import.
  •  Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Added a method to check if the form is being loaded in read-only mode
  • Implemented Get Groups by User ID in the A8-Flow-sdk
  • i18n(Assisted/Solo): By default English should be added to the language list
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Firefox-Login layouts 1 and 2 -Form has width issue
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Added support for lt, lte, gt, gte operators
  • A8Data – Need to implement the Error toast message in front end.
  • Unable to create authorizations for Variable group ACL
  • newly uploaded image is deleted after clearing the old image by using clearBindparams in uploader and scanner issue
  • Opening the task instance directly after start
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Disable stack trace in api response
  • moved program inmemory storage to redis.
  • Process real-time system events such as Task Creations via emqx
  • Sometimes getnext available agent api throwing error
  • Refactor Check Dedupe API

Release 1.71

11th Jan, 2024

  • Implemented audit log export to excel
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Modal positioning is incorrect and modal stays in place after moving away from task.
  • Forms are not loading because of invalid iframe url.
  • Selfie component – Vishwam SDK – Corrupted selfie issue fixed
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget
  •  i18n data display in sorted order
  •  While adding new environment, handle slash at the url end
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Imported App is shown only on reloading the page.
  • Login and  signup Validation
  • Solo Builder-Unable to view the components added in studio form builder.
  • New Badge widget
  • Added Idle Event Retry Count in solo app settings
  • Handled Idle Event Retry Count configuration in app settings to limit the idle event processing count
  • Optimized session migration to respond faster when the node mapping has no changes
  • Fixed client status update issue
  • Fixed migration failure issue when there are sessions with empty node details
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • Added  audit logs for marketplace app import.
  •  Added assisted and solo v3 forms and static asserts support.
  • New Badge widget

Release 1.70

28th Dec, 2023

  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Added a method to check if the form is being loaded in read-only mode
  • Implemented Get Groups by User ID in the A8-Flow-sdk
  • i18n(Assisted/Solo): By default English should be added to the language list
  • Fix User Profile Screen and Change Password Screen
  • A8Studio-Marketplace: When creating a marketplace function, an icon should be provided
  • Firefox-Login layouts 1 and 2 -Form has a width issue
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Added support for lt, lte, gt, gte operators
  • A8Data – Need to implement the Error toast message in front end.
  • Unable to create authorizations for Variable group ACL
  • A newly uploaded image is deleted after clearing the old image by using clearBindparams in uploader and scanner issue
  • Opening the task instance directly after start
  • Issue in filtering data when there are multiple records in response
  • Disable stack trace in api response
  • moved program inmemory storage to redis.
  • Process real-time system events such as Task Creations via emqx
  • Sometimes getnext available agent api throwing error
  • Refactor Check Dedupe API

Release 1.69

21st Dec, 2023

  •  Logging implementation for studio apps
  •  After refreshing the page, then only the sub process task is visible issue fixed
  • The task name on the card is not changed after completing a task as user, until the page is refreshed
  • Solo Builder – Error messages/type are not displayed in Input Component on entering error.message/error.type.
  •  Section is not enabled though all the required fields are filled.
  • Upgraded tomcat latest version of 9.
  •  Add loader when deploying applications
  • A8Studio:Assisted v2-Change the cursor for Form Properties
  •  added source ip in audit history

Release 1.68

14th Dec, 2023

  •  Logging implementation for studio apps
  •  After refreshing the page, then only the sub process task is visible issue fixed
  • The task name on the card is not changed after completing a task as user, until the page is refreshed
  • Solo Builder – Error messages/type are not displayed in Input Component on entering error.message/error.type.
  •  Section is not enabled though all the required fields are filled.
  • Upgraded tomcat latest version of 9.
  •  Add loader when deploying applications
  • A8Studio:Assisted v2-Change the cursor for Form Properties
  •  added source IP in audit history

Release 1.67

30th Nov, 2023

Release 1.66

16th Nov, 2023

  • Change the placeholder to username or email in studio sign in screen
  • Internationalization (i18n) for Assisted & Solo App
  • Issue in previewing the images uploaded in App preview and screenshots
  • Set min value for number field in property panel
  • Unable to differentiate forms as v1 or v2 from the list of forms
  • Able to select more than 5 files in App preview& Screenshots field
  • getNextAvailableAgent- added filterOnlineUsers field
  • Assisted-Task API is calling multiple times in history completed task screen issue fixed
  • History-Able to access clearBindParams from console in read only forms (running/completed tabs) issue fixed
  • Mining- In Top APIs screen,activitiesByApi GET API throws 500 bug fixed
  • Unable to deploy with dmn issue fixed
  • Store User’s online status in the database via MQTT Connection Status
  • Support for internationalization (i18n) in assist forms
  • A8Studio Form v1: New Markdown Viewer Widget
  • A8Studio Form v2: New Markdown Viewer Widget
  • Support for internationalization (i18n) in solo forms
  •  Support for internationalization (i18n) in solo forms
  • Throttling Idle Event Processing Frequency

Release 1.65

02nd Nov, 2023

Release 1.64

24th Oct, 2023

  •  validate execute_in_history permission in form and service component acl
  •  added execute_in_history permission in form and service component acl
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  solo – able to save signature Pad without signing issue fixed
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2
Core v2:
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
  •  Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug
Forms v2:
  • Form components default layout and assisted forms v2 bug

Release 1.63

06th Oct, 2023

Release 1.62

25th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Integrated react-flow package in solo journey builder
A8Studio-web , core-v2:
  • Tab bar component add tabs in properties UI is not matching with figma design.
  • Issue resolved resetting password of locked account.
  • Code refactor in file upload on variable update.
  • Portal access (ip based access control)
  • Changed running and completed instance permission in history.
  • Added permission in astro sdk apis.
  • Added permission astro sdk api.
  • Added permission check in solo sdk.
  • Added permission and update solo sdk version in server side function.
  • Added permission in server side function
  • Updated astro sdk version
Core v2:
  • Solo Forms-Length field in OTP allows values less than 6 ie-0 to 5 and greater than 6
  • A8SOLO: The valid timer isn’t working properly in the OTP component.
A8 Flow-web:
  • A8Flow-web: Astro UI
  • UI-Pagination API is not being called with variable filter in assisted history
  • A8Flow Web: When selecting a new variable in task filter bar, tasks are fetched even before typing the value
  • A8Flow-Web: remove metainfo api and filter call on empty value
  • A8Flow Web: Add the search filter and version selection feature to DMN page
  • Fixed Uploaded images visibility in Document list of History Completed Tab
  •  A8Flow API: Implement cache of dashboard report

Release 1.61

14th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Implemented TARS in assisted journey
  • Implemented generating BPMN workflows
  • a8flow-4200: fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • a8flow-200: fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed pagination issue in active and history sessions APIs
  • Allowed file upload to existing object key
  •  Provide bind name validation in setBindParams

Release 1.60

14th Sept, 2023

Release 1.59

07th Sept, 2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Implemented TARS in the assisted journey
  • Implemented generating BPMN workflows
  • Fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed mqtt event issue in soloTask
  • Fixed pagination issue in active and history sessions APIs
  • Allowed file upload to the existing object key
  •  Provide bind name validation in setBindParams

Release 1.58

31 Aug,2023

  • clearBindParams for uploader fixed
  • Fixed solo File Variable updation in history
  • Uploader annotation in read-only state fixed
A8 Forms-v2:
  • A8SOLO: In the Validation function, await is not working.
A8 Studio-forms:
  • A8Flow Web: Dynamic tab visibility does not work when the tab’s initial visibility is set to false
A8flow Grafana-proxy:
  • Supported macros keyword in graf proxy

Release 1.57

24 Aug,2023


  • ClearBindParams for uploader fixed
  • Fixed solo File Variable updation in history
  • Uploader annotation in read-only state fixed

A8 Forms-v2:

  • In the Validation function, await is not working.

A8 Studio-forms:

A8Flow Web:

Dynamic tab visibility does not work when the tab’s initial visibility is set to falseA8flow Grafana-proxy:
supported macros keyword in graf proxy

Release 1.56

11 Aug,2023

A8Solo-Engine, A8Solo-APIs, A8Solo-Code-Executor, A8Studio-APIs, A8Solo-Web-Sdk, A8Flow-Web, A8-Core-V2, A8Studio-Web:
  • Supported deletions and soft deletions of session variables
  • Added clearBindParams function in inline and client-side functions
  • Added deleteVariable delete variables in services and server-side functions

Release 1.55

10 Aug,2023

  • Supported case-insensitive search on filtering tasks with process variable values
  • Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in get filter tasks API
  • Fixed userId field is not accepting numbers
  • Implemented SVG Sanitization
  • Implemented image type validations for branding and hosting
A8 Solo-Apis:
  • Support cross-app collections and assisted.
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Support cross-app in solo
  • Support for exporting  bpmn flow and react flow as an image
  • Font Family expansion panel UI bug fixed
  • Font Family not reflecting for specific fonts fix
  • Asterisk symbol for required fields added
  • Able to drag and drop components into the form while the form is in committed state
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • Uploader and Scanner crashes inside the tab bar fix
  • Issue in checkbox
A8 Core-Components:
  • Scanner image preview is not displaying occasionally without switching the tab
A8 Flow-Web:
  • Implemented image type validations for branding and hosting images
  • Fixed Search results in the filter for newly started/assigned cards
  • creating Users UserId field is not accepting numbers
  • Continous API calls for a refresh token
  • Upgrade bootstrap, axios and momentjs
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Issue with updating File variables via client-side function
  • Security issue in Vishwam SDK hard code auth token

Release 1.54

03 Aug,2023

A8 Studio-web:
  • Removed min-max validation for email, text, and password type in the input component
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • Font family, font weight, and font size implementation for toast component
  • The image shouldn’t be allowed to upload in the uploader/scanner if there is no bind
  • The save button misaligned in the signature pad fix
  • Removed min-max validation for email, text, and password type in the input component
A8 Flow-Web:
  • A8Flow: Dashboard crashes on not providing permission
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • A8 custom widgets are editable in the history read-only mode view.
  • set visibility condition is not available for the tab
  • store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
  •  Store variables public URL is been stored instead of private URL
A8flow Grafana-proxy:
  • Add authorization for grafana-proxy  APIs

Release 1.53

27th July,2023

Release 1.52

18th July,2023

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
 Supported S3 and OCI cloud storage on file uploads

A8 Solo-Engine:
Supported S3 and OCI cloud storage on file uploads
Added signed url API for all storage services

A8 Solo-APIs:
Added signed url API for all storage services

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
Improved initial loading and form transition speed
Remove the userAgentData instead of using the media css

A8 Core Components:
A few Aadhar and Pan PDF/Jpeg is not parsing and returning the image. It shows an image not found. Please fix this.

A8 Studio-web:
CoreV2: Color Picker should support alpha value in existing color palette

A8 Flow-web:
Tabs do not use the available space

Release 1.51

13th July,2023

Release 1.50

05th July,2023

Release 1.49

30th June,2023

Solo Web SDK:

  • A8Solo: Unable to end the public flow

A8 Studio Web:

  • setBindParams() should not be exposed in the server-side function

A8 Core–Components-v2:

  • Cannot set the maximum length in the Input component type number.
  • Selfie image URL reads JPEG, but while downloading, it comes as PNG
  • New property of check live ness option in selfie component
  • Scanner-Type(Cheque)In mobile capturing an image after something went wrong screen is coming
  • We want to know once it is finished so that we can set a modal till the pdf loading is complete because it takes longer to load       when we set the pdf viewer URL dynamically
  • Error in Saving signature pad since value info is sent as filename instead of name
  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

A8 Core-component:

  • Issue  with saving the variable using a8forms.save() in onChange()
  • The web scanner option is not available in the Uploader component while sending links to mobile
  • Assisted Uploader deletion to refactor the issue
  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

A8 Solo-web-sdk:

  • Instead of going to the private flow when the public flow is finished, it moves to the thank you screen.


  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config
  • Manage Variables – While giving “Read- history” permission to the User for Process definition, that User gets the response in the backend but not in the front end. Show Read-Only Task Forms in the Timeline History View
  • Show Read-Only Task Forms in the Timeline History View
  • History-variables?deserializeValues API should not be called from forms in the Completed tab

A8 Studio:

  •  Assisted – In “OnLoad” and “Tab switch” handlers, the Functions list is not shown.
  •  On clicking Log out, a blank screen appears before logging out


  • Make the parser api key configuration via a8config

Release 1.48

22th June,2023

  • On opening a Form from solo flow, the back button should not function
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8 Core-Components-v2:
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8Solo Code Executor:
  • Added variable names in error response on trying to update a freezed variable
  • Solo – Old Config API is being called for user/admin in solo
  • Add Authorization READ_HISTORY permissions to Solo Session
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Added redis  in grafana API to check token validation

Release 1.47

16th June,2023

  • On opening a Form from solo flow, the back button should not function
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8 Core-Components-v2:
  • Icon dropdown shape is not matching with Figma for every component
A8Solo Code Executor:
  • Added variable names in error response on trying to update a freezed variable
  • Solo – Old Config API is being called for user/admin in solo
  • Add Authorization READ_HISTORY permissions to Solo Session
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo
  • Support for page hosting in A8Flow & A8Solo

Release 1.46

12th June,2023


A8flow-APIs-V2 and A8 Solo-Engine :
CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=a8flow-asia-south CLOUD_STORAGE_ACL=true PUBLIC_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=public-bucket-production

A8 Solo-Engine:
DEEPLINK_URL=https://{orgname}.autonom8.com/solo PUBLIC_DOMAIN_URL=https://{{orgname}}.autonom8.com

MQTT_USER=studioSvc MQTT_PASSWORD=3qbprh5TWQsJpE MQTT_URL=tcp://emqx:1883

A8 Solo-APIs:

A8flow-service -executor:

A8flow-platform and A8 Solo-APIs:

Release 1.45

12th June,2023


Release 1.44

25th May,2023


Release 1.43

29th Apr,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Added support for assisted journey node
  • Support variable acl setup and teardown in service nodes
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Added assisted journey node
  • Added variable acl for the service node
A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
  • Restricted freeze variable update in services and server-side functions
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added assisted journey node in journey builder
  • Added variable acl property panel for the service node
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Supported start process instance from solo app
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Allowed startNewProcess scope to start a process instance
  • Supported soloCallbackUrl at the end of the journey
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’

Release 1.42

28th Apr,2023

A8 Flow-APIs-v2:
  • BPMNTOSOLO – implemented webhook listener
A8 Solo-engine:
  • BPMNTOSOLO – added variable checks and altered query part in soloStartRequest API
  • Added support for the sticky user on the auto-assignment of sessions
  • Supported metadata of sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added sticky user configuration in solo app settings API
  • Added metadata info of sessions in active, history and details APIs
  • Updated metadata of sessions on assign, unassign, reassign and release
  • Added sticky user toggle button in solo app settings page
A8 Solo-Code-Executor:
  • Supported assignToUser – solo sdk function in server-side functions, services and handlers
  • Change the icon size -width-height to 20*20 in all screens
  • Uploader – Unable to delete the uploaded image if not linked to the variable
  • Solo Apps Screen UI- update button should be disabled and enabled only on making changes to the screen
  • Solo and Assisted ManageVariables page – Display boolean values
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added intellisense for assignToUser – solo sdk function in solo functions and solo services
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Supported assignToUser – solo sdk function in client-side functions
A8 Flow-APIs:
  • BPMNTOSOLO  – updated bpmnMetadata API to collect metadata for soloTask
A8 Flow-service-executor:
  • BPMNTOSOLO  – implemented BPMNTOSOLO  feature
  • env addition -> SOLO_API_KEY
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Fixed issue – create Release throws 500 on creating a new flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Fixed issue in importing the app downloaded from a nested branch
  • Implemented EMQX events for TARS
  • The properties and layout panel drop-down box border-radius and styles do not match the UI design.
  • Need nested Asset feature in assisted.
  • Undo and redo buttons should be placed on the right side of the header rather than in the centre.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’

Release 1.41

21th Apr,2023


Release 1.40

20th Apr,2023

 A8 Studio-web:
  • Fixed issue in importing the app downloaded from a nested branch
  • Implemented EMQX events for TARS
  • The properties and layout panel drop-down box border-radius and styles do not match the UI design.
  • Need nested Asset feature in assisted
  A8 Core-Components:
  • Uploader-Change the toggle’s label from ‘Instance Uploader’ to ‘Instant Uploader.’
  A8 Flow-web:
  • Change the icon size -width-height to 20*20 on all screens
  • Uploader – Unable to delete the uploaded image if not linked to the variable
  • Solo Apps Screen UI- The update button should be disabled and enabled only on making changes to the screen
  • Solo and Assisted ManageVariables page – Display boolean values.

Release 1.39

13th Apr,2023

Release 1.38

06th Apr,2023

Release 1.37

30 Mar,2023

A8 Flow-web:

  • Solo Tasks -Tabular view – Tasks are in the selected state even after assigning/releasing

A8 Studio-web:

  • Solo -Able to create forms and services from a solo journey without performing checkout
  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table.
  • Forms V2- UI issue with the Horizontal and Vertical dropdown in the Layout panel.
  • Forms V2- Label component – Icon size property is not as in Figma

A8 Core-Components:

  • Need a way to make the entire section read-only
  • Assisted-Issue with the date picker
  • Uploader marked as required displays ‘field is empty message while uploading the image

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table
  • A8Solo-Lottie player animation is not lopping

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Get geoLocation from native devices such as Android & iOS

A8 Studio-Web:

  • The preview screen in Assisted form throws a 404
  • The issue with getting the functions, collections, and App-Config of the App imported via Marketplace
  • Marketplace: Assets were not imported along with the app
  • A8Studio: Features improvement in the table

A8 Flow-API’s:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8 Flow-service-executor:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8  Flow-APIs-v2:

  • API for creating and managing astro connections

A8 Solo-API’s:

  • Support multiple connections in astro connection api

A8 Solo-code-executor:

  • Support multiple connections in astro sdk

A8 Astro-svc:

  • Implemented multiple connections in astro

Release 1.36

23 Mar,2023

Release 1.35

16 Mar,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Implemented auto assignment of sessions after idle time.

A8 Solo-Apis:

  • Added Settings API for app wise confirguration

A8 Flow-Apis-V2:

  • Fetched card variables for apps from new settings API
  • A8mining – User Performance Report by Task
  • Authenticated mqtt connection for flow web users with login token

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • Added new table a8_settings for store configurations


  • Added pub-sub acl rules for engine events
  • Added username in pub-sub acl rules for flow web users

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Showing the user performance widget based on activity ID
  • If I try to complete the tasks using Deeplink, cant able complete the issue of the task fixed
  • For real-time event stream, replace socket.io with emqx based solution for Web , Android, iOS
  • Boolean value not reflecting in table view fixed
  • Implemented Auto Session Assignment to an Agent or Group when the session is idle for a period
  • Handle the assign, reassign and auto-assign events in a solo session
  • A8Solo Active Tasks: Add an “All” option on the app filtering section

A8 Studio-web:

  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed

A8 Studio-Forms-v2:

  • Solo builder – In the signature pad, setStyle() does not work in the Assets issue fixed

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • The dropdown list is hidden on placing the Select dropdown in the Fixed position issue fixed

A8 Core-Componernts-V2:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed
  • Solo – Issue with PDFViewer component

A8 Flow-Platform:

  • Implemented emqx

A8 Studio-APIs:

  • Handle displayName for solo

TARS – AI-powered pair programmer

Release 1.34

13 Mar,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Implemented auto assignment of sessions after idle time.

A8 Solo-Apis:

  • Added Settings API for app wise confirguration

A8 Flow-Apis-V2:

  • Fetched card variables for apps from new settings API
  • A8mining – User Performance Report by Task
  • Authenticated mqtt connection for flow web users with a login token

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • Added new table a8_settings for store configurations


  • Added pub-sub acl rules for engine events
  • Added username in pub-sub acl rules for flow web users

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Showing the user performance widget based on activity ID
  • If I try to complete the tasks using Deeplink, I can’t able to complete the issue of the task fixed
  • For real-time event stream, replace socket.io with emqx based solution for Web, Android, iOS
  • Boolean value not reflecting in table view fixed
  • Implemented Auto Session Assignment to an Agent or Group when the session is idle for a period
  • Handle the assign, reassign, and auto-assign events in a solo session.

A8Solo Active Tasks:

  • Add an “All” option on the app filtering section

A8 Studio-web:

  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed

A8 Studio-Forms-v2:

  • Solo builder – In the signature pad, setStyle() does not work in the Assets issue fixed

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • The dropdown list is hidden on placing the Select dropdown in the Fixed position issue fixed

A8 Core-Componernts-V2:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Able to create Function with Language field empty in both Solo and Assisted issue fixed
  • Solo – Issue with PDFViewer component

A8 Flow-Platform:

  • Implemented emqx

A8 Studio-APIs:

  • Handle displayName for solo

Release 1.33

03 Mar,2023

A8 Flow-Web:
  • The mining screen’s logout functionality is broken issue fixed
  • The image rotate feature in the document preview assisted
  • Solo Tasks – Active session card is displayed only on reloading the page and not on switching tabs/menus
  • Support for the dominant path with multiple parallel gateways
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Assisted Form Field Validation – Allow Min and Max to be the same.
  • In solo builder, console.time() does not work in forms
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Journey
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Services
  • Solo Builder – On clicking a form, unable to view it in the Solo builder screen
  • Solo Builder- Issue in the order of components after marking them as Fixed
  • Add support for manually specifying the list of assets as a form dependency to avoid unnecessary asset loading
  • The initial form load is very slow to issue fixed
  • Form Designer v1 is very slow while the editing issue fixed
  • Custom Modal widget
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Configuration: Error while entering the longest value
  • In Commit and Checkout API, on passing the Version value empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing APP Id value empty response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Solo Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Forms(Solo)
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing APP Id and Version Id values empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Functions)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Functions)
  • In Commit API on keeping the Branch Id value empty, the response is positive(Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Journey
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Functions
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Services(Solo Services)
  • Handle displayName
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In the Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame.
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame
A8 Core-Components:
  • Need image in the GCP URL in the Uploader component
  • A8mining – Dominant Path API support for complex flows
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Added display name in process definition API

Release 1.32

23 Feb,2023

A8 Flow-Web:
  • The mining screen’s logout functionality is broken issue fixed
  • The image rotate feature in the document preview assisted
  • Solo Tasks – Active session card is displayed only on reloading the page and not on switching tabs/menus
  • Support for a dominant path with multiple parallel gateways
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Assisted Form Field Validation – Allow Min and Max to be the same.
  • In solo builder, console.time() does not work in forms
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Journey
  • A8Solo Collaborative Editing: Web Support for Checkout / Commit Services
  • Solo Builder – On clicking a form, unable to view it in the Solo builder screen
  • Solo Builder- Issue in the order of components after marking them as Fixed
  • Add support for manually specifying the list of assets as a form dependency to avoid unnecessary asset loading
  • The initial form load is very slow to issue fixed
  • Form Designer v1 is very slow while the editing issue fixed
  • Custom Modal widget
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Configuration: Error while entering the longest value
  • In Commit and Checkout API’s on passing the Version value empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • In Commit and Checkout APIs, on passing the APP Id value empty response in the body is incorrect(Solo Forms)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Solo Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Forms(Solo)
  • In Commit and Checkout APIs on passing APP Id and Version Id values empty, the response in the body is incorrect(Functions)
  • Commit API is accepting the additional properties in the payload(Functions)
  • In Commit API on keeping the Branch Id value empty, the response is positive(Forms)
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Journey
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Solo Functions
  • API Support for Checkout / Commit Services(Solo Services)
  • Handle displayName
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8 Studio: Solo Forms V2 – Date picker – Issue with type- Date&Time
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In the Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame.
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Able to take a selfie with a passport-size photo.
  • In Server side function, null and NaN are displayed only on reloading the frame
A8 Core-Components:
  • Need image in the GCP URL in the Uploader component
  • A8mining – Dominant Path API support for complex flows
A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:
  • Added displayName in process definition API

Release 1.31

16 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported current node change of a non-live active session
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added set current node API for non-live active sessions
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
A8 Flow-Web:
  • Active session API with assignee is being called even when the assignee is removed upon switching tabs
  • Login as User – on clicking a card in “My group task,” the task is not opening.
  • Apply variable filtering in solo session
  • Implement Set Current Node for active sessions
  • Assisted task screen- Issue on Searching a value after obtaining a single card on search result.
  • Tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • A8 Mining
    Integrate new process definition API
    Variable filtering in solo tasks

A8 Core-components:

  • The chained Select widget disappears on selecting the value from the list
  • Datepicker – Issue in rendering dates on giving from “NO OF YEARS BEFORE TODAY” to any specified date
  • Issues in the Number widget.
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Added option to Highlight widget selection in the form builder
  • New panel for the drop shadow
  • Drop shadow and the color picker should disappear on change
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • The issue with Font Weight – on selecting 300
  • SOLO-Data reflecting on other components
  • Added TabSwitch and reload IntelliSense
  • Add ga intellisence to support Google Analytics Tracking
  • Implemented Astro SDK
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
A8 Web-Scanner:
  • Optimization issue with the link sent from Scanner component web browser
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • Tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Fix form validation message events not being sent to Android
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Studio-Forms-V2:
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • Input field of Type email crashes
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Unable to select the time along with the date
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Issue with the Time feature
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Parse pre-configured query string params from the page URL and pass them to the widget as session variables
  • Handle the currentNodeChanged event in the solo widget
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
  • A8mining – Implemented new process definition api
A8 Flow-APIs,A8 Flow-Service-Executor,A8 Solo-Code-Executor,A8 Form-Render and A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • Implemented Astro SDK

Release 1.30

13 Feb,2023

A8 Flow-APIs-V2
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
  • A8mining – Implemented new process definition API
A8 Flow-APIs
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Flow-Service-Executor
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Solo-APIs
  • Implemented Astro API for SDK functions
A8 Solo-Code-Executor
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Form render
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 solo web SDK
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 studio web
  • Implemented Astro SDK
A8 Flow-Web:
  • A8 Mining
  • Integrate new process definition API
  • Variable filtering in solo tasks
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms
  • Solo builder- Default values are missing in the Layout panel in existing forms

Release 1.29

09 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Supported current node change of a non-live active session.

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Added set current node API for non-live active sessions

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Active session API with assignee is being called even when the assignee is removed upon switching tabs
  • Login as User – on clicking a card in “My group task”, the task is not opening.
  • Apply variable filtering in solo session
  • Implement Set Current Node for active sessions
  • Assisted task screen- Issue on Searching a value after obtaining a single card on search result.
  • tab switch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Core-components
  • The chained Select widget disappears on selecting the value from the list
  • Datepicker – Issue in rendering dates on giving from “NO OF YEARS BEFORE TODAY” to any specified date
  • Issues in the Number widget.

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Added option to Highlight widget selection in the form builder
  • New panel for the drop shadow
  • Drop shadow and the color picker should disappear on change
  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • The issue with Font Weight – on selecting 300
  • SOLO-Data reflecting on other components
  • Added TabSwitch and reloaded intellisense
  • Add ga intellisence to support Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Web-Scanner:

  • Optimization issue with the link sent from Scanner component web browser

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • tabswitch and reload intellisense handle to Android
  • Fix form validation message events not being sent to Android
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Add vertical layout support to Timeline Widget
  • input field of Type email crashes
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Unable to select the time along with the date
  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Issue with the Time feature

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • Parse pre-configured query string params from the page URL and pass them to the widget as session variables
  • Handle the currentNodeChanged event in the solo widget
  • Add support for Google Analytics Tracking



Release 1.28

06 Feb,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported session migration when the journey is in the timer node
  • Added migration date information for sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added migration date in session details
  • Fixed node name mismatching issue upon session migration
  • Supported multiple variable filtering in active and history sessions
A8 studio-web:
  • Solo Builder – Issue in viewing the last component on marking another component in a fixed position.
  • The issue with the alert message displayed in Marketplace Widgets short description field.
A8 Studio-API’s:
  • Selected Auth flow is not shown in the Edit Journey modal.
  • On the Sign-Up page, on adding special characters to the User Name field error message shown is not specific.
A8 Flow-API’s:
  • Changes are not updated in the flow of updating collections in Public status.
A8 Solo-web-SDK:
  • The latest form is not rendering while loading many forms consecutively in the private flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Solo – Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  • The ‘Auth Flow’ field in Edit Journey window does not display the selected public flow.
  • Display name and name(identifier) validations in assisted and solo.
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • The solo-Bind field is allowing space in properties
  • Solo – Issue with select widget – Value is displaying in the place of Label, and also, the drop-down list is displayed above the field.
  • QR Code: The console displays the QR Code details
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
  • The image viewer is not displaying the default value after erasing the height and rotation in properties.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
A8 Forms-V2:
  • Encountering a slowness issue when inputting values in the text box.

Release 1.27

27 Jan,2023

A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Supported session migration when the journey is in the timer node
  • Added migration date information for sessions
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added migration date in session details
  • Fixed node name mismatching issue upon session migration
  • Supported multiple variable filtering in active and history sessions
A8 studio-web:
  • Solo Builder – Issue in viewing the last component on marking another component in a fixed position.
  • The issue with the alert message displayed in Marketplace Widgets short description field.
A8 Studio-APIs:
  • Selected Auth flow is not shown in the Edit Journey modal.
  • On the Sign-Up page, on adding special characters to the User Name field error message shown is not specific.
A8 Flow-APIs:
  • Changes are not updated in the flow, on updating collections is Public status.
A8 Solo-web-SDK:
  • The latest form is not rendering while loading many forms consecutively in the private flow
A8 Studio-web:
  • Solo – Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  • The ‘Auth Flow’ field in Edit Journey window does not display the selected public flow.
  • Display name and name(identifier) validations in assisted and solo.
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • The solo-Bind field is allowing space in properties
  • Solo – Issue with select widget – Value is displaying in the place of Label, and also, the drop-down list is displayed above the field.
  • QR Code: The console displays the QR Code details
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
  • The image viewer is not displaying the default value after erasing the height and rotation in properties.
A8 Core-Components:
  • Cheque OCR capture is not working properly.
A8 Forms-V2:
  • Encountering a slowness issue when inputting values in the text box.

Release 1.26

23 Jan,2023

Release 1.25

12 Jan,2023

Release 1.24

12 Jan,2023

Release 1.23

09 Jan, 2023

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Screen for solo flow migration
  • The active sessions screen displays the live as well as prod sessions on filtering by assignee and app
  • Fixed reset password error message when using previously set password
  • Implemented force sign-in option for initial login of users

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Redesign of the app menu navigation
  • The checkbox in properties is selected by default in an onChange bug fix
  • On selecting the previous version and clicking the back icon from Service Studio crashes
  • Panning and Zooming gestures are reversed
  • New Rating Widget
  • Fixed a bug where releasing a new version changed all entities author-name

A8 Core-Components:
A8studio masking service to v2(assisted)

A8 Core-Components-v2:

  • A8Studio masking service to v2(solo)
  • New HTML Widget – A container for custom HTML and CSS code
  • New Ratings Widget
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Handle the migration events in the widget
  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Session migration feature

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • APIs to support session migration

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  • Supported mode filtering in getting solo apps API
  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login


  • Fixed solo service parameters cloning issue on creating a new version

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login (need to update database)
  • Handle required env’s before application run

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Implemented Global Validation
  • The added event handler for OTP submit

Release 1.22

29 Dec, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Screen for solo flow migration
  • The active sessions screen displays the live as well as prod sessions on filtering by assignee and app
  • Fixed reset password error message when using previously set password
  • Implemented force sign-in option for initial login of users

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Redesign of the app menu navigation
  • The checkbox in properties is selected by default in an onChange bug fix
  • On selecting the previous version and clicking the back icon from Service Studio crashes
  • Panning and Zooming gestures are reversed
  • New Rating Widget
  • Fixed a bug where releasing a new version changed all entities’ author-name

A8 Core-Components:

  • A8studio masking service to v2(assisted)

A8 Core-Components-v2:

  • A8Studio masking service to v2(solo)
  • New HTML Widget – A container for custom HTML and CSS code
  • New Rating Widget
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Handle the migration events in the widget
  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • The text entered in the editor overlaps the components in a fixed position
  • Add onClick event handler to additional widgets

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Session migration feature

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • APIs to support session migration

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  • Supported mode filtering in getting solo apps API
  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first login


  • Fixed solo service parameters cloning issue on creating a new version

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • Newly added users should be forced to change their password when they first log in (need to update database)
  • Handle required env’s before application run

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Implemented Global Validation
  • The added event handler for OTP submit

Release 1.21

23 Dec, 2022

A8 Solo-APIs:
  •  Sendmail API implemented.
A8 Solo-code-executor
  •  In a8solo-SDK provided support for Sendmail.
A8 Flow-APIs
  •  Added SMTP server details param for Sendmail API.
  • Deleted deployed BPMN on a8studio deployment API failed
  • API for a8data batch operation and updated a8data-SDK version
  •  In a8flow-SDK for sendMail method provided SMTP server details param support.
  • updated a8data-SDK version to support batch operation
A8 Flow-BPMN Platform:
  •  proper logs in the bpm platform
  • remove unwanted sqlsessionfactory initializations
A8 Studio-web
  •  Added visual feedback on button click.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Changes are not reset on clicking the Cancel button in Create Release.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the preview page, a label for the description and a divider line between the description and the App icon should be added.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): version field shouldn’t accept special characters and Alphabets.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the App list page, the App card is showing email instead of a website.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(APPs): Unable to preview the images uploaded in App preview & screenshots.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): After importing an app, the Name is changed by modifying the Display name.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): On the Preview page, the email is displayed below the website.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): On the preview page, there must be space between the back icon and the App name.
  •  A8 Studio-Marketplace: Functions- Console data is not displayed when switching between horizontal and vertical consoles
  •  A8Studio Form v2 UI: The component list should be listed in full screen in the properties panel
  •  Assisted-Label is been duplicated on rearranging the Widgets in Form
  •  Solo Builder – On clicking a component in canvas, properties should be displayed by default
  •  On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  •  Service is not linked when created from the service list modal
  •  Update Sendmail IntelliSense to support  SMTP config
  •  Update Data SDK support batch operations
A8Solo Engine:
  •  Changed audit log of variables with file type by replacing base64 value with cloud storage URI path
A8 Core-Components-V2
  •  A8Studio: Implement the Table widget’s pagination.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Font size, Border Radius, and Border Width allow alphabets, spacing, and Special characters.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Issue with Floating Action Button (FAB).
  •  Unable to view the uploaded documents of type doc and Docx in Uploader and Scanner
  •  A8Flow: while clicking the same filter twice in flow, the filter is loading
  •   In the filter option, the ” is equal to” is overlapped.
A8 Solo-web-SDK
  •   Manage bind variables after function execution
  • A8Data-SDK to support batch operation API
A8 Solo web SDK:
  •  Join client API failed issue

Release 1.20

15 Dec, 2022


  •  Send mail API implemented.


  •  In A8Solo-SDK provided support for Sendmail.


  •  Added SMTP server details param for SendMail API.
  • Deleted deployed BPMN on a8studio deployment API failed
  • API for A8Data batch operation and updated A8data-SDK version


  •  In A8Flow-SDK for sendMail method provided SMTP server details param support.
  • Updated A8Data-SDK version to support batch operation

A8Flow-BPMN Platform:

  •  proper logs in the bpm platform
  • remove unwanted sqlsessionfactory initializations


  •  Added visual feedback on button click.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Changes are not reset on clicking the Cancel button in Create Release.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): A label for the description and a divider line between the description and the App icon added on the preview page.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): version field shouldn’t accept special characters and Alphabets.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): In the App list page, the App card is showing email instead of a website.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(APPs): Unable to preview the images uploaded in App preview & screenshots.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): After importing an app, the Name is changed by modifying the Display name.
  •  A8Studio – Marketplace(Apps): The email is displayed below the website on the Preview page.
  •  A8Studio(Marketplace Apps): Space between the back icon and the App name on the preview page.
  •  A8 Studio-Marketplace: Functions- Console data is not displayed when switching between horizontal and vertical consoles
  •  A8Studio Form v2 UI: The component list should be listed in full screen in the properties panel
  •  Assisted-Label is duplicated on rearranging the Widgets in Form.
  •  Solo Builder – On clicking a component in canvas, properties should be displayed by default.
  •  On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  •  Service is not linked when created from the service list modal
  •  Update Sendmail IntelliSense to support SMTP config
  •  Update Data SDK support batch operations.

A8Solo Engine:

  •  Changed audit log of variables with file type by replacing base64 value with cloud storage URI path


  •  A8Studio: Implement the Table widget’s pagination.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Font size, Border Radius, and Border Width allow alphabets, spacing, and Special characters.
  •  A8Studio – SOLO – Issue with Floating Action Button (FAB).
  •  Unable to view the uploaded documents of type doc and Docx in Uploader and Scanner


  •  A8Flow: while clicking the same filter twice in flow, the filter is loading
  •   In the filter option, the ” is equal to” is overlapped.


  •   Manage bind variables after function execution
  • A8Data-SDK to support batch operation API


  •  Join client API failed issue

Release 1.19

08 Dec, 2022


  • Email component to be configurable update config version in a8flow-APIs


  • Code refactor in msg91 pushpin removed


  • In the flow mobile view, responsive issues fixed
  • Deeplink features breaking issues
  • The issue in the task filter order
  • Need a placeholder text near the + button
  • Values are hidden and unable to scroll the form.


  • Audit messages for checkout, commit, save, and force-release form source won’t be returned in the form list api


  • Tabbar widget added
  • Solo Properties set for a particular component are displayed for all the components in the form.
  • Assisted: Hide Element On field is missing for Scanner and Uploader
  • Solo: When the Key/Value Field box is Empty, Add button is not fading out in Data Panel
  • SOLO – Issue with Data panel for Checkbox, Radio Group, and Select Widgets.
  • Grid property not working properly in solo
  • New QR Code Widget that takes input string or bindParam and generates QR

A8Studio Form v2 UI: 

  • The properties panel header color does not match to UI screen.

A8Studio Form v2 UI:

  •  In the properties panel, the assets menu should be at the bottom, and the layers menu option should be at the top.

A8Studio Form v2 UI: 

  • The bottom menu in the properties panel could not be hidden or displayed.
  • The name (Identifier) field accepts space in the beginning and middle, also special characters in the solo.


  • Tabbar component added
  • Visibility condition on TabbarA8 Core-Components:

Uploader with file picker option should send postMessage to mobile devices

  • Scanner process variable to be watermarked label changes

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Solo Tab bar widget added
  • A Solo tab bar widget visibility condition added
  • Solo input type number and email type issues fixed
  • The Solo Icon button dynamically changes the feature


  • Unable to set the values dynamically in the radio button and checkbox while async is enabled
  • The input widget is invisible if a type is an Email
  • In iPhone, the camera is not open for a scanner.

A8 Studio-Forms:

A8Forms: Update config-SDK and remove caret

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • Updated config latest version in service executor

A8 Config-SDK:

  • Change of a “client” datatype in connection options

Release 1.18

01 Dec, 2022

A8 Flow-Apis:

  • email component to be configurable
  • updated config version in a8flow-APIs

A8 Flow-BPMN-Platform:

  • code refactor in msg91
  • pushpin removed

A8 Flow-Web:

  • In the flow mobile view, responsive issues fixed
  • Deeplink features breaking issues
  • The issue in the task filter order
  • Need a placeholder text near the + button
  • Values are hidden and unable to scroll the form.

A8 Studio-Apis:

  • audit message for checkout, commit, save and force-release
  • form source won’t be returned in the form list API

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Tabbar widget added
  • Solo Properties set for a particular component are displayed for all the components in the form.
  • Assisted: Hide Element On field is missing for Scanner and Uploader
  • Solo: When the Key/Value Field box is Empty, Add button is not fading out in Data Panel
  • SOLO – Issue with Data panel for Checkbox, Radio Group, and Select Widgets.
  • Grid property not working properly in solo
  • New QR Code Widget that takes input string or bindParam and generates QR
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: Properties panel header color does not match to UI screen.
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: In the properties panel, the assets menu should be at the bottom, and the layers menu option should be at the top.
  • A8Studio Form v2 UI: The bottom menu in the properties panel could not be hidden or displayed.
  • The name (Identifier) field accepts space at the beginning and middle and special characters in the solo.

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • Tabbar component added
  • Visibility condition on Tabbar

A8 Core-Components:

  • Uploader with file picker option should send postMessage to mobile devices
  • Scanner process variable to be watermarked label changes

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A Solo Tab bar widget added
  • A Solo tab bar widget visibility condition added
  • solo input type number and email type issue fixed
  • solo Icon button dynamically changes the feature
  • Solo: Unable to set the values dynamically in the radio button and checkbox while async is enabled
  • The input widget is invisible if a type is an Email
  • In iPhone, the camera is not open for a scanner.

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • A8Forms: Update config-SDK and remove carpet

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • updated config latest version in service executor

A8 Config-SDK:

  • Change of a “client” datatype in connection options

Release 1.17

24 Nov, 2022

A8 Studio-web:

  • Apply button in the service property panel is disabled after clicking on some other node in the journey
  • A new checkbox widget added
  • The UI design of the Data Panel key value add button is incorrect.

A8 Flow-Web:

  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.
  • Assisted -Manage variables -Able to edit the object and save it as a string
  • Assisted: On clicking edit ->close on JSON, obtaining null in the manage variables screen
  •  Implemented refresh token

A8 Core-Components:

  • The date picker is not parsing DOB from Scanner Component for the License.
  • Signature Pad – An entered signature is not persists while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.
  • Uploader by default working front camera
  • Provided on option disable send link feature on the uploader
  • Reverted browser behavior for iOS devices while using the uploader


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format

A8 Studio-web:

  •  Add mouse hover effect to widget list toolbox.
  • Marketplace: Functions- On performing Commit inside an imported marketplace function, it becomes an a8 function without any confirmation message.
  • Solo builder-Issue on deleting the value entered in properties.
  • Need validation in the auto-complete field and unable to use space while typing.
  • Solo Builder – Widget Height and Width should not be allowed to exceed 100 in percentage.

A8 Solo Web:

  • Add a8Config in solo
  • In Solo Implement Widget grouping

Release 1.16

17 Nov, 2022

A8 Studio-web:

  • Apply button in the service property panel is disabled after clicking on some other node in the journey
  • A new checkbox widget added
  • The UI design of the Data Panel key value add button is incorrect.

A8 Flow-Web

  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.
  • Assisted -Manage variables -Able to edit the object and save it as a string
  • Assisted: On clicking edit ->close on JSON, obtaining null in the manage variables screen
  •  Implemented refresh token

A8 Core-Components

  • The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for the License.
  • Signature Pad – An entered signature is not persists while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.
  • Uploader by default working front camera
  • Provided on option disable send link feature on the uploader
  • Reverted browser behavior for iOS devices while using the uploader


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format

A8 Studio-web:

  •  Add mouse hover effect to widget list toolbox.
  • Marketplace: Functions- On performing Commit inside an imported marketplace function, it becomes an a8 function without any confirmation message.
  • Solo builder-Issue on deleting the value entered in properties.
  • Need validation in the auto-complete field and unable to use space while typing.
  • Solo Builder – Widget Height and Width should not be allowed to exceed 100 in percentage.

A8 Solo Web :

  • Add a8Config in solo
  • In Solo Implement Widget grouping

Release 1.15

14 Nov, 2022

Core Components

  • The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for License.
  • In assisted signature pad, an Entered signature is not persist while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.


  • Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  • SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.


  • Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner


  • Solo Builder – Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format


  •     Added display name in solo journey flows


  • In solo staging, manage variables selfie image is showing as undefined.
  • Initiate join client API while solo MQTT reconnect
  • Selfie component issue in mac and ios


  • Fixed generate sequence id count issue after every new release


  • Added display name field for a solo journey
  • Fixed webhook service request and handler missing issue on every new release


  • Supported live deployment in cross environments
  • Added join client API to ensure seamless MQTT reconnection
  • Fixed restoring session to the customer after the agent releases it


  • Supported live deployment in cross environments


  • Supported case-insensitive search in a8data

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Assisted -Manage variables-File content should not be editable
  •  In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info
  •  Page Loader Added
  •  Support for not persisting bind
  • Assisted: In the Manage variables screen, the’ No data’ image is displayed along with the loading spinner


  •  Scanner images are not getting loaded immediately after upload if the private bucket is true
  •  A8Flow: deleting scanner image – 415 error is thrown
  •  Scanner- Legacy Forms-Issue with saving the form post deleting the image in the scanner

A8 Core-Components:

  •  The date picker cannot set dynamic values.
  •  Inputs fields setBindparams update and parse
  •  Update read only Options in the uploader component for the camera and both
  •  Date picker-Selected date is not displayed in flow web.
  •  The date picker is not parsing the DOB from Scanner Component for License.
  •  In assisted signature pad, an Entered signature is not persist while switching the tab. On reloading the frame, a signature is visible.

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  •  Solo Builder – Alignment issue with the signature pad
  •  The Solo Builder-Height property does not work as intended for Rich Text Editor
  •  Form Scroller is Displayed over the PDF, and Form is Visible under the last page of the PDF
  •  Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  •  Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Solo Builder – The eye icon/Protected feature is not available for Input type ‘Password.’
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo OTP resend event handler and resend Timer
  •  Solo Scanner remove the web camera option for web only
  •  Solo Scanner added onchange handler and Parse complete handler
  •  Solo Dropdown Widget Added
  •  Session Id, Domain Urls missing from core components
  •  Solo Builder – Date Picker: Calendar does not display the dates in the Months Format


  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-SDK
  •  Refresh token for External-login
  •  Implemented solo’s a8config deployments and internal API for solo
  •  Supported case-insensitive search in a8data

A8 Flow-APIs-V2:

  •  TaskInfo API with AppId and Mode

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  •  APIs for ACL variables and groups

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-SDK

A8 Studio-Forms:

  •  Use Go API for fetching task info a8flow SDK Update
  •  Visibility condition not working Properly
  •  Page loader spinner added
  •  The complete button is getting enabled irrespective of the visibility condition given in the container

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Highlights are removed automatically from the Tasks screen
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In staging, the “APPS” is pointed to assist.

A8 Studio-API:

  •  Fixed deploy issue for the BPMN journey with message start event as start node
  •  UserId validation added to sign-up
  •  Fixed issue with waiting forms in service getting removed on creating a version
  •  Added session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Marketplace App APIs
  •  Marketplace App Import UI
  •  Marketplace App upload Image and file API
  •  Marketplace App Versions API
  •  Download a8-app artifact
  •  Import marketplace app API
  •  Implemented public/private configuration to a8config for solo
  •  Solo-Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel
  •  Added display name field for a solo journey
  •  Fixed webhook service request and handler missing issue on every new release
  • messageName formation issue for process with multiple message events is fixed

A8 Studio-Web:

  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Signature Pad Widget
  •  Form v2 UI: The properties and layout panel input box border-radius are not in sync with the UI design.
  •  The properties panel, layout input box, and label line height are all out of sync with the UI design.
  •  The horizontal spacing of the header title and form name does not match the design.
  •  Properties Panel input should not have a box shadow, and the font size, font color of the label, and value are all incorrect.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo Builder: Grid widget’s Layout tab Grid field is duplicated, and when changing the value, the changes are not reflected in the canvas
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info and added sendMessage intelligence.
  •  Page Loader intelligence added.
  •  Images exceed the frame.
  •  Marketplace App Preview page
  •  Functions- Able to use Axios, moment, etc., without providing permissions for the same
  •  Marketplace App List page
  •  Create Marketplace App API allows creating of an App without an object URL
  •  Importing a Marketplace App without a Display Name and Name should not be possible.
  •  The preview page allows to create of a release with the same version Id
  •  When adding a lengthy description, the text is not wrapped.
  •  Marketplace App
  •  Add resume, expiry, and idle events in the solo journey event node.
  •  Add a public flag for configuration in solo.
  •  Added display name in solo journey flows.
  • Solo Builder: Issue with Data panel

A8 Solo-APIs:

  •  Support for not persisting bind
  •  The selfie component now fallbacks to QR/Send link on failed camera access
  •  Email notification to the customer once the session is released from the agent
  •  Implemented solo API to support a8config
  •  Fixed generate sequence id count issue after every new release

A8 Solo-Engine:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Fixed security issue on exposing customer token in “endFlow” event to flow web user (agent) on redirection
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Handled engine processing with an internal token to avoid session control changes and token expiration
  •  Supported live deployment in cross environments
  •  Added join client API to ensure seamless MQTT reconnection
  •  Fixed restoring session to the customer after the agent releases it

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Implemented a8config-SDK
  •  Supported live deployment in cross environments

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Implemented A8Config in Solo
  • Implemented new solo API for config
  • In solo staging, manage variables selfie image is showing as undefined.
  • Initiate join client API while solo MQTT reconnect
  • Selfie component issue in mac and ios

Release 1.14

07 Nov, 2022

A8 Core Components:

  • Assisted – Date picker-Selected date is not displayed in the flow web

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • Session Id, Domain Urls missing from core components

A8 Flow-APIs:

  • Implemented solo’s a8config deployments and internal API for solo

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Implemented solo API to support a8config


  • Handled engine processing with an internal token to avoid session control changes and token expiration

A8 Solo-web-SDK:

  • Implemented A8Config in Solo

A8 Solo-code-executor:

  • Implemented a8config-SDK

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • Implemented new solo API for config

A8 Studio-Apis:

  • Implemented public/private configuration to a8config for solo

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Add a public flag for configuration in solo

Release 1.13

03 Nov, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  •  Assisted -Manage variables-File content should not be editable
  •  In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Use Go API for fetching taskinfo
  •  Page Loader Added
  •  Support for not persisting bind


  •  Scanner images are not getting loaded immediately after upload if private bucket is true
  •  A8Flow: deleting scanner image – 415 error is thrown

A8 Core-Components:

  •  The date picker cannot set the dynamic values
  •  Inputs fields setBindparams update and parse
  •  Update readonly Options in the uploader component for the camera and both

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  •  Solo Builder – Alignment issue with the signature pad
  •  Solo Builder-Height property does not work as intended for Rich Text Editor
  •  Form Scroller is Displaying over the PDF, and Form is Visible under the last page of the PDF
  •  Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  •  Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  Solo Builder – Eye icon/Protected feature is not available for Input type ‘Password.’
  •  SOLO(HDB) – In the selfie screen, two buttons are visible; you need to hide the capture button.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo OTP resend event handler and resend Timer
  •  Solo Scanner remove the web camera option for web only
  •  Solo Scanner added Onchange handler and Parse complete handler
  •  Solo Dropdown Widget Added


  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-sdk
  •  Refresh token for External-login

A8 Flow-APIs-V2 :

  •  TaskInfo API with AppId and Mode

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  •  APIs for acl variables and groups

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  •  Added sendMessage method support in a8flow-sdk

A8 Studio-Forms:

  •  Use Go API for fetching taskinfo a8flow sdk Update
  •  Visibility condition not working Properly
  •  Page loader spinner added
  •  The complete button is getting enabled irrespective of the visibility condition given in the container

A8 Studio-API:

  •  Fixed deploy issue for the bpmn journey with message start event as start node
  •  UserId validation added to sign-up
  •  Fixed issue with waiting forms in service getting removed on creating a version
  •  Added session expiry and idle events in a solo journey
  •  Marketplace App APIs
  •  Marketplace App Import UI
  •  Marketplace App upload Image and file API
  •  Marketplace App Versions API
  •  Download a8-app artifact
  •  Import marketplace app API
  • Solo-Event node- Issue with the link and next node. Value in the next node disappears on clicking cancel.

A8 Studio-Web:

  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Signature Pad Widget
  •  Form v2 UI: The properties and layout panel input box border-radius are not in sync with the UI design.
  •  The properties panel, layout input box, and label line height are all out of sync with the UI design.
  •  The horizontal spacing of the header title and form name does not match the design.
  •  Properties Panel input should not have a box shadow, and the font size, font color of the label, and value are all incorrect.
  •  A8Studio Forms V2: New Table Widget
  •  Solo Builder: Grid widget’s Layout tab Grid field is duplicated, and when changing the value, the changes are not reflected in the canvas
  •  Use Go API for fetching task info and added sendMessage intelligence.
  •  Page Loader intelligence added.
  •  Images are exceeding the frame.
  •  Marketplace App Preview page
  •  Functions- Able to use axios,moment etc without providing permissions for the same
  •  Marketplace App List page
  •  Create Market place App API allows to create of an App without objecturl
  •  Importing a Marketplace App without a Display Name and Name should not be possible.
  •  The preview page is allowing to create a release with the same versionId
  •  When adding a lengthy description, the text is not being wrapped.
  •  Marketplace App
  • Add resume, expiry, idle events in solo journey event node.

A8 Solo-APIs:

  •  Support for not persisting bind
  •  The selfie component now fallbacks to QR/Sendlink on failed camera access
  •  Email notification to the customer once the session is released from the agent

A8 Solo-Engine:

  •  The value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Fixed security issue on exposing customer token in “endFlow” event to flow web user (agent) on redirection
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in a solo journey

A8 Solo-Code-Executor:

  •  Value of any variable type is available in the string column
  •  Supported session expiry and idle events in solo journey

Release 1.12

Released 27 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:

  • “Terms of use” and “Privacy policy” are being shown in the preview login screen on white label: True.
  • Disable the edit option for File content in history – manage variables.
  • The active session card is not visible in the solo active task screen.
  • Accept/Reject alert is not displayed in a tabular view.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form variables from form variables api
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form details from form api by form key
  • A8FLOW -solo: Editing the manage variables without clicking the save button, a null value is showing
  • A8Flow – Solo Task: When Task is assigned to an Agent date is displayed to the card variables
  • In Solo tasks List view, while data is loading, “Loading” should be shown in the center with Spinner.
  • All task cards relating to that App are not displayed when a specific process definition is selected; only the most recent card is displayed.
  • History – Secondary color is not applied to the Apply Filter button.
  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables.
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having atleast one collection.
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating schema
  • Remove the Create Variables screen while starting a process.

A8 Core-Components:

  • Fixed Form field data entry becomes very slow when the form has many elements
  • Fixed uploader camera issue for IOS os
  • Fixed uploader component annotation dropdown show used annotations

A8 Core-Components-V2:

  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Solo: Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Scanner – Mask image functionality is not working properly.
  • A8FLOW: Solo – Manual View option need to be removed in the PDF uploader.
  • A8Flow – Solo – Uploading an un-protected PDF, it asking a password
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • A8FLOW – SOLO – Updating an unprotected file, still asking for a password.
  • A8FLOW -solo – Uploading a pdf in an uploader, a pdf file is opened, unable to close the open file.
  • A8Flow: Solo – We need to remove the view option after putting a password in the protected PDF.
  • The date Picker component is allowing to type Alphabets and Special Characters
  • The padding is not working
  • Icon – In Properties, vertical is not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages


  • Changes to support assisted webhook node

A8 Flow-APIs-V2 :

  • Assisted webhook node -> webhook node complete api implementation

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:

  • Hide a process defn in the create process panel
  • Camunda build without camunda proxy url
  • Create user and authorizations for service task

A8 Studio-Forms:

  • Solo Forms: Added send link and QR feature for selfie component
  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geo-location api on forms-sdk
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component

A8 Studio-Forms-V2:

  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first click of the button, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Provided geo-location api on forms-sdk

A8 Studio-Web:

  • Unable to type ${bindPrefix} in bindfield, which is required during asset creation
  • On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving.
  • The manual View option needs to be removed from the PDF uploader.
  • Implement the web hook task in the assisted journey
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • New Signature Pad Widget
  • The font size and color of the component title and sub-title are inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • The width of the side panel is inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • Highlight the selected widget and Remove delete an icon from the Layers widget tree
  • Added on Blur event in Input Field.
  • Asset implementation.
  • Fixed Able to create an asset without entering the name.
  • Functions- On editing the name or execution type, Confirmation is required for changing the marketplace function into an a8function.
  • Issue in updating the id field for the child elements
  • Add a “clear” button in the console panel of create marketplace function page.
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Newly Created organization is not selected by default.
  • ‘Not authorized’ message is displayed for organizations for which we have access.
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • When a widget is selected on the viewport, the layout tab should show all the default properties.
  • Added mobile, tablet, and web form factors for solo builder
  • Provided support for zooming and panning of solo builder’s canvas
  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms.
  • Fixed Properties panel crashes on editing the Id of the components.
  • Allow https in a code snippet.
  • Added tooltip to mobile, tab, and web view icons
  • On performing zoom-in-out for a particular view, it is displayed in the dropdown for the other views, although it does not reflect on canvas.

A8 Solo-Web-SDK:

  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On first click on the button, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form details from form api by form key
  • A8FLOW Solo Web: Get form variables from form variables api
  • A8Solo: The loading screen must be displayed while waiting for the service response
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages


  • A8Studio Web: Implement the web hook task properties panel added in assisted journey


  • Implement the web hook task in the assisted journey

A8 Flow-Service-Executor:

  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Allow https in the code snippet in the server-side function
  • Assisted webhook node implementation as a service task

A8 Solo-APIs:

  • Added Get form by key and get variables APIs for agents
  • Fixed service task lock duration
  • Sendlink and submit api for solo selfie component

A8 Solo-Engine:

  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Fixed Webhook node completion throwing 404 randomly
  • Fixed session getting stuck in timer node when customers use concurrently
  • Added get form and variables API and sent the formId in mqtt payload

Release 1.11

Released 20 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web:
  • “Terms of use” and “Privacy policy” are being shown in the preview login screen on the white label: True
  • Disable the edit option for File content in history – manage variables.
  • The active session card is not visible in the solo active task screen.
  • Accept/Reject alert is not displayed in a tabular view
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form variables from form variables API
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form details from form API by form key
  • A8FLOW -solo: Editing the manage variables without clicking the save button, null value is showing
  • A8Flow – Solo Task: When Task is assigned to an Agent date is displayed to the card variables
  • In the Solo tasks List view while data is loading, “Loading” should be shown in the center with Spinner
  • All task cards relating to that App are not displayed when a specific process definition is selected; only the most recent card is displayed.
  • History – Secondary colour is not applied to the Apply Filter button
  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having at least one collection
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating schema
  • Remove the Create Variables screen while starting a process
A8 Core-Components:
  • Fixed Form field data entry becomes very slow when the form has many elements
  • Fixed uploader camera issue for IOS os
  • Fixed uploader component annotation dropdown show used annotations
A8 Core-Components-V2:
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Solo: Pages are improperly shown when a pdf file is uploaded using the uploader widget
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Scanner – Mask image functionality is not working properly.
  • A8Flow: Solo – Manual View option must be removed in the PDF uploader.
  • A8Flow – Solo – Uploading an un-protected PDF, it asking a password
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • A8Flow – SOLO – Updating an unprotected file, still asking for a password.
  • A8Flow -solo – Uploading a pdf in an uploader, the pdf file is opened, unable to close the open file.
  • A8Flow: Solo – Need to remove the view option after putting the password in the protected PDF.
  • The date Picker component is allowing to type Alphabets and Special Characters
  • The padding is not working
  • Icon – In Properties, vertical is not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Changes to support assisted webhook node
A8 Flow-APIs-V2:
  • Assisted webhook node -> webhook node complete API implementation
A8 Flow-BPM-Platform:
  • Hide a process defn in the creative process panel
  • Camunda build without camunda proxy URL
  • Create user and authorizations for service task
A8 Studio-Forms:
  • Solo Forms: Added send link and QR feature for selfie component
  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geolocation API on forms-SDK
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component
A8 Studio-Forms-V2:
  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first button click, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • Provided geolocation API on forms-SDK
A8 Studio-Web:
  • Unable to type ${bindPrefix} in bindfield, which is required during asset creation
  • On configuring the waiting form in a service node, it is applied to all service nodes before saving
  • The manual View option needs to be removed from the PDF uploader
  • Implement the webhook task in the assisted journey
  • A8Studio Formv2: Selfie Widget does not have any UI at design time
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder- Provide handler for Parse in Scanner component
  • New Signature Pad Widget
  • The font size and color of the component title and sub-title are inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • The width of the side panel is inconsistent with the UI design bug fixed.
  • Highlight the selected widget and Remove the delete an icon from the Layers widget tree
  • Added on Blur event in Input Field.
  • Asset implementation.
  • Fixed Able to create an asset without entering the name.
  • Functions- On editing the name or execution type, Confirmation is required for changing the marketplace function into an a8function.
  • The issue in updating the id field for the child elements
  • Add a “clear” button in the console panel of create marketplace function page
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • A newly created organisation is not selected by default
  • The ‘Not authorized’ message is displayed for organizations for which we have access
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • When a widget is selected on the viewport, the layout tab should show all the default properties
  • Added mobile, tablet, and web form factors for solo builder
  • Provided support for zooming and panning of solo builder’s canvas
  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms
  • fixed  Properties panel crashes on editing the Id of the components
  • Allow HTTPS in the code snippet
  • Added tooltip to mobile, tab, and web view icons
  • On performing zoom-in-out for a particular view, it is displayed in the dropdown for the other views, although it does not reflect on the canvas
A8 Solo-Web-SDK:
  • A8Func is not working.
  • A8FLOW – Solo – On the first button click, the page is not moving forward.
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form details from form API by form key
  • A8FLOW Solo Web:  Get form variables from form variables API
  • A8Solo: The loading screen must be displayed while waiting for the service response
  • A8Solo(Mac): UI issues in the flow widget
  • A8FLOW -Solo – Continue button not working
  • Unable to vertically center a button inside a canvas
  • Ability set to widget height and width in percentages
  • A8Studio Web: Implement the webhook task properties panel added in the assisted journey
  • Implement the webhook task in the assisted journey
A8 Flow-Service-Executor:
  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Allow HTTPS in the code snippets in server-side function
  • Assisted webhook node implementation as a service task
A8 Solo-APIs:
  • Added Get form by key and get variables APIs for agents
  • Fixed service task lock duration
  • Send a link and submit API for the solo selfie component
A8 Solo-Engine:
  • Increased the timeout of service execution to 10mins
  • Fixed Webhook node completion throwing 404 randomly
  • Fixed session getting stuck in timer node when customers use concurrently
  • Added get form and variables API and sent the formId in mqtt payload

Release 1.10

Released 13 Oct, 2022

A8 Flow-Web

  •  Solo – unable to open the card.
  •  Show solo session app variables in the table view
  •  In dev1 Solo tasks are not visible
  •  The design for solo and assisted tabs in History is incorrect
  •  Load solo sessions based on the app filter
  •  Load the default dashboard and Set the start date 2 years back.
  •  Solo-Sales Flow-On assigning the task to an agent, the “Assigned To” label is not getting updated with the assigned user name
  •  Solo-Sales Flow When a user clicks on a card and comes out of the task, then clicks on another task, the first selected task is displayed instead of the second one
  •  Solo – Variable order in the card view should be maintained in the table view
  •  Solo Task – Search APP filter does not differentiate live and prod deployment
  •  Solo Tasks screen-Click on the task after filtering by app and navigating back to the task screen, the app name in the filter gets changed
  •  Solo – History: Manage Variables – Images uploaded (Objects) are displayed in JSON format.
  •  Split apps (Settings) into two tabs Solo and Assisted.
  •  While searching, tab details get blank in solo history, AppId, and Variable filters are added in solo history.
  •  The issue in Highlighting the Assisted and Solo tabs.
  •  Solo-Task Screen-On filtering by the assignee in the tasks screen, tasks are not displayed in card and tabular view.
  •  Reset Password screen alignment issue fixed
  •  Misspelled as “log in” instead of “login” bug fixed

A8 Core-Components

  •  Added Toggle Button
  •  Added Floating Action Button
  •  The issue with the link target property throws an error on setting it to Self, Parent, and Top.

A8 Core-Components-V2

  • A8Studio: Solo-Upload bank statement -The system should accept only pdf on the bank upload statement page whereas now it is accepting all the extensions.
  •  The “Upload bank statement” screen on uploading a protected pdf file immediately should ask for a protected password.
  •  Solo Builder – Rich Text Editor: The link does not open in a new window on enabling ‘Open link in a new window.


  •  The issue in the same data collections is being shown multiple times on every deployment, both live and create release fixed

A8 Flow-APIs-V2

  •  Filter criteria to support current user expression in a variable
  •  Get all apps based on the app type

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform

  •  Implemented refresh-token in a8flow
  •  The new default user for service task
  •  Changes in the A8Flow project build

A8 Studio-Forms-V2

  •  The uploader component now allows the same file to be uploaded again after accidental deletes.
  •  Fixed the CORS issue on the Image component.

A8 Studio-APIs

  •  Solo Builder Context Menu
  •  The paste option should not be available for child elements
  •  Form builder crashes on ungrouping the grouped elements
  •  On clicking the close icon in the parent element, form builder crashes
  •  Solo Builder Undo Redo
  •  Able to perform Undo and redo without performing checkout
  •  The layers widget section should be collapsible.
  •  When a widget is selected on the view port, the properties tab should be shown automatically on the right
  •  Marketplace functions My Functions tab does not display the functions created by the user
  •  Waiting Form support during service execution

A8 Studio-Web

  •  Add a waiting form for the service node in an A8Solo journey

A8 Solo-Web-SDK

  •  A8Studio: Solo- Internet Option down/Off -When internet/Data is not available, the application should prompt the user to check for the Connection
  •  A8Solo: Solo script variables not updated in form

A8 Flow-Grafana-Proxy

  •  Issue added orgId  for all internal grafana api’s fixed

A8 Flow-Service-Executor

  •  A8Flow, a8config, and a8data sdk versions upgraded to the latest

A8 Solo-APIs

  •  App-based filtering support in active sessions and history
  •  Brand variable-based filtering support in active sessions and history
  •  GetCollectionAPI –> fixed duplication in response data

A8 Solo-Engine

  •  Allowed error handling without any limit to its occurrence
  •  Waiting Form support during service execution
  •  Consecutive calls to code executor fixed

Release 1.9

Released 22 Sep, 2022

A8 Flow-Web

  • Enabled access control for variable groups
  • Save/Submit only sends modified variables
  • Added internationalization for ‘Solo’ and ‘Assisted’ strings
  • Provided automatic logout redirection on session timeout
  • The data page lists apps having at least one collection
  • Fixed insertion of the document into a collection after updating the schema
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL in forms.
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL in manageVariables.
  • Implemented Login layouts
  • User task and service task differentiation in history
  • Brand Image not updated for forgot password page bug fixed
  • Remove unused buttons on the top right corner
  • Implement the resource permission in Solo history (Manage Variables)
  • In user login unable to see the manage variables.
  • The container is not visible if tried to load it as an asset
  • Handle Resume events in solo forms
  • Unable to move previous or next form

A8 Core-Components

  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.
  • On entering ‘0’, the ‘number field is empty’ error is shown

A8 Core-Components-V2

  • Rich Text Editor: The cursor is not displayed on deleting the paragraph
  • The component vanishes when the same Id is given
  • Slider is going out of canvas on giving the high values
  • alignment of close icon in pdf viewer


  • Internationalization new entries added
  • Data apps having at least one collection when withCollections(optional) queryparam is true

A8 Flow-APIs-V2

  • Geolocation API implemented

A8 Flow-BPM-Platform

  • Added variable ACL to history variable update, delete APIs
  • Accepting optional ObjectId in file upload API

A8 Studio-Forms

  • Provided read-only option for section
  • Provided geo-location API on forms-SDK
  • Added send link and annotations support for the uploader component
  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.

A8 Studio-Forms-V2

  • Provided geo-location API on forms-SDK

A8 Studio-APIs

  • Webhook and timer node properties are retained while creating the next version
  • Deployment issue fixed when variable ACL is added

A8 Studio-Web

  • Source parse failed bug fixed on new forms
  • Allowed special characters in configuration value fields
  • The issue with the validation panel bug fixed
  • Provide an option to hide the “Send Link” feature from the Scanner component
  • A8Forms (v1) Type Definitions did not load
  • Added Validation for Text Input Widget in a Modal
  • In the Text component, the property ‘Label’ does not work as intended
  • In the Configuration Value field should allow special characters
  • Added getSessionInfo intelligence in forms and studio (Services & Functions)
  • Forms – Able to enter / and \ in the ‘Bind’ field.

A8 Solo-APIs

  • Resume flag support for flow web users (agents)
  • GetSessionInfo API

A8 Solo-Code-Executor

  • A8solo-SDK support in executeCode API

A8 Solo-Web-SDK

  • Added GetSessionInfo function
  • In IOS mobile Browser – “Buttons are invisible”.
  • Added getSessionInfo intelligence in forms and studio (Services & Functions)
  • Provide API on a8forms SDK to change section title
  • Handle Resume events in solo forms
  • Unable to move previous or next form

A8 Solo-Engine

  • Resume event node support for flow web users (agents)


  • Implemented Private bucket and pre-signed URL.

Release 1.8

Released 13 Sep, 2022

A8Solo – Engine, A8Solo – APIs, A8Solo – Code- Executor, A8Studio – APIs

  • Added event node and timer node in A8Solo journey


  • Fixed Nan issue while saving session variables  in custom services, functionsA8flow-apis-v2: cloud storage information in brand API


  • Increased config value length,
  • A8Flow-service-executor: Static service token supportA8flow-web:
  • A8Flow-2925: The geolocation changes are not being reflected unless the User gets logged in again
  • A8Flow-3166: A8Flow Web: Hide “Powered by Autonom8” if the branding API response has Whitelabel field set to true
  • A8Flow-3145:A8Flow Web: Add Font Family support in the brand theme
  • A8Flow-3305: A8Flow: Save API is not being called inflow web
  • A8Flow-2644: A8 Flow-Filters: Change the color of the ‘Submit’ button in creating filters
  • A8Flow-3255: In Manage variables, variables are being updated and deleted only on refreshing the page
  • A8Flow-3239: On clicking manage variables in History completed tab page crashes

A8Studio – Web

  • A8Flow-2951: Updated Font Size in the theme is not reflected in the run time
  • A8Flow-3248: A8Studio: Implement the event node
  • A8Flow-3253: A8Studio: Solo – Timer Node – Warning message is not displayed for 0 seconds, 0 minutes, and 0 hours
  • A8Flow-3279: A8Solo(Event Node UI): Control issues in Event Node
  • A8Flow-3247: A8STUDIO: Implement the timer node
  • A8Flow-3134: On clicking, Deploy APIs are being hit twice
  • A8Flow-3084: Solo – Data entered in the JSON editor is not being displayed in field
  • A8Flow-3081: JSON editor displays the old values
  • A8Flow-2941: Solo – Forms – Save button should be displayed only on checking out the form
  • A8Flow-2940: Forms – Form is editable in the Committed state
  • A8Flow-2939: Forms -Rephrase the toast message obtained on clicking the Commit button

A8Core Components

  • A8Flow-3235: Theming did not apply the buttons in the Signature pad
  • A8Flow-3098: On the mobile app – the radio button option doesn’t get wrapped against the screen width
  • A8Flow-3269: Number component – crashing while entering characters
  • A8Flow-3097: On the mobile app – the dropdown text doesn’t get wrapped in case of long characters

A8Core V2

  • A8Flow-3090:A8Studio: Solo Builder – Icon Input and Icon Button: The icon is visible though the Icon size field is empty
  • A8Flow-3178: Solo Builder – Selfie: Able to capture the image while in a red area circle.
  • A8Flow-3144: Solo Builder: Selfie Cam SDK integration
  • A8Flow-3265: A8Studio: Solo Builder – Selfie: Camera is allowing to capture multiple faces

Solo – Web – SDK

  • A8Flow-3178: A8Solo Builder – Selfie: Able to capture the image while in a red area circle.
  • A8Flow-3144: A8Solo Builder: Vishwam Selfie Cam SDK integration
  • A8Flow-3265: A8Studio: A8Solo Builder – Selfie: The camera is allowing to capture multiple faces
  • A8Flow-3276: A8Solo: A8Solo is not working in Mac safari
  • A8Flow-3277: A8Solo: A8Solo is not working in ios
  • A8Flow-3241: A8Solo: Configure the solo API base & gcs URL from the solo widget origin
  • A8Flow-3026:Solo Builder – Warnings are shown to the user by default

A8Studio – Forms

  • A8Flow-3240: DELETE API is requesting the POST method in A8Data

A8Studio – Forms – V2

  • A8Flow-3191:Collections API displays Authorization: Bearer null

Release 1.7

Released 25 Aug, 2022

A8Flow – Web

  • Solo web SDK integration in solo task page
  • In flow web, the solo session release icon should not be available on the ‘Thank you’ screen
  • Solo session takeover
  • A8Solo(Solo Tasks): Tasks that are not assigned to the user are being displayed on the users Solo tasks page
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Agent-Issue with filling the form as well as accepting/rejecting the form under
  • Table view in the ‘Solo Tasks’ screen
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Admin-Issue with assigning tasks in Table view in the ‘Solo Tasks’ screen
  • A8Flow: Session Takeover: The session completed by the agent is displayed on the Solo Tasks screen.
  • A8Flow: Web- Session takeover – Node name does not change accordingly on moving to subsequent forms in the flow
  • A8Flow: On clicking Solo Tasks, the page crashes
  • A8 Solo: Flow web: Agent-Remove the form name from the ‘Thank you ‘screen
  • A8Flow: Solo task list view
  • A8Flow: Solo task assigns user screen
  • A8 Flow- Solo Tasks-On reloading the session details screen, the session list screen is obtained
  • A8Flow: On reloading the page in the Solo Tasks List view, it switches back to the detailed view
  • A8Solo: In the detailed view, the Node name is by default displaying as Personal Loan
  • A8Solo: In the Details tab customer details are being passed as Nil
  • A8 Flow: Solo History-Edit/Delete icon needs to be removed for reserved variable-error as it should be non- editable
  • A8Flow – Unable to provide input in the Group Id field on entering invalid data in filters
  • A8Flow: Solo history view
  • A8Flow: Solo task detailed view

A8Flow – BPM Platform

  • Signed URL expiry time max limit set to 60
  • File upload in GCS to support ACL

A8Flow – APIs

  • A8data finds API to support partial value match
  • Returning cloud storage info in brand API
  • Solo support for deploying API
  • Solo support for collection APIs
  • DB schema changes in functions, collections, and deployment


  • Added private bucket configuration in brand API
  • Added module configuration in brand API

A8Studio – APIs

  • Solo support for create and update function API
  • Solo support for create and update collection API
  • Solo support for create new version , environment , deploy and live deploy APIs.
  • DB schema changes for app, appType, env, function and collection tables.

A8Studio – Web

  • A8Studio: Solo- On changing the next node for condition, it does reflect in the flow
  • A8Solo: Webhook node name allows duplication
  • A8Studio:  Assisted: Journey Name is not displayed in Assisted flows
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Slider: Slider’s colour does not change while dragging the pointer
  • A8Studio: Solo Builder -Obtaining invalid ‘Form is not Valid’ message in Console on trying to navigate to next form
  • A8 Studio: Solo Builder – Issue with ‘Height’ property in layout
  • A8Solo Builder – Spacer component is not being Dropped into the canvas
  • A8Flow-2996 -A8Studio: Solo Builder – Grid – On giving Invalid bind in Hide element On field Solo widget stopped functioning
  • A8Flow-3023 -A8Studio: Solo Builder – Help icon displays the Layout properties
  • Changed checkbox naming from Authorized to Public in solo function creation.

Core – V2

  • A8Studio: Solo Builder – Image Slider: Issue with the Dot slide /Alignment issues under Properties panel

A8Solo – Backend

A8solo Code executor:
1. Server-side function implementation
2. A8Data support for solo server-side functions
3. A8Data support for solo services
4. A8Solo-SDK support for both solo services and server-side functions
5. Added support to upload files to Google Cloud Storage via session variables in server-side functions and services

A8Solo – Engine

1. Service node a8data and A8Solo-SDK support
2. Session takeover feature
3. Supported solo tasks and details in flow web


1. Implementation of getCollections,findDocument,getFunctions,executeFunction and generateSequenceID API for both client and user.
2. Session takeover feature
3. Supported solo tasks and details in flow web

Release 1.6

Released 18 Aug, 2022


  • Winston log undefined error resolved
  • A8data-SDK version change
  • A8flow-APIs-v2 :
  • Time tracker added for all DB functions
  • History API query range changed to 3 months
  • Caching the history API using Redis

BPMN – Platform

  • Baseurl for object storage signed URL
  • JWT expires time change
  • DB -auto-reconnect config added
  • JSON parse exception handler with a custom message
  • Explicit user not found error message changes
  • Updated all history variable

A8Flow Web

  • Space required between text in Update Filter & Create Filter button
  • In the login screen on clicking the password and providing the OTP, the verify button label is hidden
  • In Data, the Collection list is not completely visible
  • Hide filter type “constant” in the dashboard
  • Spinner for Application History
  • Replace the resource key with the resource name in the ‘textPayload’ key
  • Tasks Screen-Applied Filter conditions get removed on switching tabs and changes in UI design of task filters
  • Handling no data for timeline view
  • Branding: Maximum of 150 characters should be allowed for the organization name field
  • Changes in displaying the org name in the tooltip
  • Changes in branding logo alignment
    Branch name – profile_edit_btn_clickTwice_bug (49c33f55)
    Branch name – tasks_save_btn_bug (7823cb62)
    Branch name – ‘group_error_bug’ (db1a27ca)
    Branch name – ‘btn_color_bug’ (7f4270e6)
    Branch name – ‘brand_img_upload_bug’ (515fb320)
    Branch name – ‘history_obj_edit_bug’ (d4d9da0c)
  • Fixed user namespace issue on the edit user page
  • Fixed logo alignment I18N string on the branding page
  • Blocked filters with no table columns from creating/updating

A8Studio APIs

  • Fixed BPMN nodes inside nested sub-processes not updating on new version creation
  • Fix for marketplace import issue in a form


  • A8Studio-web 2900 Branch name – ‘widget_bug’ (24697d42)

Release 1.5

Released 01 July, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

A8 Studio

  • Teams screen redesign
  • Users screen redesign
  • OTP expiration time feature added

A8 Flow – APIs

  • Http request logging

A8 Studio – APIs

  • Http request logging

A8 Flow – APIs v2

  • User details & credentials update API

Release 1.4

Released 02 June, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

Release 1.3

Released 02 June, 2022

A8 Flow – Web

  • Users screen redesign
  • Branding screen redesign
  • History of events screen redesign
  • Monaco editor upgrade
  • Embed authorizations UI component in the new settings screen layout
  • History screen redesign
  • Groups screen redesign
  • Apps screen redesign
  • Profile tab added
  • Dashboard for mobile view
  • Web dashboard
  • Left nav drawer for the settings menu
  • API keys tab added
  • Internationalization tab added
  • The document preview screen is adjusted according to the form width

A8 Studio

  • Teams screen redesign
  • Users screen redesign
  • OTP expiration time feature added